Monthly Archives: January 2022

Not The Workout Week I Expected (or I’m Craving My Workouts)

From the time I started at Orangetheory, I was always doing at least 3 workouts a week. But more often than not, I have done 4 workouts a week. This has been my regular schedule and I rarely have things happen in my life that prevent me from achieving this. Even when I was working out at home, I was still getting in my workouts on my own. I have been sick in the past and needed a day off, but that’s pretty much the extent to my absences from my workouts.

Until this past week.

Because of the procedure done on my foot, the only workout I was able to make it to was on Monday. I was planning on going to all my workouts last week and I even asked the podiatrist how many days would I need to rest. I knew while he was cutting into my foot that I would have to take the next day off, but I really thought I’d be able to make it back at some point in the week. But when he told me it would be probably a week or two before I could fully put weight on my foot, I felt defeated.

I said when writing my goals for the year how my workout goal was going to be the easy one for me. But taking a week or two off would possibly prevent me from getting there. But I know if I don’t allow myself to heal, I could cause some issues that would last longer than taking the recovery time. So I had to accept that I would only make it to one workout last week and be ok with that.

But every morning I woke up last week and knew it was supposed to be a workout day, I was sad I was missing out. I wasn’t expecting to need this time off (like I was planning for my liver surgery that was canceled). I hadn’t mentally prepared for it. I wasn’t depressed, but I was in a funk when I was thinking about how I should be at my workouts at that time.

For this week, I’m honestly not sure what will be happening. I took today (Monday) off because I know I can’t really put my weight on my heel. But I have made progress. I am using the cane I got for my hip and not my crutches. And over the weekend, I slowly have been trying to put a little more weight on my heel instead of walking on my toes. And as I change the bandage, I can see that it’s starting to heal and close up. I wasn’t told an exact point where I could start putting weight on my heel or working out again. I was told I would know when my body is ready. And I know today I’m not ready yet. I’m still not in a normal shoe and I still am very hesitant to put my heel down. But I’m hoping that I will make it back at some point this week. I just don’t know if I’ll make it for 1 workout or maybe 2 workouts. I really doubt I will make it for 3 workouts.

I just have to wait and see what happens. I know I’m still upset about missing workouts and I feel like my body needs them. But I also know my foot isn’t ready to do what I need to do in a workout. So I’m going to keep working on recovering, testing how much I can do, and as soon as I can go back I will be back!

Not Doing A Lot For Now (or Managing Without Preparation)

I haven’t had many surgical procedures in the past. But except for the one on my foot, they were things I planned for and had some preparation done. For my hip surgery, I prepared a lot with different things around my place to manage the day to day stuff after surgery. I had a chair in my shower since I couldn’t stand up unsupported. I had organized things in my room so I didn’t have to search for things I would need. I did similar things for when I had my tonsils out. When I had the surgery on my face, I was prepared with what I would need to take care of my skin and to keep the scar to a minimum. And for my liver surgery that didn’t happen, I was very prepared for recovering at home and the challenges that might bring.

But for my foot, I wasn’t expecting to have anything other than a normal doctor exam. And I know this was a minor procedure and I should recover soon, but I was still unprepared for it. I actually was planning on going grocery shopping after my appointment, which I clearly didn’t do. So when I got home after my appointment, I tried to get some things set up in my house so I could relax while I let my foot recover.

One of the good things about living in such a small space is that I don’t have to do a lot of walking around my house. As long as I’m only stepping down on my toes on my left side, I don’t have to use my crutches. So I haven’t been using them in my house. I’m glad I can do this because crutches are pretty uncomfortable and I wasn’t going to order things online to make them more comfortable.

But I have been figuring out things I haven’t been prepared for and have been finding ways around them. I had to order some medical supplies online to be delivered because I didn’t have what I would need when I changed the bandages. I am grateful for next day delivery because I got everything I needed and I’ve been able to change the bandages and make sure I’m healing well (so far, things look like they are the way they should be). Showering is a bit tough because I’m not supposed to get my foot wet. I wrapped my foot in plastic, put a hair tie around the top, and taped the top of the plastic to try to keep as much water out. And because I have to balance on my toes and my foot is in plastic, it’s a bit slippery. So I put a towel on the floor so there would be a bit more grip there. But it was tough and I know it will be tough for the next week or two.

There are a few things I have to do outside my house while I’m recovering, but I’m trying to limit them or combine what I can into one errand. But I will do what I have to and use my crutches. And I just have to remember that this is only for maybe two weeks.

This will be a blip in my life before I know it. And the most important thing for me to do right now is to take it easy, rest, and let my foot recover and heal so I can move past this.

Not What I Expected From This Appointment (or I Have Some New Accessories For Now)

After my last appointment with my dermatologist, I was told he wanted me to see a podiatrist. My dermatologist had some pretty specific questions about my foot and why the treatments weren’t working the way they should be. His main concern was if the skin in my heel was too thick for the freezing treatment to get into my skin enough to work. So when I set up my appointment with the podiatrist, I figured he would look at my foot, tell me if things were normal or not, and send me on my way.

Well, that’s not exactly how the appointment went.

Pretty much right away, he told me that there was nothing wrong with the skin on my feet. He did tell me that wearing flip flops and flexible shoes isn’t the best option for me, but I also know that for my hips it’s easier to wear flexible shoes. So I might always have thicker heels but that doesn’t really bother me. I use good lotion on my feet and I never thought this could be an issue until my dermatologist said something.

I also know another concern my dermatologist had was about why the last treatment was so painful for me. I think that might have been just random because by the time I went to see the podiatrist, the pain was almost gone and it’s what my foot normally felt like.

So within the first minutes of this appointment, the podiatrist told me there was nothing wrong. But he also said that because this had been taking a while he thought doing some treatment while I was there would be best. And he gave me options and explained the potential treatment plan. The first option was for him to do another freezing treatment. He said that I probably still had quite a few treatments to go before it was gone, but I would know what to expect with pain and recovery. Another option was a type of cream that was more intense and extreme, but I would have to do it multiple times and it is much more painful than the freezing. And the final option for a treatment while I was there was for him to surgically remove the wart from my foot. He said that it would be almost a guarantee for a permanent result. There is always a chance it could come back, but it would be very unlikely. But the downside to having it cut out would be a week or two of recovery.

I really thought the appointment would be an exam and nothing else, so the idea of doing an in-office surgical thing shocked me. But at the same time I knew this could be the easiest thing in the long run for me. So after asking a bunch of questions about what the recovery would be like, I decided to just go for it.

This was a bit different from when the thing on my face was removed by my dermatologist. I still got a shot to numb me, but instead of a little punch incision this was more of cutting around an area. The numbing shot wasn’t fun and I hated the feeling of the pressure while he was cutting into my foot, but at least I wasn’t in that much pain. And it was only a few minutes before he was bandaging up my foot.

Because of the location and size of the cut, I have to stay off of my heel for the next week or two. I currently have a boot for my foot and crutches to use. It was weird using the crutches because when I used them the last time, it was for my hip surgery and I learned how to use them for the opposite side. But at least this time I won’t be using them too long. And while I’m in my house I can just walk on my toes on my left foot and not use the crutches. So my plan isn’t to go that many places until I can put weight on my heel again.

This wasn’t how I thought this week would go and it is changing up what I’ll be doing for the next few weeks, but at least this might be all I need to do and I won’t have to do any more freezing treatments when I see my dermatologist. And since I don’t have a lot of plans outside my house, I didn’t have to change too much with my schedule. It is frustrating to not be able to do things I was hoping to do, but I’m trying to be kind to myself and make sure I focus on healing so this is in my past before I know it.

Doing A Digital Cleanup Too (or Cutting Back On Some Entertainment)

As I’ve been cleaning up my house and getting ready to move, I’ve also been reevaluating other things in my life. I feel like a move is a fresh start in so many ways for me. And I don’t move often (my last move was about 12 years ago), so this feels like a big opportunity to really clean up things. But I have hit a bit of a wall with going through my physical things and getting rid of stuff, so I am taking a little break from that. But while I am not cleaning up actual things, I am now working on cleaning up things that take up some mental space and not physical space.

A lot of my entertainment comes from things that are essentially on-demand for me. Almost all the tv I watch is stuff I have recorded on my DVR and I almost exclusively listen to podcasts and not music. Those things are available for me whenever I’m ready to enjoy them, but at the same time they can stack up if I’m not watching or listening to them on a regular basis. So I’ve been working on going through what I am saving, what I watch or listen to, and what I seem to be putting off.

I have an odd attachment to shows and podcasts that I’ve been enjoying for a long time. I feel a bit of loyalty and have a need to finish out a tv show or continue listening to a podcast. But as my time becomes a bit more limited, I keep putting off the things that I don’t want to enjoy but feel like I have to keep watching and listening. I don’t know why I’ve kept this up for so long (and I’m sure I could have an entire therapy appointment about it), but I’ve decided I’ve had enough of doing this and there’s no need to use up my time for things that aren’t what I want to be enjoying.

It probably seems silly that I’m writing a post about deleting series recordings on my DVR or unsubscribing to podcasts, but honestly it has made me so much happier as I’ve been doing it. I do still keep a few shows that I don’t enjoy as much has I used to but still enjoy enough to finish them out. But for shows that I was waiting a few weeks and then just binging through a bunch of episodes to clear space, I have decided I don’t need to force myself to do that for whatever arbitrary reason I have. Nobody is going to judge me for not having all the same entertainment options as I used to.

I’ve worked for a while on making sure I do things that make me happy and bring me joy. But this was something that I was putting off because in a way, any form of entertainment should be something that brings me joy. But just because the idea of watching shows or listening to podcasts makes me happy, I can still be selective in what I choose to enjoy. And if I want to keep working on managing my time better and finding ways to maximize the time I do have, then being selective in my entertainment is an important thing to do.

One Step Closer To Moving (or My First HOA Meeting)

When my parents and I started condo hunting, our original plan was to find a place that didn’t really need any work so that I could just move right in. And while the condo we got technically didn’t need work in order for me to live there, there were things we knew we wanted to fix. One of the bathrooms needed new tile because there was some old grout that was making the tile loose. The kitchen cabinets were not closing properly and were sagging so I couldn’t put heavier things in some of the cabinets. The floors had marks on them and there were 4 different types of floors. None of these things made the condo unlivable, but since it’s easier to do the work before I move in and I wasn’t being kicked out of my current place, we decided to do just that.

And if we had bought a house and not a condo, things probably would have moved along faster. When looking for a contractor, several that we reached out to said they do not do work on condos. And once we hired a contractor, we had to submit a proposal for all the work to the HOA to be approved. We knew this would be the process and it’s one of the things that some people might not like about a condo. But for what we were looking for, a condo was a much better option than a single family home. So we followed the rules and submitted everything that we needed to.

And last week, the HOA had their meeting and approving my remodel was on the agenda. The meeting was held over Zoom, so my parents could attend (since they are co-owners with me, it was more than just as support). And the HOA board was nice and changed the agenda around a bit to move discussing my remodel earlier so we could do that without sitting through the rest of the meeting.

They had all received the proposal we submitted, and for the most part everything was fine. There were a few things they misunderstood, but we were able to clear it up. We have to submit an addendum with some clarifications, but it’s mainly to put in some very specific details. Such as one area where we are removing cabinets we had to add that we were not doing anything structural but just cosmetic. But nothing about the actual remodel has to be changed or wasn’t approved.

We didn’t get the final approval at the meeting, but we got conditional approval since we have to submit our addendum. And once that is submitted and confirmed, then we can finally start on the remodel!

I’m hoping that as soon as we submit our addendum, the contractor we hired can start right away. We know he might have taken on another small project while waiting for this approval, so we might have to wait. But I’m hoping that we do not have to wait too long. And while I wish we had already started, because we had to order quite a few things, this delay allowed us to order everything and for them to arrive. So once the work starts, hopefully there won’t be any more delays while waiting for things such as appliances.

I think that once the work starts, it will finally hit me that I’m moving. Right now, I’m still in a bit of limbo with an unknown date when I will finally be out of my current place. But things are moving forward and I think once the work starts it will feel like it’s moving quickly and move-in day will be here before I know it!

Another Painful Workout Week (or Swapping One Pain For Another)

2 weeks ago, I had a tough workout week for a majority of my week because my heel was in a lot of pain after another freezing treatment. By the time this past week of workouts started, I was in less pain than the week before, but I was still hurting. But at least the pain wasn’t affecting my workouts as much. But then for the second half of my workout week, I had pain due to cramps. So I ended up trading one pain for another and it made a really tough week for me.

Monday’s workout was a 2 group class and it was a signature workout called The Chipper. The idea is that you chip away at the workout as the block goes on. For both cardio and the floor we had 1 long block.

For cardio, we started with a 3-minute push pace followed by a 1-minute base pace. Then we kept the pattern up and the push pace decreased by 30 seconds each time. At the end of the block, we had a 30-second push pace with a 30-second all-out after. I did have to take some breaks to take some pressure off of my heel, but it wasn’t as bad as the week before and the pain I was feeling was much less. I hate that I’m so used to pain that reduced pain is a nice change, but that’s how things go for me.

On the floor, we had 1 exercise and then a row and then another exercise and a row, and the pattern continued. The rowing started at 400-meters and went down by 50-meters each time. For the exercises, the first exercise was 40 reps, the second exercise was 35 reps, and so on. So the reps we did were 10% of the row we had to do. For the exercises we had bench hop overs, toe reaches, bicycle crunches, plank jacks, lunges with bicep curls, Y raises on the straps, and burpees. I got through the Y raises and was going to the rower for the 150-meter row when the block ended.

By Wednesday, my heel was almost normal (I still have some pain and it can be a quick sharp pain if I step in a specific way) but that’s when my cramps started. So it was a different type of pain challenge for me to work through. It was a power day and a 3 group class, so at least things seemed to move quickly for me.

We had 4 blocks for cardio. Each block had a push pace, base pace, and an all-out. The push pace and all-out were always the same length with a shorter push pace. We started with 75-seconds for the push and all-out and 90-seconds for the base and those decreased each block. Fortunately, the shorter intervals made things a little easier for me to deal with.

On the rower, we also had 4 blocks. Each block involved a 150-meter row and squats. The first block was 4 rounds of the row and we had 4 sets of squats between each row (5, 10, 15, and 20 reps). Each block, we had 1 fewer round of rowing and we didn’t have the highest rep count for the squats. And if we finished all the rounds, we had rowing until the block was done. Even though my heel was doing better, my rowing was still not as powerful as it normally is, so I never made it through every round. But I usually got to the last round and then the block ended before I could finish.

And on the floor, we had 1 long block with 2 mini-blocks in it. For each mini-block, we were supposed to do 3 rounds before moving on to the next one. The first mini-block had goblet squats, jump squats (which I did as regular squats), and plank reaches. And the second mini-block had lunges, lateral hops (which I did as skater lunges), and leg raises. I’m glad my heel wasn’t hurting as much for all the squats so I didn’t have to worry too much about those.

Friday was an endurance day, and it was a pretty tough pain day for me. I was glad it was mainly cramps and not nausea because pain tends to be shorter duration for me. But it’s still something I have to push through.

For cardio, we had 1 block and it focused on 2-minute push paces. We had pretty much only 2-minute push paces with base paces in-between. The first base pace was also 2-minutes and it decreased by 30-seconds each time. And at the end, after a 30-second base pace, we had a 1-minute all-out.

The rower was timed with cardio. We had rounds of 2-minute push rows and then when the cardio was doing their base pace we had squat to front presses and overhead tricep extensions with a medicine ball. We were given a warning before we were about to row again, but I was always still working on my medicine ball exercises when we were supposed to sit back on the rower so I didn’t get much of a break for that entire block.

And on the floor, it was also a single block. We started with half kneeling to stands (which I did as lunges), bird dog low rows, alternating tricep extensions, and mountain climbers. I was starting to feel a little nauseous during the mountain climbers, but as soon as I was upright again I felt fine so it might have been random nausea and not hormonal.

And on Saturday, I think we had one of the toughest workouts I’ve done in a while. And I would have felt that way even if I was feeling totally normal. Every block was 4-minutes and we had 3 blocks on each side of the room. And also, every block within a section of the room was the same, so we repeated the same thing 3 times. I think that’s what made it extra tough.

For cardio, we had a 3-minute progressive push pace (so increasing the resistance on the bike by 1 every minute) and ending with a 1-minute all-out. On the rower, it was the same idea with a 3-minute progressive push row and a 1-minute all-out row. But for me on the rower, I just tried to row for as long as I could without a break and didn’t worry too much about increasing my speed each minute. And on the floor, we had 4 exercises we did for 1-minute each. We had alternating shoulder presses, lunges, plank low rows, and skater lunges (which I did as lateral lunges). I was exhausted at the end of this class!

So for 2 weeks I’ve mainly had to focus on one type of pain. And this week, I might have multiple types of pain. I’m expecting my pain and nausea to be pretty bad this week (although I always hope I will be lucky and it won’t be bad). But I’m also seeing a specialist for my foot on Tuesday and I have no clue if I’ll have another type of treatment done that could make my heel hurt really bad again. I’m hoping it’s mainly just an exam to make sure things are ok and not a treatment appointment, but I guess I’ll find out on Tuesday and then see how my workout week goes this week!

Not Much To Write About This Week (or Busy But Not Doing Much)

This past week has been a pretty busy one for me. I’ve been doing a lot of work stuff and I also have been busy trying to get my condo ready to hopefully start the renovation soon. Even though it was technically a shorter work week with having Monday off, I feel like I have been playing a lot of catch up with time. And because that’s how my week has been going, I hit a bit of writer’s block for this post.

My days this week have been filled most of the day. Either I’m working out early in the morning or I’m doing errands and tasks before I start work. For example, yesterday before work I had to be at the condo because I was selling the old appliances. And selling these appliances took up significantly more time than expected. I had buyers say they were coming and failed to show up. Or one person said they wanted them, showed up, but had no way to move them and seemed surprised that when I said they would have to move things themselves that I was telling the truth. I didn’t expect that it would take up this much time, but between posting ads online, messaging with potential buyers, and trying to meet those buyers; I used up a good chunk of my free time this week.

And this week at work has been exceptionally busy and crazy. This is when things tend to be crazy, so I was a bit prepared for that but it always takes a lot out of me. So if I had a bit of free time after work, I usually was decompressing a bit before moving on to the next thing I had to do that evening. And I felt like this week I had an endless list of things I had to get done but also wasn’t getting anything done. I stayed up later than I wanted to and didn’t get much sleep, but at the same time there was nothing happening. It was a weird week this past week to understand where the time went and what I actually did.

So I’m hoping this weekend I will be able to reset a bit and catch up on things. I know I won’t be fully caught up by Monday, but I need to get things checked off my to-do list and have less that I have to do during the week. And maybe if I can get things ready for the week over the weekend, I will have more interesting things to write about in my posts next week.

But for now, this is going to be a short post. I don’t have a lot other than busy work to write about this week, but at the same time I feel like I have nothing to say.

Some Good Job News And Some Not Good Job News (or Still Grateful To Have Multiple Jobs)

Even though I have been working the same 3 jobs pretty steadily for a while now, I’m always aware that things can change. Most of the time, the change is a good thing like getting more hours or a better contract with a job. But sometimes it’s not good news, like when my box office job shut down at the start of the pandemic. But with the exception of the pandemic when I was really working less than I could survive on, I’ve been very lucky that for quite a while I’ve been ok with my job situation between the different jobs I work. And for the beginning of this year, I had changes for 2 of my jobs.

My box office job is the one that had no changes. I’m still only working a few hours each day, and maybe that will change in the future but for now I’m ok with that. I have to work those hours around other job stuff, so I don’t know when that might change. And they have hired new people so it’s not as bad for my co-workers as it was before, so they aren’t as in need of me working more. So that job is only a portion of the hours and pay that I was getting before the pandemic, but that’s ok.

I did get some good news with my other customer service job. I recently submitted a job proposal to change my position a bit. This would move me away from customer service and more into administrative and systems work, although I would still do some customer service work. Because of the workflow we have at that job, someone to do this type of work is needed. My job proposal was considered and I will be transitioning into that new position over time. There isn’t an exact date that I will be fully splitting my time, but it will be a process. And I expected that because they will likely need to hire someone else to help out when I’m not doing the same things I have been doing.

But, with this new position I’m getting a raise. And because this will be a transition over time and not an exact start date, my boss decided that I would start at my new pay rate during this pay period! And I am going to be transitioning from hourly to salaried, which is also a change I wanted to see happen for a few different reasons. I wasn’t expecting the raise, but of course I am so grateful for it and making more money is always a good thing when you want to try to be able to save more.

And it turned out I might need that extra money more than I thought. My data entry job is a contract position and normally my contracts go from July until June. But for my most recent contract, it was only for July until the end of 2021. I’ve had this happen before and I just got a contract extension. So I wasn’t too worried about this when I signed my last contract. But as the year came to an end, I realized that I didn’t have a new contract yet and reached out to my boss to check in.

I had a meeting with my boss right after the start of the new year and got some not great news about my job. The job has been paid through grants with the state and county, and they have decided to outsource the job elsewhere. So essentially where I have been working was no longer the contractor for the job. I have a lot of thoughts about this and why I’m not happy about it, and it’s not just about my job. I’m not sure what I’m allowed to share and what is still not public, but the main point is that job is no longer one of my jobs and I don’t have another contract.

I am luckier than many of my co-workers at that job because I was part-time and many of them were full-time there. And maybe things will change and new contracts will be offered. But as far as things look now, I won’t be returning to that job since it’s being outsourced.

I’m glad that I had some good job news at the same time as some bad job news so it wasn’t as bad. And I do wish that I only had good news about my day jobs. But as I have learned over and over again, my job situation can always be changing and I just have to adjust with it.

A More Normal Cheesecake Outing (or Still Savoring In-Person Hangouts)

It’s been a tradition for a long time for me to go out to dinner with my friend Joanna to Cheesecake Factory around the new year. Some years we are closer to January 1st and other years it can take us a bit of time to plan when we can meet up. But just like our birthday dinner tradition, this is one that we have been able to keep up for quite a while.

But for our cheesecake outing at the beginning of 2021, we knew we couldn’t go in person. It just wasn’t safe for either of us, especially since neither of us were vaccinated at that point. So we decided to each order delivery food and we ate together over Zoom. It wasn’t the same as our normal dinners, but it was a way for us to keep our tradition going.

This year, it’s debatable if things are better or worse. And as I’ve said before, it can be tough to know which risks are acceptable and which ones are just too much to do. So we tried to find a way to make our cheesecake dinner happen but be as safe as possible.

Instead of going to dinner, we went for lunch. We knew it might still be crowded, but we thought lunch would hopefully be better. We also agreed we would only be willing to eat outside. We normally sit outside, but we were going to let the host know when arriving that we would be willing to wait for an outside table instead of being seated inside. And of course, both of us are vaccinated and boosted plus we had our masks for when we weren’t eating. I also had forgotten until we showed up that you also have to now show proof of vaccination in order to eat there, so we know the others there were vaccinated as well.

And I think we made some smart choices. Normally, we do have to wait a bit to be seated when we go, but this time we were able to be seated immediately. And even though it was right as lunchtime started, the patio didn’t have too many people on it. I also think they reduced the seating on the patio so the tables weren’t as close as they normally are. While these are all good things, I also know I was a bit more on edge than I normally am when we’ve gone to get cheesecake. I have rarely gone out to eat in the past 2 years, and it has gotten a bit easier each time. But it’s still something that makes me nervous and I know that feeling will probably last for a while.

But even though I was a bit nervous, going out to hang out with a friend made me so happy! I know Joanna and I try to see each other more often, but it usually doesn’t happen (even in non-pandemic times). So having our traditions twice a year are really special for us. And I also just enjoy any time I get to see someone in real life instead of on a screen.

We both ordered a lunch special (instead of me getting my usual salad) and then we had a lot of time to catch up on life. Both of us are going through renovation stuff with our places (although hers is due to a leak at her building), so we shared stories of what we’ve both been going through. And this was the first time we had hung out since I bought the condo, so she wanted to know all about it! And because we were seated outside and the Grove had quite a few people there, we also had a great time people watching and noticing all the interesting things happening around us. I never realized how much I could miss something as simple as people watching, but it’s something I haven’t gotten to do much in the last 2 years.

And of course, any outing to Cheesecake Factory has to include cheesecake. Normally we get 2 slices and split them in half so we each get half a slice of both flavors. But we were both full after lunch so we only got one piece to split (which honestly is more than enough).

I know I’ve said this almost any time I’ve seen a friend in real life, but I needed this time. I want to try to be better about seeing my friends, but it’s not easy. It’s not easy in normal times when I’m tired after work, but it’s that much harder when we have to consider how safe certain things may be to do. But I am trying to be better about it and I’m glad Joanna and I were able to schedule our cheesecake outing so we got to have this time together.

Still Waiting To Get Things Started (or Continuing To Work On Patience)

I was really hoping that the renovation on my condo would be starting this week. When I wrote my last post about it, I had gotten some updates about the process and thought that we were almost done with the approval process. But I think there has been some confusion between me and the HOA and things have gotten delayed a bit more. And while it is frustrating, I also know we need to do everything properly. I don’t want to move in on a bad note with everyone.

But it is tough when I feel like everything is on hold now. There was a lot of momentum during the condo hunt and while we were in escrow. And after the purchase was done, we took a lot of steps toward hiring a contractor and picking out materials. Of course, we had to do a lot of that before submitting everything to the HOA, but it feels like we have everything ready and waiting to go and we are just waiting for this last step.

I guess it’s a bit ironic that my word for last year was patience and now I have to work on practicing that idea a lot. When things are on hold or there is a long wait, I tend to start to think of the negative. This is something else I have been working on adjusting, but it’s tough to not wonder if things will be delayed even more. There is nothing in the renovation plan that seems that extreme. And I think everything we have in the plan are things that we can see in other condos in the building when we looked at the ones that sold in the past. So there is no reason why I should think the HOA won’t approve my plan. But because we are coming up on 6 weeks of waiting for approval, it does make my mind wander a bit.

But I am trying to focus on the good. This is the last big hurdle before the renovation starts which also means it’s the last big hurdle before I really can start planning my move. I am very lucky that I am able to remodel the place we bought. While nothing was unusable, my parents and I agreed that since we wanted to do work it would be easier to do it before I moved in. So instead of waiting a while before making these changes, I will get to move into a place that I helped to design and is what I’ve been dreaming of. It’s not the ultimate dream home I have in my mind, but we are making a lot of changes that bring it close to that idea. And that’s going to be amazing.

This is also probably one of the only times I will have to do a waiting game like this. If we were splitting things up into different projects, we’d have to go through this each time. But now, we are getting it done at one time and I won’t have to worry about the next waiting period.

I also keep reminding myself that the process I’m going through now is different from when I’ve had landlords come and fix things. All the repairs I’ve had done in the past are for situations that usually are emergencies (like getting a new garbage disposal because it was flooding my kitchen). I’m not submitting a repair request that would be answered within a day. I’m doing something to make myself happy with my new place and not just to make it livable. Remembering that this is a different and new process has helped me be a bit more patient.

I’m supposed to get another update this week and this update could be the approval. If that happens, then hopefully it’s only another week before things get started and I can have a better plan for what my timeline is. But until I get that approval, I’m working on being patient and waiting this out.