Sometimes I Feel Cursed (or At Least I Think I’m Feeling Better)

I finally got through being in a lot of pain and nauseous. As I wrote about before, it was really rough on me this time and I wasn’t able to get a lot of relief from things that usually help me. But I made it through and I was so happy that I was feeling better and like myself again. And on Monday, I felt pretty great. I wasn’t 100%, but I only had a few moments of minor pain or nausea that could have been attributed to anything.

And I don’t know if what I was feeling on Monday was the end of what I deal with each month or the start of something new. But all I know is that on Tuesday I was feeling horrible. It was similar to what I was feeling not too long ago that really took me by surprise. But there were a few differences. It hit me really quickly and it was pretty extreme. I had some moments where I really wondered if something could be seriously wrong with me, but then the symptoms got a bit better. It was a constant up and down all day where I would feel almost ok and then I would feel like I was going through something really serious.

I’m pretty certain that I had food poisoning. I don’t know what could have caused it, but because of how quickly it came on and how it went away, it didn’t feel like a stomach bug since those usually take a bit more time to work through your system. I have no clue what I ate that could have caused this. Everything I ate right before I got sick was something that I normally eat. But I know that even if I ate something from the same container the other day, I could have gotten something that happened to go back or affect my body differently. And I’m going to have to guess that’s what happened but I will still be cautious about what I eat for the next few days. I already did double-check all the expiration dates on the food I have and everything should still be good. I didn’t throw out anything I have, but I’m going to just be a bit more cautious and aware in case I feel like this again.

I hate how I felt so horrible right after spending more time than I would have liked being in pain and nauseous. It didn’t feel fair that I just got through something to have to deal with it again. But I’m glad that it seems like this was a quick bug and that I’m feeling much better. I do feel a bit weak, as I normally do after any sort of sickness, so I know I will have to just be careful and try not to overdo too much in my life. But I also am so tired already of feeling sick and I just want to get back to my normal life and enjoy the few good weeks I have before I feel sick again.

The bad days I have seem to last forever and the good days I have seem to fly by. So when I have an extra bad day that wasn’t when I expected it, it just makes me feel like there’s something really wrong with me or that things are working against me. I know that I’m not cursed, but it does feel like that at times. But I am grateful that I know this is a temporary feeling this time because there are so many people with medical conditions that feel like this all the time. And I know what it’s like to deal with things like pain all the time and how it really can take up your life. So I am grateful that this isn’t what I have to deal with every day and that I should be fine now.

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