Overwhelmed By The State Of The World (or I Stand With Ukraine)

The past 2 years have changed the world in so many ways. And I think the way I see the world has changed as well. While I was isolated, everything was slightly disconnected from me since I wasn’t out in the world with others. I felt some separation at times between what was happening and my reality. Sometimes this was because others didn’t seem to have the same concerns as I did and I couldn’t connect how others were so carefree and I was so worried. And other times, it was just because everything seemed so overwhelming and I couldn’t take it all in so things didn’t hit me as hard.

While things with the pandemic have gotten better, the way I connect with the world has remained similar to how it has been the past 2 years. And when I hear of major news stories, I think there is still a sense of disconnect out there. And that’s a bit of how I felt when the invasion of Ukraine started.

I am still educating myself on what is happening and the history, so I’m not going to speak too much on that. I do know enough to know I completely stand with Ukraine. The invasion was done claiming self-defense when the citizens of Ukraine did nothing other than to be their own country and not fall in line with another country. So many innocent lives have already been lost and the trauma of people who have survived unthinkable things is going to be unmeasurable. And I am aware of the racism of having this reaction to what is happening now and not having the same reaction when this happened to other countries where the citizens might not look the same way I do. I have been shocked when some reporters have said that this is a civilized country and this shouldn’t be happening when they haven’t said similar things about other countries.

I know a lot of people want to help and it can be tough to know the right places to put money or energy. But this seems like a good list with reliable organizations you can donate to if you would like to do so.

I am trying to stay on top of the news while not obsessing over it. And I do find it odd and interesting that we are seeing things happen in real-time over social media. I think that is also making me feel a bit disconnected as well since these images are things I’m used to seeing in historical video footage, not things that are happening now. But it is happening now and it is something that we need to be aware of.

It’s weird to think about writing blog posts about other things happening in my life. I know that there is nothing wrong with living my life, but I also need to acknowledge that being able to do so is a privilege. These past two years have shown us over and over again that what seems like normal life can change in an instant. What seems mundane and taken for granted could be gone in an instant.  We need to enjoy what we have now, but also recognize that not everyone is as lucky as we are. And I know that these are things that I probably should have considered more in my past, but I am working on changing now and making sure I don’t forget to think about this.

And if you are struggling emotionally at all right now, I loved this post I saw online the other day.

There is no right or wrong way to be dealing with emotions right now. We are all feeling a lot and we are being exposed to the news a lot more than past generations have. We have to be aware of what is happening, but also gentle with ourselves as we come to terms with the reality of the world. That’s what I’m doing now and I hope that I can find a balance between being respectful of what is happening but not being too overwhelmed by it to not be able to do things that I want to do.

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