Tag Archives: bad day

It’s Nice When Things Turn Around (or Having A Better Day Helps So Much)

With having such a horrible day earlier this week, I was prepared for having some tough days the rest of this week. And things haven’t gotten completely better and I’m still struggling a bit, but it’s not nearly as bad as it was. And while I would love for things to be perfect and amazing, that’s not realistic. So I’m happy with the few changes that have happened in only a day or two.

I’m still dealing a lot with the heat and all the issues that I have from that. But I’ve been focusing on staying as hydrated as I can since I know that can help when I feel overheated. I do still have to be careful because I can drink too much water, but I know I can be ok drinking a little bit more than normal since I’m also sweating more than normal. And while my a/c unit isn’t perfect, I know it makes a huge difference and if I feel really sick from the heat I can take a little break and stand right in front of it. Again, it’s not perfect but it helps and makes me feel better for a while.

I’m also still dealing with pain and nausea, but the first few days of the week were the worst and now things are getting easier each day. My medications are helping a lot and that’s a huge relief. I also know I’m past the halfway point of what is usually the length of time I deal with this. And knowing I’m almost done makes the really tough moments easier because I know I’m almost done. And while I would have loved to have things to distract me so I wouldn’t always focus on how I feel, I’m glad I had nowhere to go because I spent a lot of time laying on my couch or bed just trying to feel better. And I had the ability to do that after work and not miss out on things I was looking forward to.

And even though this wasn’t something that was upsetting me earlier this week, I did get my new contract for my job sent to me. I knew it was coming, even if it was only for 6 months and not a year (hopefully the extension will come soon). But waiting still made me nervous and afraid that I would hear that something happened and they couldn’t offer me a contract. But I have it now, it’s all signed and done, and I know how many hours I’ll have for the rest of the year. It’s close to what I thought it would be and I’ll be doing some training on my new tasks next week so I can start doing that and not just the social media work I’ve been doing the past few weeks.

But honestly, I think one of the things that helped me get over my bad day was to allow myself to have a bad day. I didn’t pretend that things were fine and if I ignored it that I would believe it. I allowed myself to be upset and do what I needed to do to get through the day. Laying in bed isn’t the best way to spend my time, but it’s what I needed to do. I didn’t stress too much about anything I didn’t have to do. And just getting through the day was helpful and didn’t make me feel bad about what I was able to do or not do that day.

Even though I’m not totally better now, I think the little improvements I’ve had are helping me feel better. I still have things to deal with and push through, but they are more tolerable now. And having one or two horrible days and then being almost better is a nicer situation than to have a week of somewhat bad days before things turning around. And I’m grateful that this time they were horrible days but they were over quickly.

Sorry For A Quick Post (or Going Through A Tough Day)

This isn’t going to be a big post. I knew this week would be when I’m dealing with pain and nausea, but as I’m trying to write this I’m going through an exceptionally bad day. I’m fully dosed with my medications, but they aren’t taking the edge off for me. I’m lucky that I work from home because I can’t imagine trying to get anywhere right now.

I’m dealing with my usual pain and nausea, but it’s gotten extreme this time. The pain is so bad that it’s also making me nauseous. I’ve got heat packs on me to help with the pain, but it’s just a bit unbearable right now.

I was struggling a lot on Sunday as well and the only thing that was helping me was sleeping. Even though I had a good night’s sleep, I napped for about 10 hours throughout the day. The longest stretch was a 5-hour nap. When I’m asleep, sometimes the pain and nausea wake me up, but it’s much better than when I’m awake. Sunday might have been the worst day ever, but right now it’s not that much better.

I’m lucky that as I write this on Monday, I don’t have much that I have to do. It’s my day off of work so I can just focus on taking care of myself. And that’s exactly what my plan is. I’m going to be gentle and easy on myself and just do what I need to do to make it through the day. The pain and nausea should be ending for me later this week, and I’m really hoping that this is the worst of it and things get better from now until it’s gone.

Sorry for such a short and negative post, but that’s all I really could pull together for now. But I hopefully will be back to my normal posts tomorrow.

Grateful For Quick Turnarounds (or Neutral Doesn’t Mean Bad)

I just wrote about how I had my Hot Mess Day on Sunday. It was seriously an epically bad day and I just couldn’t get over how things just seemed to be working against me. I was trying to stay a little positive and try to look on the bright side, but I couldn’t force myself to believe that when I was in the middle of that day. On Sunday I had reached out to friends who told me things would improve as well as getting some messages from readers on here, but even yesterday morning I was still thinking that bad things would be coming my way.

But yesterday day I had a moment of clarity. For some reason, I was still living in the negativity of that bad day. Nothing too bad happened to me on Monday or Tuesday. I was dealing with pain and nausea, but nothing else beyond that. Those days were pretty neutral. But because nothing good was happening either, I think I was still in the mindset that they were still bad days. But when I was thinking yesterday about things, I realized that I was thinking that way and I had to snap out of it.

A neutral day does not mean I’m still in the middle of the bad days. That means that my bad day was over and I’m just not having a good day. I had to remind myself that when I usually don’t. But I think that’s because of how bad Sunday was for me. While I normally can get back to a better mindset quickly, this time I had to make a bit of an effort and take a few steps to get there. But I did get there and I’m feeling much better.

It also helps that some of the physical things are getting better. I really thought I had a significant injury to my ankle. I don’t know if it wasn’t as bad as I thought or all the things I did to make it better helped, but it’s almost back to normal. I still have a little bit of pain and tenderness sometimes while walking, especially when I get up from a chair or out of bed, but the swelling is down and it doesn’t look bruised as it did before. I was expecting to be limping and struggle all week, as well as possibly still have pain next week. It was a nice surprise when that didn’t happen. I’m still being careful and cautious so I don’t reinjure it, but at least my week isn’t being affected by it.

And my pain and nausea have been getting better each day this week. I have joked that there is a certain amount of nausea I have to experience each cycle. Sometimes it’s mild nausea for more days and sometimes it’s extreme nausea for only a few days. I know that doesn’t make sense, but that’s really what it feels like for me. And this cycle, it seems like I had extreme nausea for a few days scenario. I still have a little bit of nausea left, but when I have gotten used to such horrible days the mild ones aren’t as bad. Plus, the mild days seem to be able to be reduced further by medication when the extreme days seem to not be helped by medication at all. Again, I know that doesn’t make sense, but that’s what seems to be happening with me.

After my realization on Wednesday, I really tried to find the positives that I had over the past few days. That’s what inspired this post. I needed to remind myself that there are good things happening to me and even if there aren’t, neutral things aren’t bad. I’m sure there will be other days in my future that are like my Hot Mess Day where I can’t snap out of it like I can with a normal bad day. Hopefully I will remember what I learned yesterday about neutral days being ok and have the same turnaround that I was able to have this time.

I also just wanted to thank those of you who reached out to me. Sometimes writing these posts feel like I’m writing into a void and I don’t think about someone else reading what I wrote. I knew when I wrote that post that I was going to be ok, but I know that it didn’t necessarily read that way. I am humbled that some of you reached out to me to check in to make sure I was fine. It’s just another positive thing I have to remember when I have bad days. There are people who do care about me and will reach out to me even if I don’t directly reach out to them.

Having A Hot Mess Day (or I Should Have Just Stayed In Bed)

For years, I’ve talked about how I have dumb days and smart days. Fortunately for me, most of my days are smart days (or at least neutral days). When I have a dumb day, I just can’t figure things out. Everything becomes a huge issue and I just cannot think correctly. They seem to hit me pretty hard, but I have gotten used to the idea of having them so I know how to deal with it when it happens.

But this past Sunday I had something new. I have started to call it Hot Mess Day. That’s when everything seems to not go my way no matter what I do or try to make happen. It was honestly an epically bad day. It was so bad that I got to a point where I just had to laugh about things because I didn’t know so much could pile up on me and I didn’t know what would come next.

It started with having a bad pain and nausea day. I knew I would be happening based on how things happen with me and my cycle. I have gotten used to having these days, but it doesn’t necessarily make them easier. When I woke up, I had to take the various medications I need to make things not as severe and then I went back to lay down and wait for the meds to kick in. Once they did, I took advantage of a brief moment of feeling almost normal to get some grocery shopping done. I have to time out my errands around when I’m feeling a bit better during these bad days, so I knew I needed to do something at that moment. So I got all my things for the store and left to do my grocery shopping.

Things seemed normal until I got to the checkout. I had forgotten that the night before I had to use my credit card for something online and for some reason I forgot to put the card back in my wallet. I don’t know if I’ve ever forgotten to do that before (maybe I was having a dumb day and didn’t know it?) and I couldn’t believe it happened to me. I did have another card I could use for groceries, but it was not the card I wanted to use and I was beating myself up a bit for not checking to see if I had put my card back in my wallet the night before.

Once I got home from the grocery store, I was feeling pretty awful. I got the groceries away that needed to be in my fridge and freezer and left everything else for later while I went back to my bed to lie down. I was sweating from how bad the pain was and I was getting sick. When I was sick, I took the few steps from my bed to get to my bathroom. My bed isn’t high up or anything so there’s usually not an issue getting out of bed quickly. But for some reason, something happened one time getting out of bed to go to the bathroom on Sunday. I still don’t know exactly how it happened, but when I put my left foot down I had a huge shock of pain. It actually took my breath away for a second. I ignored the pain while I went to the bathroom but when I was feeling more normal I turned my focus to my foot.

My left foot and ankle were looking extremely swollen and bruised. I could maybe understand being swollen or bruised, but to have both was weird. I feel fairly certain I didn’t break anything and it’s just a bad sprain, but it was still painful. I had some KT tape in my bedroom so I used that to tape up my ankle and then went back to being in bed trying to wait for the next time I was feeling normal so I could do some laundry.

And if all this wasn’t enough, I had a screwup with a job on Sunday too. This wasn’t my fault because I had been told to do something by one person and it turns out they were wrong and I had to go back and fix the work I did. Nobody blamed me for it, but I was the one who had to fix things and figure out how to work around it. I had to redo the work I had done earlier that day, but it took less than 20 minutes to make the fix. If Sunday had been a normal day, I think this wouldn’t have bothered me too much. But because of everything else I had to deal with earlier in the day, this was almost a bit of a breaking point for me. I decided I couldn’t deal with much more and just spent the rest of my evening sitting on my couch and watching really bad/trashy tv. It seemed a fitting evening for the day.

I’m aware that I do need to have bad days to help me appreciate the good ones, but I really would prefer the bad days to not be this bad or to hit me as much as this one did. But as some of my friends put it to me on Monday, I survived my Hot Mess Day. It doesn’t matter how bad the day was, I made it through and I should remember that if I can get through that I can probably get through anything. It’s a great way to think about it and I’m glad I had people who could put it into that perspective for me. But I’ll still be hoping that this Hot Mess Day is a once in a lifetime issue and the rest of the bad days I have in my future are easier to deal with.