Tag Archives: volt planner

Seeing My Therapist (or Building Habits)

I saw my therapist earlier this week. This was the first time that I had seen him in 6 months because he has been feeling like I’ve been doing a pretty good job lately. So he trusted me to be ok with a 6 month gap between appointments but let me know that if anything changed I could see him sooner if I needed to.

I had been feeling pretty good about this appointment lately. After my interview for the audition recently, I have really realized how much progress has been made and I knew that my appointment would be filled with positive news.

I had brought a couple of things with me to my appointment. Usually, I bring my happiness checklist, but I’m now using an app to track that so I made sure my phone was charged so I could show him if he wanted to see it. I also brought my Spark Planner with me. I’ve been tracking so much stuff in there lately and I wanted it to remind myself of anything as well as proof to show him if he wanted to see it.

The first thing discussed in my appointment was how I was feeling about Vyvanse. I think I’m doing pretty well on it and there was only one minor concern about things. I’ve been taking my larger dose in the morning and smaller dose at lunch, but I feel like maybe those should be switched. There is more time between lunch and bedtime than there is between breakfast and lunch. And since I’m not having sleeping issues with Vyvanse, I’m not worried about a slightly larger dose at lunchtime. My therapist agreed with me completely and my new prescription bottles will reflect that (for now, I just take the afternoon medication in the morning and visa versa until I’m using my refill).

After that check in, we discussed how I’ve been doing with my happiness checklist and other things. I told him how I had been using an app for the checklist since it’s easier and I always have it with me, and I think his biggest surprise is that I’ve continued to keep it up. He wrote down the name of the app (HabitBull) so he can tell other patients as well, so that made me feel pretty awesome.

And then we talked about my Spark Planner. I told him how I had been tracking a lot of stuff in there this year and I was showing off the various sections of it. I showed him where I can track my annual goals, monthly goals, and weekly goals and I think he was impressed that there is such a big focus on goal setting. It’s good for me to have goals to reach toward, so the more I can focus and have to think about my goals the better.

But what my therapist was most impressed with were the monthly challenges that are within the Spark Planner.

30 Day Challenges

I showed him the monthly challenges I’ve been doing and let him know that I’ve basically had 100% success with keeping up each challenge even beyond the month that I set the challenge for (the only one that hasn’t been 100% has been weighing myself in because I can only do that at home and I was in Santa Barbara for Rayshell’s wedding without my scale). And I know that I can’t do 100% perfection with all challenges for the rest of my life, but even if I only keep them up part-time these are all good habits that I’ve been building and that’s just awesome.

And habit building is exactly what my therapist wants me to focus on over these next 6 months. The more I build positive habits in my life, the more likely that recovery from my eating disorder will become a positive habit eventually. While the individual habits are sometimes recovery related, even the non-recovery ones are helping me get into a better space in my life and to build my habit building muscles up so that I can use them for whatever I need to.

I knew when I bought my Spark Planner that it was going to be a good thing for me, but to know that my therapist thinks that this is what will help me get to recovery one day is amazing. I’m still figuring out what recovery really means to me (and that’s something I did discuss with my therapist), but I’m feeling even better that recovery is in my future one day.

At the end of my appointment, I felt incredible and on cloud 9. My therapist even said that in some ways, I’m doing better than he is and he needs to get better and doing some things like I’m doing now. For me, so much of my habit work is having something to remind me to do it. I have so many alarms/reminders set on my phone so I know to do something. If I didn’t have that, I would easily forget and that’s what life was like before. There’s no shame in needing to be reminded to do something, but for some reason I was not willing to do that before.

But now that I’m fine with the dozens of alarms on my phone, I’m making sure I’m getting my new habits done and I’m excited to see how I’ll be doing in 6 months when I see my therapist again.

May Challenge Recap (or It’s Time For Meditation)

We are getting close to the halfway point of the year! I’ve been keeping up with using my Spark Planner and I’m loving it so much! It’s such a great accountability thing and I’ve found new ways to keep myself on top of the tasks I want to get done. There’s still a ton more I think I could do with my planner, but I figure that I can figure those out in time. If I don’t do it this year, there are many more years to come to make sure I do.

I had a lot of goals for May, and unfortunately I didn’t get a lot of them done. I got about half done this time. I did push myself to do a bit more (like wanting to try new recipes or to do more yoga at home) and I know I could have done the things I wanted to do if I had managed my time better. Time management is on my list of things to work on, but it didn’t quite happen in May.

But of the things I did get done in May, I’m happy with what I did! I did 15 workouts at Orangetheory, I went out to 2 dinners with friends, I cleaned out my closet (I had way too many workout clothes and tank tops), and I read a non-fiction book (I read “I Thought It Was Just Me” by Brene Brown).

I also had 100% success with my monthly challenge for May. I wanted to search the acting self-submitting sites every day. I set an alarm that went off on my computer and phone every day to remind me to look to self-submit. Most days, I would forget to do it until the alarm went off so it’s clear I needed an alarm for this task. I have no intention of getting rid of this plan, so my alarm is set to continue indefinitely. Every single challenge I’ve set for myself each month has been something that I’ve continued every day without fail. I know that won’t happen forever, but to know that I’ve gained 5 new positive daily habits so far is pretty amazing.

I’m definitely starting to struggle with what monthly challenges I want to do each month. There are a bunch of things I’d love to do, but I know I can’t do them for an entire month (at least not yet). I also want to focus more on adding things to my life rather than trying to avoid things in my life. I did have the one challenge to not order delivery food for the month (which I’ve kept up), but I didn’t feel as empowered by that as I did with others. Not doing something is much more passive than trying to do something every day.

After some thought for the past few days, I found what I want my June monthly challenge to be: I want to meditate every day in June. I’ve tried in the past to meditate, but it hasn’t stuck. I know it can take a month or so to create a habit, so making this my monthly challenge is perfect! I have 2 different meditation apps on my phone, but after checking out both apps a bit more this past week I think I’m going to focus on Stop, Breathe, and Think.


The mediations on there are free (you can pay for some, but there are a bunch of free ones) and they all seem to be pretty short. I have 2 alarms set every day for this, one in the morning and one at night. I don’t know if I will like to meditate during one time more than the other, so I’m setting myself up for success either way. I have a bunch of friends who meditate and I’ve only heard positive things about it. It can help to keep my anxiety and panic down, and anything that has the potential to do that makes me pretty excited! Worst case scenario, I don’t love doing this every day and I don’t continue it after June. It’s only going to take a few minutes each day so it won’t be a time waste. But if I love it and it makes a ton of positive changes in my life? I’ve got to try this out seriously to make an informed decision on if meditation is right for me or not.

I’m still working on the rest of my June goals like how many workouts I want to do and maybe even setting a goal related to running! But for now, I’m excited that I’ve set up my monthly challenge and I’m ready to start!

Reflection on April’s Challenge (and Looking At May’s)

I’ve been keeping up with the monthly challenges with my Spark Planner. Even though I do weekly and monthly goals in the planner, the monthly challenges are nice because they are something I want to do every day and for each of them (100% accurate food tracking, daily gratitude lists, and no ordering delivery food), I’ve been able to maintain those habits since then. I’m sure that eventually I will not be doing everything 100% perfect, but it’s nice to know that I’ve added some great daily habits into my life that I’m keeping up.

For April’s challenge, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do but I eventually settled on doing daily weigh-ins. I have such a love/hate relationship with my scale and tracking weight can be so emotional for me because it’s a black and white status. If I gained 6 pounds because I ate something really salty, it upset me and any weight tracking things I used made it look so horrible.

So once I knew that I would have this as my challenge, I looked for a new way to track my weight. Weighing in every day is great, but if I don’t keep records then there is no point of doing it. After searching in the app store, I came across Happy Scale. You still track your weight similar to any other app, but in the tracking it shows trends versus just the current number. So if you are overall down 10 pounds but you happen to gain a pound, it will still have a line headed down. It also shows you what you will weigh by a certain time based on the trend that you are currently on. This app really helped me to focus on the overall view and not just pinpointing this particular moment.

As far as my monthly challenge goes, I wasn’t 100% this time. I didn’t bring my scale with me to Santa Barbara, so on Sunday and Monday that week I didn’t weigh in. But every single day beyond those I weighed in (I set an alarm to remind myself but I didn’t really need it). I’m fine that it wasn’t 100%, and now I’m trying to figure out how I want to continue in the future. I don’t know if I love the idea of daily weigh-ins, but I don’t know if weekly ones are good enough if I’m tracking a trend. I’m going to play with the frequency of the weigh-ins and I feel really confident that I will find a happy medium.

For my May challenge, I decided to change things up a bit. Most of my challenges have been related to my health or eating disorder recovery. I love that I’m making great strides in that, but I also want to improve other aspects of my life. And one thing that I feel has been falling behind is my acting career. I’ve had some great things so far this year with the short film I helped a friend with and the new short film that I’ll be starring in (don’t forget to donate to our Kickstarter!).

But I know there is so much more that I can do. And I can’t think that my agents will do 100% of the work for me. I need to be proactive and work on finding great parts to audition for as well. So for May, I’ve set my challenge to search the various self-submission acting sites every single day. I can’t guarantee that every day I will submit myself for something because there isn’t always something that matches me. But every day I will check to make sure. I used to be really great at doing this, but lately I’ve been slacking.

I’ve set an alarm to go off every single day to remind me to look on the self-submission sites. It does come in handy to have the alarm because it’s so easy to forget. But this way my phone (and computer) will keep reminding me until I click that the task is complete. So far, it’s been pretty easy to remember to self-submit but I know there will be days that I completely forget until the alarm goes off. But that’s exactly why I have the alarm and there’s no shame in needing to be reminded to do something.

Hopefully out of doing self-submissions checks every day, I’ll get some more auditions this month. Getting auditions isn’t something I can control, so I’m not focusing on the results (just the action). But having results would be awesome and I know that every opportunity I have to audition is another day that I get to live my dream and be closer to my dream career.