Monthly Archives: March 2023

Still Learning Things About My Place (or Not The Morning I Expected)

I’ve lived in my condo for almost a year now, and I do feel pretty settled in at this point. There are still things that need to be purchased, but I don’t feel like I’m in flux anymore. I am looking forward to buying the last few things I want to get so I can finally feel like all my belongings are where they should go, but that’s a much different feeling than when I had a lot of things still in boxes and I didn’t feel like I had fully moved in. There were things I needed to learn or figure out that are different about being at the condo versus my old place. Some of these are just technicalities about living in a place I own compared to a place I rent and some are just because I have very different appliances and things in my home so I have things that feel much fancier. But learning all these new things has been fun since I have loved being in a place that works so much better for me.

But this week, I had a learning experience that wasn’t really that fun. On the mornings that I go to work out, I have a routine that I follow each morning. I get up and get ready for my workout. I’m out of my front door by 6am. I usually arrive at Orangetheory around 6:10. And that gives me about 10 minutes before class starts. I’m there earlier than I need to be, but I like having a little extra time in case there is weird traffic that early or if I have to take a detour due to a street closure. I don’t have a lot of time to get ready, but I also don’t really need much time since I know where my workout clothes are to get dressed and I don’t do anything other than get ready before I leave.

On Wednesday, I did my routine as usual and got in my car to leave. There is a gate for the parking garage, and normally as you are leaving the gate will automatically open. But this time, the gate didn’t open. I backed my car up and drove up again just in case I wasn’t hitting the sensor correctly, but that didn’t work either. I also tried my gate remote and the gate still didn’t move. I got out of my car to see if I could figure something out, and I had no clue what was wrong.

I know that for safety, garages and gates have emergency releases so you can get out if there is a fire or earthquake. But I couldn’t find one for the gate. I searched around the mechanism, but I had no clue where it might be. I also tried to remove the cover for the chain for the gate, or at least I thought I did that, and I couldn’t lift it up. I tried texting a neighbor but I knew that since it was so early, he might still be asleep. I also tried texting friends who sometimes work out at the same time to see if anyone could come to pick me up. But once it was closer to 6:15, I knew there was no way I could make it to my workout and I called to let the staff know. They felt bad for me and said they would hold my spot until 5 minutes after the start of class in case I could get out of the garage. But I knew that wouldn’t happen.

I ended up just going back to my place and doing other things before I needed to work, but I was annoyed that I missed my workout. And I was concerned because I realized that if there was an emergency, I wouldn’t be able to get my car out unless I figured out where the emergency release was. So when I reached out to the HOA management company about the broken gate, I added a note about not knowing where the release was. The gate was fixed a few hours later and the HOA emailed all of us updating us and also explaining where the release was. I was actually so close to figuring it out. I thought there was a plastic lid that I needed to lift up, but I just had to lift the entire plastic cover off and I would have seen it. It was a stupid mistake on my part, but at least I know where it is now in case I need to use it in the future.

I talked to my dad after this all happened and I joked about how I was shocked we didn’t go over this when I moved in since he is always on top of making sure I know all the safety things about the place I’m living in. We went over so many things about safety, but somehow we just missed this one. At least this wasn’t an emergency and I needed to get out and it was just an inconvenience. And I’m pretty sure I’m set for all other emergency things I need to know about such as where different fire extinguishers are and stuff like that.

I know I’ll continue to learn things about my condo and the building as I live here, but hopefully they won’t be as eventful as this one was or won’t prevent me from doing something that is on my schedule. And if it took me missing one workout in order to learn an important safety thing I should have known about a year ago, I guess that’s what I needed to do.

Oscar Night (or A Very Low-Key Award Show)

After going to the Artios Awards earlier in the week, I was ready for a casual party for watching the Oscars. I was going to go to the same party that I normally go to, and I usually try to wear something comfortable when I go since I spend most of my time there sitting and watching the show. But since it’s also a costume party, I try to figure out something fun to do that also isn’t too awkward to sit in. I seem to be pretty good at figuring out lazy costumes, but this year I was cutting it close with making a costume.

Since I hadn’t seen that many of the movies, I knew it wouldn’t be too easy for me to be inspired for my costume. So I decided to pay attention to the names of the movies and use that for my inspiration instead of the characters and storylines. And I think I figured out something that was really funny and easy. I decided to go as the movie “Blonde”. For my costume, I used a box I already had and printed a photo of a hair dye box and covered the box with that. I know I could have gone out to buy hair dye, but I was doing this about an hour before I was leaving for the party and it was much cheaper to do this. But I think the box turned out ok and my lazy costume came together.

I didn’t wear anything to go with the costume, so I knew that there was almost no chance I would win the costume contest. But I know that I never place in the costume contest so I don’t try too hard. I just like to make a costume of something and this worked perfectly for me.

I got to the party right as it started, which was about an hour before the show started. Since I am in a room watching the show for most of the time I’m there, I wanted to get my social time in during that hour. A bunch of people were there early as well, and we had a nice food spread that was much fancier than what we normally have. Right before the show started, I put together a little plate and brought it to where I would be watching.

There are two viewing areas at this party, the quiet room and the loud room. I’m always in the quiet room since I like to focus on the show. We do talk during commercial breaks and sometimes we say little comments to each other during the show, but for the most part, we are quiet. Most people at the party hang out in the loud room, so we are a small group and I didn’t really see people who showed up after the show started until I took a break to get something during a commercial break. It does feel a bit weird to not be social when so many of my friends are hanging out just one room away, but I think everyone understands that we will hang out a little later in the evening.

I really enjoyed the Oscars this year. The show didn’t feel long even though it was a bit longer than in some past years. I loved the speeches and everyone seemed like they were happy for each other. There was a nice sense of community at the show that I don’t remember seeing in the past and that made it feel more like a celebration of the work that was done in the past year versus a competition. I think there are some things they should still fix, such as letting the winners speak and not cutting them off, but there have been changes that they have been working on making and I think they are paying off.

Once the awards were done, we all gathered to vote on the best costume and see who guessed the most winners correctly. I sometimes do well with guessing the winners, but this year wasn’t my year. I missed so many of them and I think there were 8 people who did better than I did. But that’s ok since almost all my guesses were random and not based on seeing the movies. And I just have fun being around everyone and winning something at the party isn’t something I feel like I need.

I wish I was able to stay later than I did, but I needed to head home to get to bed early so I could get enough sleep before my workout. But even with the limited social time I had while I was there, I still had a great time seeing my friends and I know I’ll see them again at whatever the next party will be. And that next party will be much more social since we won’t have a 3 1/2 hour long show to focus on.

Maybe next year, I’ll have a more interesting costume or will have seen more movies so I can make more educated guesses on who the winners will be. But even if that doesn’t happen, I know I’ll still have a great time watching the show in the quiet room and being in my lazy and casual costume.

Artios Awards (or A Red Carpet Work Evening)

I know I’ve written quite a bit about how I feel very lucky with my main current day job. I do work that can vary from day to day, I know my contributions are appreciated, and I make more than I did at past jobs. Plus, most of the people I work with are either actors or used to be actors so they understand needing flexibility and the entertainment industry. I don’t really get to see my co-workers in person since we all work from home, but there is still a collaborative feeling since we are in meetings together quite a bit. I know they are trying to have more in-person events for everyone, but it’s not easy to organize.

The company I work for has been a part of some really awesome events, sometimes it’s because we are running the social media for the event and sometimes we are a sponsor. I haven’t really had a chance to be a part of those events since it’s a different part of the company than where I work, but I still think it’s pretty cool to know we are a part of something big.

But I got a chance to attend something very cool this past week. The company I work for was running the social media for the Artios Awards, which is an award show for casting directors. The company had a table at the event, and there was an extra seat that was offered to me. I had to double-check with my other job to make sure I could switch around my hours and that I had something that was appropriate to wear (I don’t have a lot of excuses to dress fancy and I got rid of a lot of clothes in my move), but I was able to make it work so I could go!

It was held at the Beverly Hilton, which isn’t that far from me and where the last in-person SAG-AFTRA Convention was. Oddly enough, the outfit I decided to wear for the Artios Awards was the same thing I wore to the Convention gala. As soon as I got there, I met up with some co-workers so we could get a few work things done before the event started. We weren’t able to be a part of the official red carpet, but we were allowed to use the step and repeat before the red carpet opened and I was able to get some fun photos.

Once the red carpet started, many of my co-workers were busy with doing tasks, but I was able to hang out with a few people while we waited for the dinner and award show to start. It was the first time I got to hang out with some of these co-workers, so it was nice to get to know them outside of a Zoom screen.

And when we got inside for dinner, we had a table very close to the front of the stage.

The dinner was before the show started, so we didn’t have to split our focus. And since our table was just for our company, it was nice having time to get to know everyone else and be a bit silly when we normally are doing more serious tasks in our meetings.

The actual awards show was really fun. It recognized casting directors for different types of film, tv, and theater. I had heard of many of the casting directors who were nominated and won, but there were so many that I didn’t know since they are a part of a different side of the industry than what I typically audition for. Even though I was there for work, I did take some mental notes of who was nominated so I could make sure I followed them on social media later.

And this was the first large award show that I had been able to attend. I haven’t been to any of the big award shows (yet), and for some of the smaller ones that I could potentially go to, I haven’t gotten a ticket or had the money if you had to pay for a ticket. I was so grateful that I was invited by my job to this because I had a great time and it was a wonderful experience.

As I’ve said frequently in the past, I have been trying to push myself to be more social and put myself out there, and this was the perfect thing for me to do. I had a chance to meet a lot of new people, see people I haven’t seen in years, and just be around others which is something I haven’t been doing that much. And yes, having the chance to dress up and be on a red carpet was nice as well and something that I hope I will have more opportunities to do in the future.

3 Years Of The Pandemic (or Still Figuring Out My Normal)

There are a few dates that people consider the beginning of the pandemic. I think of March 13th, 2020 as the last normal day. I know things didn’t necessarily change that day, but that was the last regular day before everything started to shut down. In some ways, that feels like a lifetime ago. In other ways, I can’t believe that 3 years have passed since those crazy first few days of the pandemic. One thing that I know for sure is that my life is significantly different from what it was like at the beginning of March 2020.

In the last 3 years, I’ve changed jobs and moved to a new home. I have a much clearer idea of what I would like to have in my life and in a relationship. I feel like I’ve become much more introverted, but that might be partially due to still being worried about getting sick. And I know that Covid is still a risk for people. I’ve had friends test positive in the past week or two and some have gotten pretty sick. Fortunately, they all have been vaccinated, so nobody was so sick they had to be hospitalized. So while I’m still worried about getting sick, I’m not as worried about being hospitalized or dying as I was 3 years ago.

I still wear a mask almost everywhere I go. I might be the only person at the grocery store who wears one, but it’s something that I do that makes me feel more comfortable. A friend asked me when I might stop doing that and I really don’t know. The few colds I’ve gotten recently have all been from times I was around other people and not wearing a mask, so wearing one just seems smart especially when it’s cold and flu season. I’m sure eventually I’ll stop wearing one, but I just don’t see that happening any time soon.

A lot of things I used to enjoy just aren’t as big of a part of my life anymore. I don’t go out to eat that often, but when I do I don’t sit inside so I’m much pickier about places to go. I also haven’t been back to Disneyland since they reopened because I don’t want to be around crowds and the cost is very different now than it was for me before with my annual pass. But I also used to do a lot of things like those with specific friends who no longer live in LA. I have tried to find friends to do certain things with and it’s helped me to revitalize past friendships that I hadn’t focused on before, but there are still some things that I haven’t been doing just because I don’t have people to do them with.

I think I’m much more hesitant to do things outside of my comfort zone these days. There are so many reasons for this, but I know that most of them stem back to the first few days and weeks of the pandemic. I have gotten very comfortable in my new routine, which is much more isolated than what my life used to be like. I don’t know if this is a good or bad thing, it just is. I do try to push myself a bit more, especially if it’s not something too crazy. But I also have less guilt about turning down plans if I just don’t feel up to them.

When the pandemic started, I remember wondering how long it would take for things to become normal again. As time went on, I wondered if we were living in the new normal and thought maybe things would never be the way they used to be again. And now, it’s still a mixed back of the old normal and new normal. And many of the new normal things that are still a part of my life are by my choice. I don’t know if this will ever change for me, but I do feel a bit more in control over the situation that is going on around me. I still make choices based on my comfort and safety and I’m not worried about making those choices. And when I’m willing to do a bit more, I do feel a little safer than I did before even though I still worry about getting sick. I still have thoughts in the back of my head about if I’m making smart choices or taking too many risks, but it’s easier to feel better about what I chose to do or what I chose to skip.

I don’t think any of us expected this to still be a part of our lives 3 years later. For many people, it stopped being a part of their life after a few months. I know I’m in the minority who still worries about things and still takes a lot of precautions. But after 3 years of this, what I’m doing now feels somewhat normal to me and helps me feel better about trying to do as many things as I can that make me happy. I guess in a year, I’ll have to see what is still normal to me and what may be more like the old normal again.

It’s Almost Dri-Tri Time (or I Was Prepared For This To Be A Hard Week)

I knew going into this past week of workouts that it would likely be one of my bad weeks. I was hopeful that maybe it wouldn’t be as bad as it could be, but I never can predict how I’m going to feel and it can change from day to day. Being prepared is helpful because I can be a bit more mindful of what I do in my workouts to not aggravate the situation, but sometimes there’s nothing that I can do to help and I just have to get through a workout however I can. Fortunately, this past week wasn’t as bad as it could have been. I had some really tough moments, but it was somewhat tolerable.

Monday was probably the day that I was feeling the best. It’s sometimes hard to judge what is the best day because it can vary throughout the workout and the workout itself can affect how I feel. I was dealing with some pain, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it might be that morning.

For cardio, we had 3 blocks. For each block, we had 3 rounds of a push pace to a base pace with a 1-minute all-out at the end. The base pace was always 30 seconds and the push pace ranged was 30 seconds in the first block, 45 seconds in the second block, and 1 minute in the last block. I was using the new resistance levels for my push pace and all-out, but I went into the workout thinking I would only do that for the first two blocks. But I decided to try it for the longer push paces and it wasn’t as bad as I expected so I just kept going. I am pedaling a lot slower, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

We also had 3 blocks on the rower. In the first block, we had rounds of a 250-meter row and then 20 curtsy lunges between each row. In the second block, we had stroke drills and did 20 strokes each time and regular lunges between each row. And in the last block, we were timed with cardio with the 1-minute push paces and 30-second base paces. I didn’t have any great achievements with my rowing, but I did it and that was good for me.

And on the floor, we had 2 blocks. The longer block had 2 mini-blocks in it. The first mini-block had lunges and squats. After doing 3 rounds of those, we had chest presses and push-ups. I didn’t use weights that were any heavier than I normally do for those exercises, but as I have said, I can’t always make improvements in every single workout. But I did use my regular weights even though they felt a bit too heavy for me at times and I wanted to go lighter. And for the last block, we were timed with cardio and the rowers and had a core blast. We did mountain climbers for a minute and burpees for 30 seconds.

When I got to the studio on Tuesday morning, before we had class I signed up for the Dri-Tri. I’ve done 10 of these before and it’s always a challenge. But it’s a good challenge and I’ve never regretted doing it. But I have felt left out when I didn’t do it, even when it was because of something that wasn’t my fault. So I wanted to make sure I got a spot this time before they all filled up and I guess I’ll see how it goes later this month!

For the workout, we had 2 blocks in each section of the room. For both cardio blocks, we had intervals with a base pace at an incline and without an incline before having an all-out. Because I’ve been using higher resistance levels for my push pace and all-out, I thought about also trying to increase my levels for inclines too, but I think I’m going to wait until my base pace level is higher. But the levels I did use were above what I use for my all-out, so they were pretty high and I had to take several breaks when the nausea was really bad.

On the rower, the first block started with a 250-meter row followed by in-and-out steps and lunges. The row decreased by 50 meters each time we were on the rower. And in the second block, the row started at 50 meters and increased each time. And between each row, we had more in-and-out steps and squats to calf raises. I didn’t go as fast as I wanted to on the rower, but I was happy that I didn’t get so nauseous that I had to stop in the middle of a row.

And on the floor, the first block had split-leg deadlifts, chest flys, and seated torso rotations. And the second block had step-ups, concentration curls, and plank toe taps. I had to modify the second block a bit and did lunges for the step-ups because I used the bench for the other exercises and didn’t want to keep lowering and raising the bench and taking up time. And for the torso rotations, I used a heavier weight than I normally do and it wasn’t too much harder so that was a good win.

Wednesday’s workout was a signature workout. This time, it was Infinity. This is considered a Dri-Tri prep workout since the floor block for this workout is the same as what we do in the Dri-Tri. But since I was in pain and dealing with nausea, I knew the floor wouldn’t be easy for me. I would prefer to have to deal with pain and nausea on a Dri-Tri prep day instead of during the actual Dri-Tri, so that made me feel a bit better.

For cardio, we started with a 3-minute push pace followed by a 1-minute base pace. The push pace decreased by 30 seconds each time and the base pace stayed the same. And at the end of the block, we had a 1-minute all-out. And I was able to use my new push pace resistance level for each interval, even the longest one.

The rower is the real signature workout part of the Infinity workout. Every row was 100 meters. After the first row, we had 20 squat presses with a medicine ball. And after each row, the squat presses decreased by 2. If we got down to the round of 2, then after the next row we started to increase them by 2 each time. I had a heavier medicine ball than I normally would use, but that wasn’t intentional. It was the only one left so I took it as a challenge and decided to just try to use it. Using the heavier medicine ball did make things take a bit longer for me, so I knew that I wouldn’t have a PR for my rowing distance for Infinity. But I was ok with that since I knew with how I was feeling it was unlikely for me to get a PR even if I had my normal medicine ball.

And the floor was exactly like the Dri-Tri floor with hop-overs, bench tap squats, step-ups (which I did as lunges), push-ups, plank jacks, and burpees. I did have to take my time because a lot of these exercises were making me feel worse, but I still was able to get 2 rounds done before the block was over which was a good sign for how I might do on my Dri-Tri later in the month.

By Thursday, I was happy that I wasn’t having as bad of a week as I thought it might be, and I had a feeling that I could make it through that workout without too many issues. I did have a decent amount of pain and nausea, but I took some medications before the workout and they did kick in during class so that helped quite a bit.

The first cardio block had a 30-second push pace, 1-minute base pace, 30-second push pace, 90-second base pace, 30-second push pace, and 30-second all-out. And the second block did the same thing as the first block but added 2 more all-outs at the end. I continued to use the new resistance levels for my push pace and all-out but kept my base pace the same. I don’t know if I’ll be increasing the level I use soon, but I don’t have to rush into doing it either.

On the rower, the first block started with a 10 stroke drill with squat bicep curls using a medicine ball. We then had a 15 stroke drill and 20 stroke drill with the same exercise after each row. And in the second block, we did the same except we did each stroke drill twice before moving on to the next one. I usually am really good at stroke drills, but I struggled a bit to go as slowly as I know I should go. But I was keeping it under the stroke count that we needed to be under.

And on the floor, the first block was a mini-band block. We had lunges with front raises, walkouts, and plank reaches. I did some modifications for all these exercises. I did the lunges with front raises normally the first time, but after that, I just did the front raises alone since I struggled with my balance. For the walkouts, I used the bench so I wasn’t doing as many steps with my hands. And for the plank reaches, again I used the bench for my hands. The second block was all about cluster sets where we did an exercise for 6-10 reps, rested for about 10 seconds, and then did the same exercise again until failure. We had reverse grip low rows, hip bridges, and Arnold presses. I did go heavier with my hip bridges than I have done recently, but it’s still a bit lower than I was using when I was my strongest. For the other exercises, I didn’t go heavier than normal but tried to get more reps in the second attempt than I normally would do since that would be an extra challenge.

Considering this was a bad week for me with pain and nausea, it wasn’t that bad of a week for my workouts. I think part of that was being prepared for this week and part of it was because it wasn’t as bad as it can be. I also have a new focus for my workouts with trying to keep improving a lot, and I think my stubbornness helped me push through other things that might have affected my workouts. I know that this week might still be a bit of a tough one, but hopefully I’ll continue to push through and have more things I can feel good about by the end of the week.

Being Social And Out And About When In Pain (or Of Course This Would Happen When I Am A Bit Busier)

I haven’t been busy in quite some time, at least as far as my social life goes. I’ve been busy with work and things like that, but I haven’t been doing a lot after work and usually just lay low most days. I am trying to work on fixing that, but it’s not as easy as just saying I want to be busier. And of course, whenever I want to start planning things, I just lose motivation when I’m done with work for the day because I’m usually pretty exhausted since I get up so early. But I’m trying and sometimes it works for me.

But even though I say I want to be busier, there are plenty of times I’m so grateful that I don’t have much to do outside of work. Whenever I’m dealing with pain and nausea, I really want to just stay in bed and rest when I can. I do still go to my workouts and I still work, but I don’t do much else. I work from my bed or from the floor when I need to. Being able to move and work where I’m most comfortable when I’m not feeling well is just one of the reasons I’m so grateful that I work from home.

And of course, getting busier just happened to line up with when I’m dealing with a significant amount of pain and nausea.

I’ll share in my posts next week about what I’m doing, but in normal times I wouldn’t consider myself that busy. But I have a few things happening that cannot be postponed so if I want to be a part of them I have to do them now. And when I knew that this week was likely going to be a bad week, I was hoping that maybe it wouldn’t be that bad. Sometimes I expect a lot of pain and nausea and it really doesn’t kick in that much. I will always have some that I have to deal with, but when it’s tolerable or manageable with medications, it’s not that bad. I’m uncomfortable and maybe a bit awkward if I’m breathing through a wave of symptoms, but it’s nothing like when it’s really bad.

Fortunately, even though my pain and nausea are pretty bad right now, it’s not the worst I’ve dealt with. I am able to get out of bed and the symptoms are lessened by my medications instead of feeling like they are the same whether or not I take something. But I’m uncomfortable and sometimes the best way to feel better is to be in really weird positions in a chair or on the ground. That’s not going to be possible at the things I’m going to. But I’m going to do everything I can to feel ok when I go out and am around other people. At one thing, I’ll be around just my friends so if I’m really not able to feel ok I can let people know and they will understand. But I still want to feel ok so it’s not a big deal or something that I have to work around.

At least I’m not so busy that it will be overwhelming and it’s only a few events I need to worry about. And they aren’t back-to-back days so I’ll be able to rest in between them and maybe those rest days will help me feel better for the next time I have to be around others. And of course, when all my symptoms should be ending, my calendar is pretty empty outside of my usual obligations. But maybe I’ll be able to add a few more things so I can continue working on doing more outside of my house and I’ll be more up for it when I know I’ll be feeling ok.

I know that I’ve been saying I want to do more things and get out of the house more and I also know that pain and nausea can be 2 weeks a month of my life. So it shouldn’t be so surprising that they happen to overlap. I do wish it wasn’t like this, but I’m going to do my best to make the most of the fun that I have coming up!

Updating Some Dating Apps (or Needing To Take More Photos Of Myself)

When I was setting up my profiles on dating apps several years ago, I was very careful about what photos I added to them. I wanted to make sure they were good photos of myself, but also photos that really represented who I am and what I look like. I know some people might say to not do full-body photos since you might get more matches, I’d prefer to represent my authentic self so nobody is surprised if we meet up. I’ve gone on plenty of first dates where I didn’t see my date at first because they look nothing like their photos. I didn’t want anyone to accuse me of doing that.

I tried to change up some of the photos from time to time, especially if I got a new photo that I really loved. I don’t think I’ve changed how I look too much in the last few years, but I still want to keep more recent photos in my profile if possible. I didn’t always change all the photos, but I would change one or two at a time if I had a new favorite. But I did always try to make sure I had at least one full-body shot and that any closer photos or selfies didn’t have weird angles where I looked drastically different.

I haven’t changed my photos that much in the past few years because I haven’t felt like I’ve had many photos that I loved. But that was also because I just wasn’t taking photos when I was isolated at home. I would take some random ones from time to time to send to friends, but they weren’t photos that I would want to put onto a dating app. I don’t think a photo of me in my tiny living room while attempting to work out would be the best representation of myself. They did show my personality, but they weren’t flattering because I didn’t really care how I looked in those photos.

But earlier this week, I just was starting to get sick of the endless cycle I feel like I’ve gotten into with dating apps. I will match with people, message them for a while, and they will either ghost me or we’ll go on a date or two and that’s where it ends. It’s hard to not be frustrated when it seems like the same things happen over and over again. I have tried to change things that are within my control, such as not tolerating messaging that crossed a line instead of just trying to see what happens.

I changed up a profile a bit, but since I actually really love what it says I didn’t make a lot of changes. But I tried to make things a bit clearer. And when I went to try to change out photos, I started searching back in my photos for which ones I could include instead of the ones I already use. And I just don’t have many photos of myself from the past year. I have a few, but most of those have already been added to my profiles before. Or I have group photos, but they aren’t the most flattering or easiest to see me in and I don’t want someone seeing a photo but they can’t find me in it or it will turn them off.

I used to take more photos when I would do things out with friends like go to Disneyland. And since I’m not doing stuff like that anymore, I just don’t feel like taking photos when I’m out that have me in them. I have a lot of photos of going out to fun dinners or shows, but they don’t have me in them. I need to get better about asking friends to take photos of me or I need to just stage a little photo shoot in my place using a tripod and setting up my phone. I want to be able to replace more of the photos that I’ve been using for a while. I know that changing up a dating app profile can help more people see you, but it’s not just for that reason. I just want it to feel like it accurately represents me now and not just what I was like a few years ago.

Of course, I still think in the back of my mind that maybe I’ll meet the right person before I go through this effort and change things up, but I also know that sitting back and hoping for things to happen isn’t the best way to go about life. I need to make an effort, and hopefully taking more photos and changing up my profiles will be a good enough effort for me to have some different results.

Reviewing Some Expenses (or Getting Rid Of My Old Budget)

I think a lot of people have recurring charges on their credit cards or money taken from their bank accounts each month. I don’t set up my bills on auto-pay since I like to review my bills to make sure there aren’t any odd charges before I pay, but I’ve had plenty of things set up to be recurring charges whenever they are set to renew. I think I have more of these on my phone, like the NY Times crossword puzzle app. But I do try to review these when they renew to make sure I didn’t forget to cancel something. And I do check the charges on my credit card each month, but most of the recurring charges on my card are annual ones so I don’t think about them too often.

I try to cancel anything I know I’m not using since it’s wasted money if I don’t. And if I’m trying out something, I always check to see if I can cancel it while I’m in the current trial or paid service to make sure that I don’t get charged for renewal but still have access to use it the entire time that I should. And I have removed a lot of things that I have realized I don’t need or want anymore. The biggest one that was recurring charges was magazine subscriptions. I don’t get any magazines in the mail anymore outside of things through my union. It was an extra expense that I didn’t need and since getting rid of them I haven’t missed them either.

But there are always things that I forget about until I get the email either saying my payment is going to go through soon or thanking me for making a payment. And with those annual recurring charges, since I don’t think about them I don’t think about canceling them either. But I recently had to cancel 2 annual charges for things that I just don’t find useful anymore.

One was for a note-taking app that I used to use all the time. The only reason I paid for it was that that was the only way to sync notes between devices. And since I used it on an almost daily basis in the past, that small annual charge was worth it to me. But when it was renewed recently, I realized that I hadn’t used it much in the last year that I was paying. I have found other things that work for me for tracking notes that are free and if I really needed my old app I could still access it for free through my computer. So I could transcribe notes from something else on my phone to my computer with a little effort. Since that had already been renewed, I had to submit a form to get a refund, but fortunately, that wasn’t too bad of a process and I got my money back within a week.

The other annual charge that I decided against renewing was my budgeting app. I think it’s a bit funny to cancel a budgeting app to do better on my budget, but I just wasn’t using the app anymore. I’ve been working toward finding an alternative that I like more, but I haven’t figured that out just yet. But while I had been working on a new option, I wasn’t using the app I had been using for a while. It’s not that it’s a bad app, it just doesn’t serve me the way that it used to with the budgeting goals that I have now. And to pay for it when I don’t think I’ll be using it anymore seemed silly. So that was canceled before I was charged and I didn’t have to worry about it again.

I know removing these 2 recurring charges won’t make a huge difference in my budget, but it is removing unnecessary spending which is important. And I do want to look at more recurring charges that I have to see if there are other things I’m missing that I’m paying for but don’t use. I don’t know if there are any, but I would have said that last month before I remembered about these 2 so I have a feeling there will be something else that comes up when I look into things more.

And when I eventually figure out a new way to work on a budget, having fewer recurring charges will be helpful since it will be less to track. It’s all these small changes that I can make that will help make things easier and hopefully also add up to save me a nice amount of money.

An Unexpected Day Off (or Enjoying Some Free Time)

I’ve been pretty lucky with my day job situation for quite a bit of time. Things haven’t always been perfect, but they have been better than what many of my friends have dealt with. Even losing my job during the beginning of the pandemic isn’t the worst thing since so many of my friends who kept their jobs had to be around people. That wouldn’t have been my situation, but losing my job at that time led me to the job that I’m doing full-time now. And when that job came back and things started to get better, they worked with me so I could work limited hours and make it work with my new job. And I do feel like my efforts and contributions are appreciated at both my jobs.

I have a few more positive things to say about my main job, but that’s mainly because I have benefits that my part-time job doesn’t have. I get paid holidays, which is something that a lot of jobs don’t provide. And while I don’t have health insurance, I do get extra money once a month to help with the cost of insurance. It doesn’t cover it in full, but it’s significantly better than getting no help at all. And I think because of the type of work I do at my full-time job, I get a lot more feedback and feel a bit more important to keep the company going.

And I know that job appreciates us too from a lot of things that they have done for us. The most recent thing we got was an extra day off last week for employee appreciation day. I didn’t know I had this day off until the week before when some of my meetings were getting moved around. Because it was on a Friday, I still had to work my part-time job, but it gave me a lot of extra free time that I wasn’t expecting and I took advantage of that.

I did allow myself to sleep in a bit, but since I get up so early almost every day, sleeping in isn’t really that late. I think I was still up before 7am. But it was nice to not have to rush to get out of bed to get to my workout or to log in for work. So I enjoyed the morning and took my time getting things done. But I couldn’t be too lazy because I had an appointment that morning.

As soon as I found out about having the day off, I messaged my friend about getting my hair done. I was going to message her soon anyway, but I figured I’d have to go one day after work in the evening. But since I had the day off, I asked if she had any appointments that would work around my other job and she had something in the morning so it was perfect! It was nice not going in after being tired from working and other things going on and just getting to relax while getting my hair back to how I like it to look.

I did have to work for 2 hours in the afternoon for my other job, but I was much more relaxed working than normal since I wasn’t doubled up for my work and I didn’t have any stress from my main job affecting me. And I was done with work by 3pm so I had a lot of free time in the afternoon.

I didn’t do much else with my day, just spent time reading and then watching a bit of tv before going to bed. I also received a very nice card and generous gift card from my main job, so I did do some exploring online to figure out what I want to use the gift card on. I haven’t decided yet, but I’m sure I’ll find something cool.

It really was a nice and chill day off that I didn’t plan on having. I did get a few things done that I needed to do, but it was just nice feeling like I had the ability to relax a bit more during my day. Normally, I feel pretty rushed from 5 in the morning until about 6 in the evening. And even though I had a day off the week before, I will always appreciate any paid time off that I can have.

Picking Up My Effort (or Glad This Week Wasn’t As Bad As It Could Have Been)

Before this past week of workouts, I was worried that it might be a bad week. I knew my pain and nausea might kick in during the week, but I was also hopeful that it wouldn’t be as bad as I know it can be. It’s not exactly something I can predict, I just know when the likely time is for it to happen.

Monday was a tough day for me for nausea, but it was somewhat manageable. I just tried to do what I always do with taking breaks when I needed them to make sure I let the nausea pass.

For cardio, we had 2 blocks. The first block was rounds of a push pace or a base pace for 1 minute each with a 30-second all-out at the end. The second block was rounds of a 30-second push pace with an incline followed by a 90-second base pace without an incline and another 30-second all-out at the end. The incline/resistance level wasn’t too high, but I still tried to keep it above what I normally use for my all-out to make it a bit more challenging.

On the rower, each block was a row and a medicine ball exercise. The first block was a 200-meter row and a good morning with the medicine ball. And the second block was a 30-second row and calf raises with a raised medicine ball. The calf raises were supposed to be single-leg and sometimes I do try to do those, but I knew my balance was not up for it so I did them as regular calf raises instead.

And on the floor, we had 2 blocks that each had 3 exercises. We had single-arm high rows, shoulder presses to stands, and squats in the first block. And we had single-arm chest presses, deadlifts, and pullovers in the second block. I did split up the shoulder presses to stands into 2 movements, but other than that I was able to do a pretty good job with all the floor work and used some good weights.

I was expecting to still have nausea on Tuesday, but I was doing a lot better so that was a nice surprise for me. I know how much I have to take advantage of the days I feel good when I’m expecting not to be ok, so I tried my best not to go too easy on myself.

For cardio, we had one long block. We started with a 30-second push pace and a 30-second base pace. We continued the pattern of the push and base pace matching, but each time they were increased by 15 seconds. We ended with a 75-second push pace and a 75-second base pace before having a 30-second all-out to end the block. I didn’t change up my resistance levels from what I normally use, but I did pay more attention to how fast I was pedaling so I could try to increase it just a little bit more than what I usually do.

On the rower, for the first 3 minutes, we matched cardio with the push and base paces. Then we had stroke drills with medicine ball work for the rest of the block. We had 20 strokes on the rower and then squats with front presses and lunges. The first 3 minutes were tough since my endurance on the rower isn’t my strong spot, but I did ok. And for the stroke drills, I really made sure I took my time since that’s the best way to maximize distance for those.

And on the floor, it was another long block but there were 2 mini-blocks in it. The first mini-block was all mini-band work. We had torso rotations, scissor kick crunches, and toe taps. I did change up the order so that I did all the toe taps at one time since I was a bit worried about being face down during exercises, but it was ok. And the second mini-block had skier swings, lunges, single-arm snatches, and standing wood choppers. I didn’t go too heavy with these weights, but I never do so it was pretty much my normal ability.

Wednesday was also a pretty ok day for me. I was surprised I didn’t have nausea in the morning since I really expected it after Monday, but I wasn’t going to complain too much. Especially since this was right after I decided my monthly challenge was going to be all about making improvements in my workouts.

For cardio and the rower, we had an interesting switch format. Every block was 4 minutes long and if you were on cardio, you did the first and last block on cardio and the middle block on the rower. And if you were on the rower, the first and last blocks were on the rower and the middle block was on cardio. So we were switching every 4 minutes. Every block on cardio was 3 rounds of a 1-minute all-out with a 30-second recovery in between. And every block on the rower was a 3-minute push pace with a 1-minute all-out. I did increase my all-out resistance level for cardio and it was a lot harder than my usual level, but also a good challenge. And on the rower, I tried to not take breaks but I did need to take a few.

And on the floor, we had a lot of Bosu work but I had to modify some of it to make it work for me. We had lunges (which I did off of the Bosu), kneeling tricep extensions, crunches, kneeling single-arm bicep curls, push-ups (which were also off of the Bosu), single-arm chest presses, and hip bridges. It was a lot of work, but also another good challenge. I wanted to try heavier weights, but for most of the weights I use, going heavier is a 5lb difference which is a bit more than I’m ready for. But I did try each weighted exercise with the heavier weight before just using the weights I normally do just in case I was able to do it.

And my surprise continued on Thursday when again I didn’t have nausea. I really felt lucky that I only had one day of nausea, but I also know that I might have a lot more this week. But I enjoyed having a much better week than I planned.

For cardio, we had 4 blocks. Each block started between our base and push pace and then went to a push pace, push to an all-out pace, and ended with an all-out pace. In the first block, we didn’t have any inclines, and in each block after that, we increased the inclines but the times for each interval decreased. I did try to use higher resistance levels than normal. So for my first base to push pace, I used my normal push pace. And that meant my all-out level was 1 higher than I normally use when we had no incline work. And each block everything went 1 level higher which was a big challenge by the last block.

On the rower, we started with a 500-meter row. Then we had lunges and deadlifts with shoulder presses using a medicine ball. We continued the pattern of the row and exercises and did 2 rounds of a 250-meter row next. We were supposed to do 3 rounds of a 125-meter row at the end, but I only made it through 2 rounds before we were done on the rower.

And on the floor, we had 1 long block. We had step-ups to knee raises, shoulder presses, step-downs, reverse fly with weights, bear planks, and double crunches. I did a few modifications on the floor such as lowering the bench so I could do the step-ups and step-downs, but I was able to do them with the lower bench. I also skipped the bear planks because I was struggling a lot with my balance once I got to those. But I did use a heavier weight than normal for my double crunches which I was very happy with.

I’m so glad that this past week went a lot better than I thought it would. I was able to have some really good workouts and start working on my monthly challenge toward the end of the week. This week might be a tough one for me or I might be surprised again. But either way, I’m going to keep going and hopefully I can find more ways I can still work on improving things.