Dealing With A Small Setback (or At Least I Can Manage Vertigo A Bit More)

After all my talk about trying to prevent a setback, I had one yesterday. It wasn’t bad, but I did have more vertigo than the day before. It wasn’t anything like when I first got it, but it still scared me. I don’t want to get any worse, and even a small setback makes me fearful that is exactly what is happening.

I noticed that I was experiencing more vertigo from the moment I woke up yesterday. When I got out of bed, I almost fell forward. I was able to catch myself and stand up, but I was much less stable on my feet. I was holding onto the walls to walk, but at least I could walk. And as my morning went on, I was getting a little better but still not as good as I had been doing.

This vertigo was a bit different from the initial vertigo. When I got sick, it was like the world was tilted or spinning around me. I couldn’t tell up from down and I felt like everything was constantly moving. This time, it was more like being dizzy when I moved too quickly. It was almost like my eyes couldn’t keep up with my head. If I turned to the side, my vision took a second to get there. And the time it took to focus made the world sway back and forth. But once my vision caught up, it didn’t sway as much. And by the end of the day, I was able to walk without holding on to the walls. It’s a little sad when that is what I consider a victory, but I had to think that way. I woke up not able to walk without holding on and I ended the day unsteady but not needing to always hold on.

I took things very easy yesterday because of this. I still attempted to do my workout. But beyond that, I spent most of the day resting and not moving around too much. I wanted to do more, but I knew that clearly I had overdone it before and that’s why I was experiencing the setback. So I needed to be resting even more so I could stop the setback and not have another one.

As much as I told myself that this recovery was not going to be as easy as I wanted it to be, it’s still frustrating to have a setback. I’m better at managing vertigo now that I’ve been having it for almost 2 weeks. I know things I can do to feel a bit better or to make my life a little easier. And hopefully, this is the only setback I have and from now on I’ll just have progress forward until I get over this completely.

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