Having A Bit Of Writer’s Block (or I Really Thought More Might Happen This Week)

I’ve started and stopped working on this post so many times. I always want to write about interesting things on here, but I don’t always have interesting things happening in my life. And for about a year and a half now, my life really has had fewer interesting things than normal.

And I will never regret staying home to stay safe and healthy. I know that I’m doing my part to try to bring this pandemic to an end. It’s really tough to feel ok all the time about doing this because I’ve been doing the right things for so long and I see people I know going out and living their lives. I wish I could do that, but I will never forgive myself if I got sick or got someone else sick. So I just have to be ok with staying home most of the time and being bored.

And when I’m bored, I usually hit writer’s block. And that’s what happened to me this week. It wasn’t just that I was staying home and not going out, I doubled my work hours this week so I didn’t even make plans for anything after work. I wanted to give myself time to adjust to the new schedule without other things making me busier. So except for leaving my house for errands or my workouts, nothing has really happened this week. So I don’t have anything to write about.

I thought this week might be more interesting because of my birthday, but I didn’t really do much for my birthday. And I’m ok with that, but it also still makes me sad because I had really high hopes that things would be normal by now and I could celebrate my birthday with all of my friends. But that’s going to have to wait for another time.

For now, I’m living a pretty boring and routine life and dealing with writer’s block. But I also know that this time will be a blip in my life and I’ll be back to enjoying life outside of my house again soon. It might feel far away now, but I know that when I’m looking back at this time it won’t feel as endless as it feels now.

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