Still Taking Action When Overwhelmed (or We Cannot Stop)

There is no doubt that this week was overwhelming for a lot of people. There are a lot of reasons you could be overwhelmed. For me, it was a combination of taking in a lot of information and working through it.

While some of this was related to the pandemic, it was mainly about the Black Lives Matter movement and working toward becoming anti-racist. It wasn’t easy realizing that while I thought I had been doing the right things and had the right beliefs that I was wrong. I never thought I would be told that. But it’s true and it’s a lot to take in.

A lot of people spent this week not posting their own things on social media and only amplifying voices that deserve to be amplified and might not typically have that chance. And for the most part, I did do that on social media. I rarely posted anything about myself. I did have my blog posts posted on twitter and Facebook. I did post a few other things that weren’t related to current issues. But I focused my time online on finding people who deserve to be heard.

And as far as writing my blog posts this week, I also felt like maybe I shouldn’t be writing about myself. I did have my workout recap and my monthly challenge posts. But I didn’t want to write about anything else that might be silly or frivolous. Being able to take a break from what is happening in the world is a privilege and I didn’t want to take advantage of that. I tried to stay focused on sharing important things, even if I was feeling overwhelmed. What I was feeling was only a fraction of the people who have been living with this for their entire lives feel. It’s only right for me to keep pushing through.

Instead of writing about something random, I just want to encourage you all to make sure you listen to what people are saying. Look at people on social media that you might not typically follow. See how you can help. Share information. And don’t stop doing that. Even if the protests stop, unless there is a change in this country with how the police treat black citizens, we cannot be quiet. Stay loud and make sure that those who need to be heard are getting heard.

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