One Step Closer To Moving (or My First HOA Meeting)

When my parents and I started condo hunting, our original plan was to find a place that didn’t really need any work so that I could just move right in. And while the condo we got technically didn’t need work in order for me to live there, there were things we knew we wanted to fix. One of the bathrooms needed new tile because there was some old grout that was making the tile loose. The kitchen cabinets were not closing properly and were sagging so I couldn’t put heavier things in some of the cabinets. The floors had marks on them and there were 4 different types of floors. None of these things made the condo unlivable, but since it’s easier to do the work before I move in and I wasn’t being kicked out of my current place, we decided to do just that.

And if we had bought a house and not a condo, things probably would have moved along faster. When looking for a contractor, several that we reached out to said they do not do work on condos. And once we hired a contractor, we had to submit a proposal for all the work to the HOA to be approved. We knew this would be the process and it’s one of the things that some people might not like about a condo. But for what we were looking for, a condo was a much better option than a single family home. So we followed the rules and submitted everything that we needed to.

And last week, the HOA had their meeting and approving my remodel was on the agenda. The meeting was held over Zoom, so my parents could attend (since they are co-owners with me, it was more than just as support). And the HOA board was nice and changed the agenda around a bit to move discussing my remodel earlier so we could do that without sitting through the rest of the meeting.

They had all received the proposal we submitted, and for the most part everything was fine. There were a few things they misunderstood, but we were able to clear it up. We have to submit an addendum with some clarifications, but it’s mainly to put in some very specific details. Such as one area where we are removing cabinets we had to add that we were not doing anything structural but just cosmetic. But nothing about the actual remodel has to be changed or wasn’t approved.

We didn’t get the final approval at the meeting, but we got conditional approval since we have to submit our addendum. And once that is submitted and confirmed, then we can finally start on the remodel!

I’m hoping that as soon as we submit our addendum, the contractor we hired can start right away. We know he might have taken on another small project while waiting for this approval, so we might have to wait. But I’m hoping that we do not have to wait too long. And while I wish we had already started, because we had to order quite a few things, this delay allowed us to order everything and for them to arrive. So once the work starts, hopefully there won’t be any more delays while waiting for things such as appliances.

I think that once the work starts, it will finally hit me that I’m moving. Right now, I’m still in a bit of limbo with an unknown date when I will finally be out of my current place. But things are moving forward and I think once the work starts it will feel like it’s moving quickly and move-in day will be here before I know it!

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