Doing A Digital Cleanup Too (or Cutting Back On Some Entertainment)

As I’ve been cleaning up my house and getting ready to move, I’ve also been reevaluating other things in my life. I feel like a move is a fresh start in so many ways for me. And I don’t move often (my last move was about 12 years ago), so this feels like a big opportunity to really clean up things. But I have hit a bit of a wall with going through my physical things and getting rid of stuff, so I am taking a little break from that. But while I am not cleaning up actual things, I am now working on cleaning up things that take up some mental space and not physical space.

A lot of my entertainment comes from things that are essentially on-demand for me. Almost all the tv I watch is stuff I have recorded on my DVR and I almost exclusively listen to podcasts and not music. Those things are available for me whenever I’m ready to enjoy them, but at the same time they can stack up if I’m not watching or listening to them on a regular basis. So I’ve been working on going through what I am saving, what I watch or listen to, and what I seem to be putting off.

I have an odd attachment to shows and podcasts that I’ve been enjoying for a long time. I feel a bit of loyalty and have a need to finish out a tv show or continue listening to a podcast. But as my time becomes a bit more limited, I keep putting off the things that I don’t want to enjoy but feel like I have to keep watching and listening. I don’t know why I’ve kept this up for so long (and I’m sure I could have an entire therapy appointment about it), but I’ve decided I’ve had enough of doing this and there’s no need to use up my time for things that aren’t what I want to be enjoying.

It probably seems silly that I’m writing a post about deleting series recordings on my DVR or unsubscribing to podcasts, but honestly it has made me so much happier as I’ve been doing it. I do still keep a few shows that I don’t enjoy as much has I used to but still enjoy enough to finish them out. But for shows that I was waiting a few weeks and then just binging through a bunch of episodes to clear space, I have decided I don’t need to force myself to do that for whatever arbitrary reason I have. Nobody is going to judge me for not having all the same entertainment options as I used to.

I’ve worked for a while on making sure I do things that make me happy and bring me joy. But this was something that I was putting off because in a way, any form of entertainment should be something that brings me joy. But just because the idea of watching shows or listening to podcasts makes me happy, I can still be selective in what I choose to enjoy. And if I want to keep working on managing my time better and finding ways to maximize the time I do have, then being selective in my entertainment is an important thing to do.

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