My 2022 Goals (or Setting Myself Up For Hopefully A Productive Year)

I used to not be a huge fan of setting resolutions for the new year. I felt like those were setting me up for failure more often than not. But for some reason, setting goals for the year doesn’t give me the same feeling. I love setting goals for the year and often they allow me to create a plan for the new year. I’m usually pretty good about setting some goals that I know I can complete or that are easy to measure, so I feel like they are more possible than a general idea. Of course, I do set some more abstract ones too, but I’ve noticed those are the ones I usually struggle to accomplish by the end of the year.

So when I was setting my goals for 2022, I wanted to try to focus a lot on concrete goals that I know will help me make this year great. And I think I’ve found some really good ones.

My first goal for 2022 is a workout goal (as it’s been for the last several years). I want to complete at least 200 workouts. I would say 200 Orangetheory workouts, but I’m worried now that things might shut down again and I won’t be able to go back to the studio. Hopefully that doesn’t happen and all my workouts will be OTF classes, but I had to allow some flexibility in there. This goal should be easy for me to do. As long as I don’t have anything crazy happen to me, doing my regular workout schedule will get me to 200 workouts. I did think about trying to increase this goal, but that would mean having some weeks of 5 workouts a week and I’m not sure if I could do that. At least not yet. So this goal is the one that seems easiest to me, but at least I know I should end this year with at least this goal completed!

My next goal is to move into my condo and get everything set up. I don’t know exactly when I will be moving in, but I hope it will be this spring. And I know when I move in there will be a lot of time needed to get things the way I want them. I will need new furniture and I will probably adjust the stuff I currently own multiple times. But I want my condo to feel like a home to me by the end of this year and feel really settled in. I honestly can’t wait until I start living there. Every time I go over there to do little things, it feels more and more like my home. But I know when my things are there and I’m living there it will feel even more like mine. And knowing it is mine and not just a rental is an awesome feeling that I want to feel more!

Something I write about a lot on here is time management or feeling too busy at times. So my next goal is to be more mindful of my time. I don’t know exactly how to organize my time better, but I want to have my work time set up to be more productive and a better difference between my work time and free time. I do think this might change more when I move because my office space won’t be in the same space that I relax in, so I won’t always feel half working and half relaxing. But I also don’t want to waste my free time and feel like I don’t have the time to do what I want to do. I need to find the time to do what I want and I know I waste time in random ways. Setting up a better schedule for myself will help, but just being mindful of where my time goes is really the goal I have for myself so I can be better about planning my life.

The next goal is something that may or may not be possible. It really depends on the state of the world. But I would like to spend more time out of my house. I spend way too much time inside. I do know that this is partially to keep me safe, but I also know I am using that as an excuse too. I could make more plans out of my house that are safe to do. I also need to be ok doing things alone because I have been saying I don’t go out because so many of my friends moved away since the pandemic. I do still have friends here and I need to reach out to more of them to make plans. But there is plenty I can do outside of my house on my own and I need to start doing that. I think in a way, this goal goes with being mindful of time management because I also say I don’t have time to do things. But if I find the time, I need to find things outside of my house to do.

And my last goal is one I’ve done before. I want to work on my budget. This is something I have done from time to time, but lately I haven’t been good about it. And there are a few things that are still a bit odd that make budgeting hard for me to plan for, but that is also a bit of an excuse. I don’t need my budget to be perfect in order to have one. I can get the general idea going and hopefully get more specific from there. I do still have budgeting software I can use, but I’m looking into alternatives in case there is something that fits my life and how I want to budget a bit better.

I think these are some great goals for 2022 and if I’m able to accomplish just some of them I will have an amazing year! I know some of them are harder for me to accomplish than others, but they are all possible. I just have to make it happen. And hopefully in a year when I come back to my goals, I will have at least tried to get them all done.

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