Monthly Archives: March 2022

Being Pushed Into Splurging On Myself (or Time For A New Computer)

It feels like it wasn’t that long ago that I was buying a new laptop. But it was about 5 1/2 years ago now that I bought the laptop I have now. And I use it a lot every day. I work my jobs from my computer, and that can require having a lot of different windows open at once. I know I could probably do things on two screens to be a little less hectic, but I’ve gotten used to how I do things.

But as we all know, technology doesn’t last forever. And my laptop has been having issues for a little while now. It started with a few software issues, but everything was something I could find a way to work around. It might involve a few extra steps to do things like using my printer, but it wasn’t that bad and I could manage it. Then, the keys on my keyboard started to break. It’s been almost a year since I started having keyboard issues, but most of them were able to be fixed. But I couldn’t fix everything so there are 2 keys that are not technically attached anymore but I can still type if I’m careful. I also have a second keyboard I can use as a backup, but I prefer not to use it. And for the past few weeks, my computer has started to freeze as I work. I know it’s a memory issue and I’m trying to do too much. But I also need to do all of that in order to work.

I had told myself originally that I was going to get a new laptop when they were released. But when the new MacBook Pros came out, it was while I was in the middle of a lot of stuff with the condo and my focus wasn’t on spending money on other things. And the past few months, I have just told myself I would get a new laptop soon, but I could keep waiting on it. But this week, things started to get really bad with my computer freezing and how often I had to restart things. So I had to just accept the fact that I needed to spend some money to fix this.

Fortunately, I had the money saved for a new laptop so I had the luxury of being able to do this. Computers are not cheap, but I do get a lot of use out of them and I know having a computer that isn’t having all these issues will make my life easier. I did ask a few friends who work with Apple or in technology to make sure I was picking the best laptop for my needs. I had one friend recommend upgrading one thing since I work so much on my computer, but I was pretty close with what I was thinking I would buy. And earlier this week, I bought my new laptop.

Because I am upgrading the base laptop, I can’t just go to the store to buy it. I ordered it online and will be having it shipped to my house. It is nice that I work from home and it will be easy for me to make sure I’m here when it’s delivered since I will need to sign for it. I could have picked it up in the store after it was ready, but the pickup date was later than the delivery options and I would prefer not to have to go to a shopping center if I can help it.

It will be delivered in about 2-3 weeks (according to the timeline right now) and I know I will still have to deal with the issues with my current laptop until it’s here. But I do feel better knowing that I will be using technology that works very soon. And I think it will be nice to have it all set up before I move because I don’t need to add any additional stress to moving and I know I will have to figure out setting up things in my new place quickly so I can work.

Yes, this is a big splurge and it’s expensive, but I know it will be worth it. And if you break down the cost with how long I typically keep my laptops, it’s cheaper per month than a lot of streaming services that I use. So it’s just the shock of the upfront cost that is making me feel a bit anxious. But I know that once it’s here and I’m using a super fast computer, I will feel so much better about this and I will probably not think much about how much I just spent on a single purchase.

Overwhelmed By The State Of The World (or I Stand With Ukraine)

The past 2 years have changed the world in so many ways. And I think the way I see the world has changed as well. While I was isolated, everything was slightly disconnected from me since I wasn’t out in the world with others. I felt some separation at times between what was happening and my reality. Sometimes this was because others didn’t seem to have the same concerns as I did and I couldn’t connect how others were so carefree and I was so worried. And other times, it was just because everything seemed so overwhelming and I couldn’t take it all in so things didn’t hit me as hard.

While things with the pandemic have gotten better, the way I connect with the world has remained similar to how it has been the past 2 years. And when I hear of major news stories, I think there is still a sense of disconnect out there. And that’s a bit of how I felt when the invasion of Ukraine started.

I am still educating myself on what is happening and the history, so I’m not going to speak too much on that. I do know enough to know I completely stand with Ukraine. The invasion was done claiming self-defense when the citizens of Ukraine did nothing other than to be their own country and not fall in line with another country. So many innocent lives have already been lost and the trauma of people who have survived unthinkable things is going to be unmeasurable. And I am aware of the racism of having this reaction to what is happening now and not having the same reaction when this happened to other countries where the citizens might not look the same way I do. I have been shocked when some reporters have said that this is a civilized country and this shouldn’t be happening when they haven’t said similar things about other countries.

I know a lot of people want to help and it can be tough to know the right places to put money or energy. But this seems like a good list with reliable organizations you can donate to if you would like to do so.

I am trying to stay on top of the news while not obsessing over it. And I do find it odd and interesting that we are seeing things happen in real-time over social media. I think that is also making me feel a bit disconnected as well since these images are things I’m used to seeing in historical video footage, not things that are happening now. But it is happening now and it is something that we need to be aware of.

It’s weird to think about writing blog posts about other things happening in my life. I know that there is nothing wrong with living my life, but I also need to acknowledge that being able to do so is a privilege. These past two years have shown us over and over again that what seems like normal life can change in an instant. What seems mundane and taken for granted could be gone in an instant.  We need to enjoy what we have now, but also recognize that not everyone is as lucky as we are. And I know that these are things that I probably should have considered more in my past, but I am working on changing now and making sure I don’t forget to think about this.

And if you are struggling emotionally at all right now, I loved this post I saw online the other day.

There is no right or wrong way to be dealing with emotions right now. We are all feeling a lot and we are being exposed to the news a lot more than past generations have. We have to be aware of what is happening, but also gentle with ourselves as we come to terms with the reality of the world. That’s what I’m doing now and I hope that I can find a balance between being respectful of what is happening but not being too overwhelmed by it to not be able to do things that I want to do.

Having Things Organized And Clean (or Not Slacking Off Because Of My Upcoming Move)

Happy March! I’m hoping this will be an exciting month for me. I will either be moving this month or be very close to moving by the end of the month. Things with the pandemic seem to be getting better. And while this might not be able to happen, I might have a trip later this month (it’s very likely to not happen, but I’m still hopeful). And of course, I’m also starting a new monthly challenge.

For February, my challenge was all about working on to-do and task lists. I knew I needed to be more organized with my time, especially as I took on new projects at work. And I was hoping I could work on planning what I would be doing after work so I could be better about my free time. Well, I did do pretty well about making lists for work. I still have a running list of tasks and projects I’m working on and for some of them I have the due dates listed as well. But for my free time, I didn’t plan too much. I think this had more to do with not having much to do after work this past month and not as much about not wanting to do it. If I had an errand or a bunch of errands I needed to do after work, I did write things out and plan the order I wanted to do them in. Even without doing all the lists I was hoping I would do, I did feel more in control with my time than I did before so that was a positive result.

And this month, my challenge is something that I feel like I have to add in because I have noticed myself slipping. I am pretty clean and usually have a clean house. I’m not perfect and sometimes things build up, but I’ve been good in the past with having a regular cleaning routine and making sure I don’t slack off too much. But for the past two months, I have used the excuse of my upcoming move as a reason to not clean. Like not dusting because I’ll just be putting things into a box soon. Or not stressing that my floors haven’t been mopped because I am dragging something out of my house soon so I can clean after that. But what I think is the messiest thing lately is having piles of things I’m still sorting through and saying it’s ok to leave it and deal with it later.

But having a messy house is affecting me and despite me thinking it’s ok to put things off, it’s not good for me. So I want to get back to my regular cleaning routine as much as possible and to continue things as if I wasn’t going to be moving soon. There are some things that I can’t exactly do because of prepping for a move (some boxes are around and I can’t put things away since they are going to the new place soon), but those are the exceptions and not the rule. I know I could do a lot more with my cleaning and making my space feel more comfortable for me. I will still have some discomfort with how my place is coming apart and being put into boxes, but I shouldn’t be adding more stress to it when I can help it.

In the past, I have done speed cleaning every day and I kept that up for a while. But I stopped doing it when I got into a better routine and had regular days to do different tasks. But I think I need to get back into my daily speed clean just to make sure I’m not ignoring something that I am telling myself I can put off until later. And when I move, I will probably need to have a new routine so getting back into the groove with speed cleans will probably help me when figuring that out when I move.

I know I won’t be perfect with this challenge since as the month goes on I will have more obstacles to cleaning the way I want to. But I don’t want to use that as an excuse to not do the things I know I can get done now.