The Week Before The Dri-Tri (or I Hope I’m Going To Be Ready)

I’m only going to write about my first 3 workouts this past week since the 4th workout was the Dri-Tri! I’ve done a bunch of Dri-Tris before and I’ve done them in situations that weren’t always ideal, but I still am always nervous before going into one. And this time, I knew there was a good chance I was going to be dealing with a lot of pain and nausea when doing it. So I wanted to make sure my workouts leading up to it were the best they could be even if I wasn’t feeling great.

Monday’s workout was a power day. I was dealing with nausea that day, and it annoyed me because I thought I had at least another day or two before it became an issue for me. But as I have done every month when I’m dealing with pain or nausea, I just had to push through and do my best.

Each section of the room had 3 blocks and the cardio and rower sides worked a bit with the same format. For cardio, we started with a 45-second push pace, 45-second base pace, and 45-second all-out. Then we had some walking recovery and another all-out. The walking recovery got longer each block and the all-out got shorter each block. On the rower, when cardio had the first 3 45-second intervals, we had 200-meter rows and squats with medicine ball front presses. When cardio had their recovery, so did the rowers and we did the same all-out as the cardio side. My rowing was very slow and I only got 1 round of the 200-meter row each block.

And on the floor, each of the 3 blocks had different exercises. The first block had squats to shoulder presses and bicep curls on the straps. The second block had leg raises, bicycle crunches, and supermen. And the last block had single-arm snatches and tricep extensions on the straps. I went pretty light for my weights because of how I was feeling, but I felt like the floor was probably the best section of the room for me that day.

Wednesday was an endurance day, and I was unfortunately feeling worse. Because I knew I would likely feel bad that day, I was a bit more prepared for it. And I was hoping that feeling sick that day meant I would feel ok for the Dri-Tri. And this workout did end up being a decent day to prep for the Dri-Tri.

For cardio and the rower, we had a very similar workout. For both sides, we had 2 rounds of a 4-minute progressive push with 90-seconds after each one and then ended with a 3-minute distance challenge. For cardio, I did increase the resistance on the bike each minute like we were supposed to. And on the rower, I just tried my best to row for as long as I could. I also tried to keep my speed the same the entire time. I know the goal was to get faster every minute, but I just wasn’t in the right situation to work on that. And on the rower, the 90-seconds after each row had squats and a bit of a break instead of a base pace.

And on the floor, we had 2 blocks. The first block had sumo squats, spiderman planks (which was supposed to be on the Bosu but I did just on the floor), lunges, and running men (again, was supposed to be on the Bosu but I did them on the floor). And in the second block, we had goblet squats and plank jacks. Considering how many exercises we had face down and how that usually makes me feel much more nauseous, I was proud of how I did.

Friday’s workout was a power day and it was going to be my last class before the Dri-Tri. I wasn’t feeling as horrible as I was on Wednesday, so that helped make the workout a bit better.

For cardio, we had 4 blocks. Each block had a push pace, base pace, and an all-out. The total time was the same for each block, but we started with a short push pace and long all-out and the push pace got longer each block while the all-out got faster. Since they were all very quick intervals and then we got to recover between each block, that helped to make it better.

On the rower, we also had 4 blocks. Each block had a row and then squats. The row started at 100-meter and the squats started at 25 reps. And each block the row got 50-meters longer and we had 5 fewer squats. Since all the rows were short, I managed to do them all ok without needing any breaks or having issues.

And on the floor, we had one long block with 3 mini-blocks in it. For each mini-block, we had 4 rounds before moving on to the next one. We had shoulder presses and sumo squats with froggers, front squats and burpees, and pullovers and push-ups. I did the burpees with my hands on the bench and instead of push-ups, I did chest presses. But those weren’t that bad for modifications.

I finished this past week of workouts feeling somewhat ready for the Dri-Tri. I knew I wasn’t as prepared as I have been in the past and there were some things out of my control that I was trying to prepare for. But I did my best to get ready and I was hopeful that I would do ok. And I’ll be writing about how I did tomorrow!

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