Pushing Through Feeling Off (or Hopefully This Doesn’t Last For 3 Months)

When I started taking the new medication my dermatologist wanted me on, I knew that I was going to have some side effects from it. I’ve taken that medication a few times before and it’s always made me feel a little queasy. It’s a mix of nausea and hunger. I don’t know exactly how to describe it, but I feel like my stomach is empty but also that if I try to eat anything that I’d be sick.

Every time I took the medication before, it was for a short time. Usually for a week or maybe 2 weeks. And when I took it, I felt sick for those weeks but it stopped as soon as I stopped taking it. So when I heard that I should try taking it for 3 months, I was a bit worried. I knew that I was going to feel sick, but I was trying to convince myself that my body would get used to it and it wouldn’t last the entire time.

I’m not quite at 2 weeks on the medication yet. And this past week I’ve been dealing with my regular nausea. So I can’t really judge how things are going. And I’m still hopeful that somehow my body will adjust to the medication and everything will be fine soon. But for the past 2 weeks, it’s been hard to feel ok. I’ve just been feeling off and a bit miserable. And I’m just trying to push through this time and get to a point where I hopefully will feel ok.

I guess in some sense, I’m lucky because I have been on this medication before and was prepared for the side effects. And I have been dealing with nausea for a long time so I have good things I can do for that. But no matter how much preparation I’ve done, it always seems to knock me down when I have really bad nausea.

It is nice that I have nothing to do and nothing to go to when I feel sick like this. I can spend my day (at least the part of the day that I’m not working) in bed or on the couch and trying to feel better. But I also wonder if having something to do would be a nice distraction from how I feel. I know I miss having things happening in my life, so it would be a good distraction from my boredom too. But maybe it would be a distraction from how I feel. Of course, I say that now and I can almost guarantee that if I was feeling this way and my life was super busy that I’d be wishing I had nothing to do so I could stay home and rest.

I still have about 10 weeks before my next appointment with my dermatologist and we discuss if I’m going to stay on the medication or not. I know that I can make it that long even if I don’t get over these side effects. But I’m going to try to keep my mindset positive and that at some point I will stop feeling sick. I know that it’s possible to have that happen so it’s not too out there of an idea. And if that happens, I think I’ll feel much better about what will happen at my next dermatologist appointment. I don’t want to worry about having to stay on this medication if it happens to help (it’s too early to tell that just yet).

But until things turn around for me, I just need to keep practicing self-care, being gentle with myself and hoping for the best.

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