Monthly Archives: March 2018

Another Adventure In Bra Shopping (or I’m Glad I Took Another Chance)

I’ve written about bra shopping on here before. It was a pretty horrible experience. I was essentially fat shamed for trying to find a sports bra in my size. Since that post, I haven’t really done a proper bra fitting. I did a somewhat decent one at a mall store where I’ve gotten bras in the past, but I knew those bras weren’t the right size. And that store was either unable or unwilling to do a proper fitting for me. But because of my past experience, I was nervous to try another store (because I was never going back to the one that shamed me).

But this week, I realized that I really needed to go get a bra fitting. I had recently bought a new bra at that mall store and it was showing signs of being too big and too small at the same time. I did a little bit of research on where to get a new bra since I’m not someone who fits into most standard sizes. And if they do carry my size, they are a mall store that doesn’t do fittings or they are a store that only has one ugly white/beige/black bra in my size. I wanted to go somewhere that made me feel like a valued customer but was close enough that I didn’t have to drive an hour to get to and that didn’t only sell bras that were double or triple my budget.

But it seemed like I found a pretty great place while doing my research. Jenette Bras had a location that wasn’t that far from my house and while I wouldn’t have as many bras to choose from as some other people, they did carry bras in my size. They specialize in bras that are D cup and up, which is what I needed. I was only nervous about how many options they would have in my band size. But it seemed like they were the best bet for me so I headed there after work this week.

As soon as I walked in, I was greeted by one of the bra fitters and she was super friendly! I explained that I needed a new bra or two and that I was on a budget so I couldn’t afford anything too crazy. She said that would be easy enough to do and she brought me back to one of the fitting rooms. This isn’t a store where you walk around and look at what they offer. You hang out in the fitting room where they figure out your size and then they go and bring bra options that will work. And after each bra you try, they see how the fit is to make any size adjustments and get your opinion to see if the style was right.

I didn’t mind not going around to shop. When I do that, I usually get frustrated by the lack of options in my size. Or I focus too much on price tags when I should be looking at style. And of course, you never know how things will look on your body when they are on a hanger or in a drawer so I’m quick to judge. But since I wasn’t doing the shopping, I got to hang out in the super cute fitting room waiting for options to be brought to me.

When we figured out my proper size, it turns out I was right that my other bra was both too big and too small. My band was too big (yay for losing some inches!) and my cup size was too small (I guess my weight loss wasn’t in my chest?). And once that was figured out, they started to bring back lots of options for me to try on. Some of them were just not my style and some just didn’t fit my body right. But there was never any judgement from anyone at the store about anything I tried on. Even with the ones that didn’t fit my body correctly they never said it was wrong for my body. They just said that it wasn’t the right fit and that they would find something more comfortable.

In the end, I ended up buying 2 new bras. One is similar in style to what I was wearing before (just in the correct size) and the other is different but still cute. Plus, the different one happened to be on sale so it was actually less expensive that the mall bras I had been buying! I also tried on sports bras while I was there since I could always use another one. I did find one I liked, but I didn’t like the color and the brand was going to be coming out with new ones soon. So they wrote down the brand and size for me so I can come back and try them on when they have them in better colors.

Even though the bra that wasn’t on sale was a bit more expensive than I would have liked to have spent, since the other was on sale it pretty much cost me the same for these 2 really nice (and perfectly fitting) bras as it did for 2 of the ill-fitting mall ones! Plus, having a properly fitted bra really does make you look better in clothes! I know that if I lose weight I will need to buy new ones and that can get expensive. But I think this is an expense that is worth it and I can’t skip on buy something because I am hoping I will lose weight. But I also know that when my weight is lower and I need another fitting, I now can go to Jenette Bras and I don’t have to be worried about how I will be treated!

Turning Myself Into A Morning Person (or Continuing On My Productivity Kick)

I don’t know what it is, but I’ve been so motivated to be productive lately. I’ve had my giant cleaning spree and I’ve been working on figuring out how to make my downtime at work more productive. And my motivation kick seems to be continuing which can only be a good thing for me.

I know there are some people who say that you are either a morning person or a night person and because that’s how you are it’s pretty difficult to change. And I used to believe that. I know that I naturally am a night person. I could easily stay up until 1 or 2am and then go to bed (I’m sure for some night people that still seems early, but for me that’s late). And when my work schedule was later, I would sleep in to make up for staying up late. But because I wasted my morning and my late nights weren’t super productive either, I always felt like I needed to work on catching up and I didn’t like that feeling.

I’ve tried to become a morning person several times and it’s never really stuck with me. But for a while, I’ve been working on regulating my sleep schedule and I think it’s finally helping me become a morning person. On my earliest work days with my day job, I need to wake up at 7am. So I’ve been working on getting up every day at 7am. And I know that 7am isn’t super early and there are plenty of people who get up at 4 or 5am, but for me it was early since there were days I would be sleeping in until 9:30am. And I know that I need about 7 hours of sleep so I have a goal of trying to go to bed by midnight. I don’t always accomplish that, but like with so many other aspects of my life just being aware of it is helpful.

It’s taken a long time and I’ve had lots of setbacks, but I’m finally starting to get more into my sleep routine and it’s becoming much easier for me. I’m starting to feel tired when it’s getting closer to midnight and I’m finding it much easier to get up at 7am. I’ve also been noticing on my Fitbit that I am not as restless while I’m sleeping so I’m getting more sleep in those 7 hours than I have in the past. Most of the time I still need an alarm to get up (or if I’m being honest, multiple alarms), but I’m not hitting snooze like I used to and there have been the rare occasional morning when I naturally wake up right before my alarm goes off. It does feel so great when I wake up naturally and I’m hoping that it happens more often.

And with getting up at 7am even on my later shift days, I’ve had a few hours in the morning to get things done. I’ve been doing a lot of errands like going to the grocery store or other things like that, but I’m looking at more ways to spend those few hours in the morning being productive. It’s also nice to feel like I’ve accomplished a lot before I get stuck sitting at my computer for several hours. If I’ve gotten a lot done in the morning, I don’t feel like I’m wasting my time when I’m home but can’t really do much.

There are still plenty of times that I know I will sleep in (or want to sleep in), but I really do want to try to make it the norm that I get up at the same time every morning. Having some consistency is helpful and I know that getting into more routines will help me stay calm and figure out when I can get other things done. I also have to take my medications in the morning and when I do oversleep I usually don’t end up taking them since they are stimulants and if I take them too late I won’t be able to sleep (and that puts me into a bad cycle of staying up too late). So if I’m getting up early every day that helps me stay consistent with medications and I can be a better judge on if they are working or not.

I have no idea what the next productivity thing that I’ll be motivated to do will be, but I’m seriously feeling so amazing about how I’ve had so many different productivity things in my life lately and I know this can only benefit me in the long run.

Working On Productivity (or Taking Advantage Of The Slow Season)

It’s been the slow season for one of my day jobs for about a month now. Things are crazy from Halloween until Valentine’s Day, pick back up in May through the summer, and then are slow again in September. It’s nice to have a slow season because during the busy season we can be talking to a customer on the phone and have 3 on chat and still have more customers trying to reach us. So when we have downtime, I think we all relax a bit and get things back in order.

I’ll admit that I’m not the best about what I do with my time during work during the slow season. I have to be sitting in front of my computer waiting to see if a call or customer chat comes in, but I’m usually on some website looking up random things or watching videos online. It’s not the best way to spend my time, but sometimes that’s what helps me get through a very slow day. When you are stuck at a computer for 7 hours and you only end up working with a customer for 3 minutes (which happened to me the other day), you kind of need something to help keep you sane.

For a while, I was using the time to watch the Olympics or catch up on things that were on my DVR (my shows piled up in there after being gone for a few days). Mindless entertainment is fine (and I’ll still probably end up using my time to catch up on TV occasionally), but it’s not what I should be doing. I’m using it as a distraction and not as something productive to do in the free time that I’m lucky enough to have.

I’m also lucky that even though I’m working from home I don’t feel isolated. But in reality, I am isolated because I’m just stuck behind a computer without any real human interaction. I do use our messaging system to talk with my co-workers and I talk to customers on the phone, but it’s not the same as going into an office. So if I can figure out how to be more productive during my work downtime, maybe I’ll find more time in my schedule to be social when I’m done with work. I shouldn’t have to be stuck behind a computer after my work shift is done and I’m trying to work on staying off my computer if possible (even for fun things) when I log out of my work shift. I’ve been getting better at doing that, but I know there’s a lot of improvement I could make in that aspect of my life.

I really want to get out of the pattern of just getting through my time at work during the slow time and not really knowing what I did with my time when I’m done. I do have my other job I work between customers, but that job had to significantly cut back my hours so I’m only doing that a few hours a week. And I was thinking about spending the downtime looking at other job options because I do need to start making more money, but I honestly don’t know when I could work since most jobs wouldn’t allow me to work between customers at a job (I’m so lucky my other job lets me do that). I’m also hopeful that I will be getting more hours at my other job so that will make it so I don’t need to find something else.

So I’ve been trying to figure out what I can do while stuck at my computer that is productive but not something that requires so much focus that I couldn’t put it down when I do have customers. So far, I’ve been doing a lot of reading books and news online. I’ve been listening to the backlog of podcasts I’ve got on my phone. And I’ve been doing some of my educational apps on my phone (although that only takes maybe 20 minutes to get through). There are other things I wish I could do during my downtime, but if it requires me to be away from my computer (like cooking so I have more home-cooked meals), I can’t really do it. Work still needs to be my priority, but there’s still so much time that I can devote to something else awesome.

I’d really love some suggestions on ideas of what I could do while I’m waiting for a customer to need help. I know that the slow season will be over before I know it and I’ll be missing all this downtime, but I still want to make sure I use this downtime well and take advantage of the opportunity I have. I know there are better ways I could be spending my time even if I am stuck at my desk, but I just don’t know what they are yet.

Feeling The Need To Clean (or Working On Quality Over Quantity)

I’ve written about doing big cleaning spurts before, but recently I’ve experienced one of the weirdest needs to clean I’ve ever had. This started a few weeks ago after a friend of mine went to Mardi Gras and was telling me about a moment of clarity when they realized how wasteful everything seemed. She couldn’t believe how many people were taking beads when they would be throwing them out later. And the streets were cluttered with trash and she just couldn’t believe that she was in the middle of that.

It didn’t hit me right away after my friend shared that story, but after reflecting back on it for a little bit I had the same moment of clarity in a way. I was looking around my house and just had a feeling of panic over how cluttered and messy it was looking. I know that it wasn’t that bad and none of my friends felt it was messy, but to me I just couldn’t take it. And then I had the feeling over being overwhelmed by having just too much stuff.

I’m not a hoarder in any sense, but I do have a tendency to over-shop. A lot of this is with clothing because when I find something that fits me I usually will get multiples of it. I’m really trying to get out of that habit, but it’s hard when I find something that I really like. I’ve been working on cleaning out my closet and drawers and have had bags of things to donate. I also had the opportunity to reorganize as well since I finally had more space.

Another place I seem to have an unintentional collection is with water bottles. I get a ton of them as a part of swag bags and then there are some that I have bought as well. But I usually use one of only a few water bottles. And I finally bought one that I had been wanting for a long time (it’s sold by a company that only does bulk orders but I was able to order a single bottle from them). And when I got that perfect water bottle and I was trying to put it away, I realized how ridiculous my collection had become.

And after taking that photo I realized there were more bottles that I forgot about! I sorted them out and put the ones I use and the ones I have sentimental value with on one side and all the rest on another. I had 10 or 12 bottles that I don’t care about and I didn’t want to keep in my house. Another friend of mine mentioned how their kids are always losing water bottles so I gave her all the ones I didn’t need. It was a win-win because I got them out of my house and she got something she needed for her kids.

And I spent part of yesterday working on getting as much of the other stuff in my house organized. The box I had been using for holiday decorations wasn’t big enough so I got a big plastic tub to store them in. I got organizers and baskets for my bathroom and threw out products I don’t use. My house still could use more decluttering, but I’ve made a huge step in the right direction and I don’t feel as overwhelmed anymore.

Every time I have a big cleaning like this, I tell myself that I won’t get that way again. But it always happens. And that’s because of my over-shopping tendency. But I’m much more aware that I have that issue and I’m hoping that knowing it will help me not be as bad about it. I really don’t need to own a ton of the same thing if I could just get one nice version of it instead. For my water bottles, I didn’t need 10 bottles that were ok when I could have just bought the 1 that I really wanted. It’s tough because the better thing is usually more expensive, but in the long run it ends up being cheaper than buying multiples of the less expensive thing.

I have a dream that my house will be one of those minimalistic dream homes, but I know that it would be tough to make that happen because I do have so much in my house that I love and want to keep. But I can work on storing things properly and out of the way so it doesn’t feel as full as it really it. And I have a feeling that for the next few weeks I’m probably going to keep working on what I’ve started and I may have something much closer to that dream than I ever had before.


An Up And Down Week (or Working Through The Same Frustrations)

This past week of workouts was a bit of a mixed bag of good and bad. I’m really working on not judging my workouts as much, but it’s difficult when I have previous workouts to compare it to. I keep reminding myself to focus on the fact that I’m there and that’s better than I was doing before, but it’s still not the first thing in my head a lot of the time.

Monday’s workout was a strength day. I knew I’d be going to Disneyland after my workout, so I planned on using the bike instead of the treadmill. But by the time I got to class, I wasn’t able to start on cardio so I started on the rower instead. It was a 3 group class and we had 2 rounds around the room so every block was about 7 minutes long. The rowing was pretty much the same with both blocks. We had rounds of sprint rows of 100, 200, or 300 meters. In the first block, we went up in distance and in the second block we went down. I tried to keep my rowing under my time goals and was pretty much able to do that each time.

On the floor, the first block had deadlifts, bear steps (which is kind of like a crab walk but face down), and lunges with upper cuts using weights. And in the second block we had sumo squats, alligators on the straps, and seated torso rotations. And on the bike, everything was pretty much 90 second push paces. Since the treadmill would have been at an incline, I tried to increase the resistance on the bike each time. And while I was tired, when we did have the all out paces on each block, I pushed myself really hard to pedal even faster. And that work paid off because I was complimented by my coach for working so hard!

Wednesday’s workout was a really interesting one! We’ve got a Dri-Tri coming up soon and this class was kind of like a mini Dri-Tri! We were in 3 groups again and I was in the group that started on the treadmill. It was supposed to be a 12 minute run for distance, but I’m still not really running yet so I walked the entire thing. I was hoping to get at least .7 miles done and I just got beyond that so I was pretty happy.

Next I was on the rower where it was a bit different from what we would do during a Dri-Tri. We had 10 minutes of doing 100 meter sprint rows followed by 20 power jumping jacks using a medicine ball. The goal was to do as many rounds of that as you could in those 10 minutes. I was able to do about 938 meters which was below the goal but I really did try my best. And after that I was on the floor where we had the same bodyweight exercises that we have during the Dri-Tri. But I was a bit more tired doing the floor work since it was toward the end of my workout. After that, we had a 1 minute tornado around the room with a 1 minute plank hold, 1 minute all out on the treadmill, and 1 minute all out on the rower.

Friday was a bit of an odd day. I wasn’t feeling totally myself and had some dizziness and vertigo issues in the morning while I was working. I thought I felt better when I got to the workout, but after my warmup on the treadmill I realized that I was still feeling off and I’d be better off being on the bike. It was also a strength day so I was a little bit happy to be avoiding hills on the treadmill and just working on resistance training on the bike instead.

Each block on cardio had a similar pattern with a base pace at an incline, a base pace at no incline, and a push to all out pace at an incline. For me on the bike, that meant working with increasing the resistance as a substitute for inclines. I didn’t get as high up in the resistance as I would have liked to, but I did match my highest resistance level from the recent past which was nice. And again, I tried to focus on my cadence and wattage to make sure I was replicating push and all out paces the best that I could.

When I was on the floor, we had 2 floor blocks and 1 rowing block. The first floor block was squat low rows with weights, triceps on the straps, and lateral raises with weights. The second block was a mini-band block. I’m still getting a hang of the mini-bands and this time I still ended up spending some time getting it straight on my legs and figuring out the best way to use them. This time, we had suitcase squats with weights, knee tucks, and side plank leg lifts using the mini-bands. I think I did better than I had in the past with the bands, but I also know there is a lot of room for improvement too. And the last block was on the rower where we had 3 rounds of 30 second all out rows followed by 30 seconds of recovery.

After an off day on Friday, I was a bit worried about Saturday. But I found out it was going to be a power day where we switched between blocks (plus it was a 3 group class) so I felt much better. Each block was only 4 minutes long so I wasn’t at any spot that long. So I felt much more comfortable using the treadmill this class. Each round on the treadmill was a similar pattern with a push pace, a base pace, a push to all out pace, a 30 second walking recovery, and a 30 second all out pace to end the block. I wasn’t doing my usual inclines and kept the push and all out inclines the same instead of bumping it up. But even with keeping the inclines a bit lower, I still felt the workout since there was minimal recovery time.

On the rower, each block was the same idea with counting pulls and seeing how far you could go. The first block was rounds of 10 pulls, the second block was rounds of 15 pulls, and the last block was rounds of 20 pulls. I was doing pretty great with 10 and 15 pulls, but when it got to 20 pulls I wasn’t able to do my super slow rowing that I can do with lower pull counts. And on the floor, each block had 2 moves. Those included uppercuts with weights, pop jacks, Y raises on the straps, sit-ups, squats, and hammer curls. The blocks were so fast that I really didn’t have time to think about getting tired so I was using some of the heavier weights for the weight work.

I sound like a broken record, but I’m really looking forward to when I will finally have progress in my workouts again. I miss feeling so accomplished every class. But then again, maybe this is what it’s like to work out on a regular basis for so long. I can’t always expect progress and I can’t use that as a motivation. But to have a little bit of that progress back again would be really nice.

Another Friend Happy Hour (or We Both Know We Need To Do This More Often)

I’ve definitely been focusing on trying to have more time with my friends lately. I’m aware how crazy all of our schedules are and when we can figure out a time to meet I make it a priority. My friend Rayshell and I had made a few attempts to have a happy hour dinner, and things just kept happening to make us reschedule our plans. I was probably more at fault because of schedule changes and then being out-of-town. But we both understand that neither of us are rescheduling because we want to. Life just gets in the way. But fortunately, we were able to figure out a time to meet up this week.

I originally offered to drive to the valley because we try to alternate which side of town we meet on. But Rayshell offered to stay on my side of town after work and we went to Westside Tavern. We both were having a craving for the food there so that was fine with me! I had some time after work before meeting her there, but I underestimated how crazy traffic would be in my neighborhood and ended up meeting Rayshell a bit late.

Since I had been craving Westside Tavern I had been checking out the menu and picked out a few things that sounded good to me. And Rayshell had looked at the menu before I got there and picked out some things too. Somehow, we both picked the same things! We ended up splitting the burrata to start, I had a chicken sandwich (Rayshell got a burger which was something else I was thinking about getting), and even though we were a bit full we split apple bread pudding for dessert.

It was a lot of food, but it was so delicious! But as with all our hangouts, even though the food was awesome the company was even better! Both of us have had a lot of things and a lot of nothing happening in our lives. It’s weird, but it made a funny hangout with us each remembering random things to update each other on.

Rayshell is one of my friends who loves to hear all the craziness going on with online dating. She asked me about a story that I posted on social media about a guy who basically stood me up. He never showed up where we were supposed to meet and when I texted him he told me he was home which was just around the corner from the coffee shop we were supposed to meet at. I told him no and left because I knew something was fishy about the situation. Rayshell and I were joking about how he probably was some sort of weirdo and would wear my skin or something. I know it’s not good to joke about things like that, but I’m pretty careful with my safety so I know I wouldn’t be put in an unsafe situation.

I also have gone out with a few new guys lately and have had some good and some bad stories about them. A lot of it is about self-discovery and me allowing myself to express my opinion and not feel the need to conform to what someone else wants me to be. It’s a weird thing, but I think all of my friends get a kick out of hearing about the random guys I’ve met and the weird profiles I’ve found online.

Rayshell was telling me about the series that she produced that is currently in post-production. I can relate to wanting something to be done in post-production quickly when you don’t have control over it. I just hope that her project is completed soon because I really want to watch it! And Rayshell is also now a regular OTF person (but she works out at the studio by her), so we were talking a lot about our workouts and what we’ve been enjoying about them.

We were at dinner for a good chunk of time before we decided we should head out so she could get back to her side of town. It was just so nice to have a couple of hours to hang out with a friend one on one and be able to focus on them. We both agreed that we will do another happy hour dinner soon, but we also both know that even with the best intentions that doesn’t always happen. But at least we both put in an effort to make it happen and when it does we always have an amazing time!

An Easy Disney Day (or Another Eat All The Foods Adventure)

I was at Disneyland pretty recently and didn’t really have plans for when I’d be back. But I knew I wanted to be back soon because the Food and Wine Festival was starting up again. So when I was randomly texting with my friend Michelle, I mentioned how we needed to go to have all the delicious foods again. And it turns out that we were both free on Monday (sadly our other Disney buddy Dani was not), so we made plans to have a fun day at the park.

We had our usual mid-day start and got to Disneyland around noon. And there wasn’t a line at the parking garage so we took that as a good sign. We ended up walking over to the park instead of taking the tram, but as soon as we were in California Adventure we immediately headed to a store to get our Sip and Savor Pass for the Food and Wine Festival.

The pass is a pretty great deal since it’s $45 and you get 8 food items for it. Most of the food is between $5-8, so you get your money’s worth. You can’t use it for alcohol, but since I’m not really drinking it’s not a big deal for me.

It was a really gorgeous day out and we were enjoying walking through the park to get to the food booths. And we noticed a PhotoPass photographer by the waterfall from the water ride and we decided to stop to get a photo. Since Michelle’s pass includes PhotoPass photos, we take advantage of these more often. We were both feeling a bit silly so we went with a silly pose.

When we got to the food booths, there were a few things we wanted to share and some things we each wanted. So we settled on us each getting one thing we wanted for ourselves and then 2 things we were going to share. We shared the caesar asparagus and grilled artichoke hearts. And I got the beef slider for myself and Michelle got the poke salad.

Everything was so delicious! I have had the slider before and I thought it was better this time than it was before. But I think my favorite thing we got was the asparagus. It was so good and not that heavy considering it was with a heavier dressing. I might start making caesar salads now with asparagus instead of lettuce occasionally!

After our lunch, we did a quick ride on the Little Mermaid ride since it was right there and then we headed over to Radiator Springs Racers. That’s one of my favorite rides but we hadn’t been on it for a while. So it was nice to get to go on it again!

We then went over to the Animation Academy to do some drawing and this time we were taught how to draw Zero from “Nightmare Before Christmas”. It ended up being the best character I’ve drawn so far and I think that both Michelle and I had drawings that looked pretty good.

Then it was time for our favorite ride at California Adventure: the Guardians of the Galaxy: Mission Breakout ride! We are still hoping to get a song on the ride that we haven’t had yet, but this time we weren’t lucky enough for that. But I’ve been experiencing something on that ride for a while that we finally have a photo of. I had my seatbelt on the ride on pretty tight (my friends can verify this). But somehow, when the ride drops I fly so high up! Michelle jokes that she can see me floating toward the ceiling each time. And in this photo, you finally see it. I know it looks like I’m standing up (especially when you compare me to the other people seated in the back row), but I swear I’m not. I’m just floating up while the ride drops.

Even though we had a lot of food to try earlier, since the food isn’t huge portions we were feeling ready for a little dinner and we each got the tacos which they have had in the past. Again, they seemed better this year and I love that this is considered theme park food!

We also saw a PhotoPass photographer by the big backdrop and decided to do more photos. We got some fun ones, but I think this one is my favorite because it makes me think of a buddy cop movie poster!

After that, we headed over to the Disneyland side where we did a lap on the train. I love the train and it gave us a chance to look at some of the Star Wars land construction. When we finished our ride, we headed toward Space Mountain and saw that there was a pretty nice sunset.

We then had our ride of Space Mountain which went off without any emergency stops. We were kind of hoping it would happen again because it was so amazing to see the ride with the lights on, but we also know that we were just lucky to get to experience that once. Unfortunately you can’t really see us that well in our ride photo, but it’s still a funny one. We are just so used to being in the front of the ride car.

The parks were starting to get a bit more crowded with the after-work crowd, but we were able to do quick rides on Buzz Lightyear and the Haunted Mansion before we were both feeling ready to head back to the car to go back home. We were at Disneyland for about 7 hours and considering we wanted it to be a lazy day we accomplished a lot!

The Food and Wine Festival is going on for another 5 weeks and I know I’ll be back for it at least once more. I’ve got 5 more things I can get with my Sip and Savor pass so I want to make sure that I try some other new things!


Oscar Party Time (or Feeling Inspired)

This past weekend was the Oscars and as usual I was at the party that my friends Marie and Chris do each year. This party is one of the best parties that they do because not only do they have amazing decorations but we get to watch the Oscars! I love seeing the awards being given out and I’m always happy to have an opportunity to figure out a fun costume.

I’ve been doing much more low-key costumes the past few years and this year that trend continued. I actually had this costume figured out last year when I saw “The Disaster Artist” for the first time. I had read the book first (which I recommend reading if you haven’t yet) and in the book as well as the movie the green screen almost became a character. It was so weird to create a green screen setup for a set that was right next to them. It makes no sense but that’s what they did. So I decided that I wanted to be the green screen from the movie as my costume.

I thought that there might be a chance someone else would get their costume inspiration from “The Disaster Artist”, but I was so excited to see that a friend dressed up as James Franco playing Tommy Wiseau so she could post the same way he is posed on my fake green screen!

And I loved the costumes that Marie and Chris wore (he was Pennywise and she was Tonya Harding).

And as more people arrived to the party, I was loving all the costumes. Some people went for costumes that made them look like characters from the movie (“Lady Bird”, “War For The Planet Of The Apes”, and “Get Out”) and others were more puns on the movie (the one with the name tags is “Call Me By Your Name”).

And before the show started, I also was checking out the decorations for the party. Marie and Chris had been posting online that they would be doing small this year and we all just figured that it was because they always go over-the-top and they needed a bit of a break. But it was more of a pun because they were inspired by the movie “Downsized” and did miniatures for all the decorations.

Once it was time for the Oscars to start, I hung out in the quiet room (where talking is only done during the commercials). More people hang out in the loud room, but I really do like to watch the awards and hear the speeches. I tried to go out of the quiet room during the commercials to socialize with people, but I pretty much stuck to my spot on the couch talking with the others in the quiet room between awards.

And since this was a live show, there was no way to forward through the commercials. Usually that bugs me, but this time we were noticing that the commercials were all pretty awesome. Most of them were about being creative and producing your own work. The commercials were very focused on inspiring those of us who were watching the Oscars from home but one day hope to be there. And they did inspire me. I was getting a little annoyed when we kept seeing the same commercials over and over again, but the inspiration I felt was more than the annoyance.

As far as predicting the winners, I didn’t do as well as I have in the past. I didn’t see as many of the nominated films as I hoped and I decided to guess the winners I wanted for some categories versus the winners that were more likely to happen. But that’s ok with me because there are some people at the party who take the guessing very seriously and do see pretty much everything that was nominated. I just like being around people who are as enthusiastic about watching the show as I am.

And most of the winners were what was predicted even if they weren’t necessarily the ones I picked. But it still made me so happy when I saw some of the winners like when Jordan Peele won for writing “Get Out”. That was one of my favorite movies of the year and I love how he has shared how hard it was for him to write it and how he quit so many times but just kept going. And I loved when the winners for live-action short film talked about how they got the money for their film by crowdsourcing. That’s something I’m familiar with and it’s a good reminder that as long as you have an idea, there is always a way to make it and you never know if it will win an Oscar.

After the show was done, everyone headed outside for the costume parade and voting. I knew I wasn’t going to win because there were so many amazing costumes, but I was hoping for at least a vote. And I did make it to the honorable mentions so that means someone voted for me (and it wasn’t me)! The winners all had amazing costumes and they totally deserved to win.

As soon as the winners for the costume contest were announced, I had to say goodbye so I could drive back home. I wish I could have stayed at the party longer, but I rarely can do that because of my schedule. But at least I got to spend Oscar Sunday with awesome friends and feeling like anything is possible!

Staying Educated With Union Things (or A Meeting Of The Minds)

Recently I was at a meeting with several of my friends who are involved in SAG-AFTRA. Most of them were people who were at the union convention with me last fall, and it was great to get to see people again since I hadn’t seen everyone since October. And I was so happy to have a meeting like this after a vacation because it helped to get me focused and out of vacation mode quickly. Sometimes it can take me more time to get back into my normal life after a trip and I was so glad to have a meeting like this to ground me and bring me back to what I should be focused on.

It’s not election season yet so we weren’t really discussing the election or the next convention. But just because the next election is still about a year and a half away it doesn’t mean that there isn’t a lot happening with the union that we should all be informed and up to date on.

One of the biggest things that has been happening lately is the plan to help to prevent sexual harassment and to have better ways for union members to report it. This has been a huge issue for a long time, but it is only getting the attention it should have been getting recently due to some brave women and men coming forward and sharing what happened. While sexual harassment was never allowed, now we have a clear code of conduct for our members to refer to. And this code of conduct has been shared with studios, directors, casting directors, agents, and managers so others in the industry are aware of what expectations we have as a union when we are on set.

There have also been meetings lately for members to attend to learn more about how we can report sexual harassment and panels for people to discuss what they’ve experienced or what they have questions on. It can be tough sometimes when you are doing an intimate scene to know what is appropriate and what is not. If you are in a nude scene, having a director touch you to move you into where they want you to be or to make sure the camera is seeing what it should be seeing is a gray area. In any other workplace, your superiors should not be around you when you aren’t clothed or touching your body. But in our industry, there are weird situations that need to be discussed so everyone is on the same page. As an actor, you could say you are ok with that or that you don’t want anyone to be near you until you have the chance to put a robe on.

It reminds me of a project I worked on years ago where I was in a bra and underwear for my scene. There were other actors in the same state of undress as I was and we all had different ideas of what was ok. Between takes, even though I had a dress I could put on to cover up, I really didn’t bother doing it. Nobody on the crew was looking at my body in a way that I felt uncomfortable and I really didn’t care since I felt like it covered the same that a bathing suit covered. There were other actors who rushed to cover up and didn’t want to be given direction until they felt more comfortable. We were all lucky on that set because the director and crew all respected us and none of us felt weird for having our own limitations. But not every actor gets that experience on set and we need to make sure that we work toward making that happen.

Another big topic that was discussed was the commercial recapturing initiative and the upcoming commercial contract negotiation. This is something I have been much more involved in lately between attending union meetings and being a part of the Union Working group. Not everyone at the meeting was aware of Union Working and I’m glad we were able to share more about the group and what they have been doing. I know we want more actors (both union and non-union) to be at the meetings so we can make sure that everyone understands what is being negotiated and the opportunities they have to speak at the union about what their concerns are. And if you are in LA and are a SAG-AFTRA member, there is a meeting of the Commercials Organizing & Recapturing Initiative coming up on the 12th that I would encourage everyone to attend!

There were also other issues that we discussed like the New Media contract and how we are trying to make it easier for actors to create their own work, the current plan with the IMDb age lawsuit where the ages of actors and other industry people are being posted on a site that many people use when considering if they will be hiring us or bringing us in for a meeting, and the MOVE committee and the events and union support for all unions that is happening right now.

I know I say this all the time, but my biggest takeaway of all union meetings that I go to is that we as union members need to make sure we are staying educated and we are educating others. I did spend my first few years in SAG-AFTRA not really understanding what is going on and not taking advantage of what was being offered. But I’m for sure making up for it now. And my goal is to help other actors become more educated as well since I know how much more empowered I feel when I understand what changes I can help to make and why certain rules and policies are in place. That is why I keep sharing on here each time I have a union event. I know that not all of you are actors, but for those of you who are I hope that you are learning something. And for the non-actors, hopefully you find all this behind the scenes stuff interesting. There is so much more to being an actor than just acting and I know that most people don’t realize that!

Struggling Sucks (or Thank Goodness It Was A Short Workout Week)

This past week of workouts wasn’t that great for me. I wish I could put a more positive spin on things, but that really is the truth for me. And I’m not one to sugarcoat the truth. I’ve been struggling a lot lately, but this past week took things to a new level and I really wasn’t mentally prepared for it. I had one ok day, one horrible day, and one bad day. Not what I was hoping, but that’s the week that I had.

I didn’t have a workout on Monday because I was in Palm Springs, so I only had 3 workouts this past week. But that ended up being for the best for me. Wednesday was a power day and it wasn’t too bad. I think I lucked out because we were switching between blocks and it was more like a 3 group workout than a 2 group workout. So we never really spent that long in one section of the room. The first round was 3 minutes at each section, the second round was 5 minutes at each section, and the last round was 3 minutes at each section.

For the treadmill, it was pretty much push paces and push to all out paces. I walked everything and was able to do my normal speed and inclines which really surprised me. I thought since I missed my Monday workout it would have been much worse, but maybe doing my hiking helped me not feel too bad. On the rower we had 2 rounds of distance rows with lunges between and one round of counting pulls for the rowing. For counting pulls, we were counting for 200 and 100 meters. The goal for 200 is under 20 pulls, but because I’ve been working on taking my time with these challenges I managed to do it in 13 pulls! And on the floor we had burpees, crunches, hop overs, skier swings, and sit ups.

Friday’s workout was just bad for me. I was dealing with pain and nausea and even though I took my medications right before class they weren’t helping. I thought I could do the treadmill since it was a power day, but after the warmup I was feeling so nauseous that I got off and got on the bike. I’m glad I’ve figured out that being on the bike helps keep some of the nausea away (walking is just too bouncy for me when I feel bad), but it’s still a little bit of a disappointment when I can’t use the treadmill. I’m working on getting out of that mindset, but I think the way I was feeling physically was affecting my mental state.

We had 4 blocks for cardio but we didn’t switch between blocks so we were on it for the first half of class. The first 3 blocks were push paces and push to all out paces. I really worked on my cadence with the bike and trying to work on increasing my gears for the push and all out paces. I did have to take breaks from time to time because of the nausea, but I managed to get through most of the workout on the bike just fine.

On the floor, we had 1 long block that was all Bosu and rowing work. We had pop jacks, sit ups, hop overs, back extensions, lunges, and side crunches all using the Bosu. Those were split into 3 sections and between each section we had a 250 meter row. I really had to take my time with the Bosu work, especially when there were exercises that went from standing to sitting or laying down. My stomach wasn’t doing ok with moving like that so I had to take breaks and go easy. With the rowing, the first time I was on the rower it took 2:21 to row (it should be around 2:15). The second time I rowed it was 2:16. And the last time I rowed it was 2:11. To improve with each row is good and I’m glad I finally got it under the time we were supposed to be within. But again, my nausea was kicking up a lot and before and after each row I had to focus on breathing and trying to feel better.

Saturday’s workout was one that I was very nervous for. I was still feeling pretty horrible (I had some blackout cramps before my workout) and I knew it was going to be a partner workout. I usually love partner workouts because it helps keep me motivated and I want to make sure that my partner isn’t waiting on me to finish so we can switch. But since I was feeling so badly, I didn’t want to let my partners down. When I got to class, it was a 3 group partner workout and it turned out that technically no partner was going to be responsible for the switch on their own.

We had 3 blocks that were each 13 minutes long. And in each block we rotated between the treadmill, rower, and floor. And the switch was determined by whichever of the 3 of us was finished with the work first. So even if I never finished first, my team wasn’t going to be stuck waiting on me. That was a big relief.

I used the bike again instead of the treadmill but I was able to use the rower and could do the floor work. The cardio was all short intervals (some of it was on an incline on the treadmills) and I was usually able to get the bike work done in about 3 minutes. On the rower, we had rows that were between 200-600 meters. And on the floor, it was the same work each block but we changed the number of reps each time. We had lunges, squats, crunches, and plank punches.

Even though I didn’t have to worry about my partners waiting on me, I didn’t want to be too slow with my work. And a few times I was actually the person that initiated the switch. I tried to take my breaks on the floor since that section was repeating each block, but there were a few times I had to stop on the bike to let the wave of nausea pass. It’s sad that I’m getting used to dealing with this, but since it’s possibly going to be like this for a long time I guess it’s a good thing that I’m learning to manage.

Overall, while this wasn’t a great workout week for me it was better than not showing up. It sucks to struggle and to feel like you can’t do anything to fix it, but I’m proud of myself for at least going to class. Working out won’t make things worse (except maybe walking making my nausea worse) and there is always a chance that it could be better after a workout. So I have to take the chance to see if it will help and if not, at least I’m keeping my commitment to myself to do at least 3 workouts each week.