Tag Archives: random

A Random LA Evening (or Taking Time To Enjoy The Sunset)

There is no question that I have been a bit too stressed out lately. Some of it I have put on myself and I’ve been trying to work through that. Some of it is unexpected stress and I’m just trying to get to the other side. But it doesn’t matter what type of stress it is, stress sucks and I have been feeling the effects of it a lot. The mental effects of stress are obvious, but I’ve been noticing the physical effects too. I ignored them for a while thinking they were related to other things, but it’s clear that my stress got to my body.

By the time you are reading this post, the results from the election should have been announced. As I am writing it, the ballots are being counted and the results should be done in a few hours. This has been a huge part of my stress lately. It’s good stress since I have been working hard toward something I care about so much. But at the same time if things don’t go well for my slate I know I will take it hard. I hope that by the time you are all reading this that I have been celebrating on social media that we have won many of the seats we were running for.

Most evenings during the past few weeks have been filled with doing election related tasks. I had different events to go to, work I had to finish, campaigning to do, and other little tasks that needed to be done that I couldn’t do for one reason or another during work. But on Tuesday night (the night before we found out the results), there was no more election work to do. The ballots had to all be at the post office by that point so nothing else was necessary. We had done all we could do and hope that it was enough. I knew that being home that night was going to be weird, so I decided I wanted to go out and just do anything. I didn’t have a plan in mind, I just knew I didn’t want to sit at home and stress out.

My friend Dani was able to be free after work and we tried to think of a few options of what we could do. We thought about seeing a movie or something, but there wasn’t much we wanted to see. And I don’t know if I could have sat still through a movie. We ended up deciding to get some dinner and going to the beach since neither of us goes to the beach that often. There’s a new restaurant near me called Buratta House that she had been wanting to try, so we got some sandwiches from there and drove to the beach.

We found a free meter only 2 blocks from the beach and walked over to where there were a few tables. It wasn’t the fanciest area to be in, but at least we were at the water and could sit down and eat. After our sandwiches, we walked over to Coldstone for some ice cream before heading over to the pier to watch the sun go down. I wasn’t sure if the sunset would be an epic one, but even with the colors being a bit muted it was still gorgeous.

We just hung out on the pier for a while and watched the sun go down. It was a peaceful evening and the beach wasn’t too crowded since it was a weeknight and most schools are back in session. I live so close to the beach and I rarely do this. It felt like such a treat but this was really a simple thing for us to do. The drive over was maybe 15 minutes and if you didn’t count the food we bought it was totally free. But I think if I did this more often I wouldn’t be as grateful for it as I am when I do make it to the beach to watch the sun go down.

After the sunset, we headed back to the car and were trying to figure out if there was anything else we wanted to do. Somehow, we ended up at Target which kind of was a random and fun adventure. We were wandering through the beauty and skincare aisles looking at all the new products and just having fun seeing what Target was selling. I don’t go to Target that often and this one recently was remodeled so they sell a lot of nicer things now. It almost reminded me of being younger and going to the mall and looking at everything in every store. I also figured wandering through Target would help me get in a bunch of steps for the day.

Eventually, we had to leave our adventure at Target because I had to get home and get to bed. But between getting food, watching the sunset, and randomness at Target; it ended up being such a fun evening. I was looking for an evening to distract me and help me have a less stressful night and it was so much more. I love when something that you don’t really plan ends up being one of those great and fun nights out.

My First Subpoena (or A Date For Court)

About a month ago, I posted about a drunk driving accident that was on my street. It was a crazy night and even though it was an accident with only one moving car involved it was not as simple as that. The driver hit and totaled multiple cars and many neighbors had to deal with the aftermath. I expected the police to need to talk to everyone with property damage. What I wasn’t expecting was to need to be interviewed as well.

I took the keys out of the car that the drunk driver was driving because he was trying to turn it on. I don’t think he was trying to get away, but because of everything leaking from his car, I didn’t want something to catch on fire. It turns out that by being the person who took the keys, I became one of the main witnesses. The night of the accident I ended up staying up until it was the morning because of needing to be interviewed. That was a little annoying since the next day I was exhausted, but I was happy to help and found it almost funny that I became an important witness just because I was scared the car would blow up.

When I was interviewed, the police told me they would contact me if they needed anything else. But I really didn’t think there would be more. The entire thing seemed pretty simple. The guy hit these cars and it wasn’t a question of if there was another car at fault. I know they did some sort of sobriety test on him so I figured that would be that as well. So a few weeks ago, I was shocked when I received a court subpoena!

I had never received a subpoena before and honestly I was scared when it happened. I didn’t know what was going on because I didn’t think it was related to the accident. But that was obvious when I opened up the envelope and read through the paperwork. Unfortunately, a lot of other things weren’t too obvious.

I was given a date to appear in court as a witness but it also said I was on call and may not need to appear. I did understand that I had to fill some paperwork out and get it back to the court right away. So I did that and then continued to be confused about whether or not I had to go to court. I did let my manager at work know what was going on as I tried to understand if I actually was going to miss work. Fortunately, my manager is super understanding and she just told me to tell her when I knew what was happening.

I had some time before that court date, so I did do some research. It appeared that I didn’t have to go in that date unless I was called, but I also had to call in every day for 2 weeks from the court date to confirm things. I tried to call the day before to find out if I was supposed to go in, but nobody answered nor did they return my message. I didn’t go (I assumed they would have told me if I did need to go in) but I did spend that day working wondering if I would be getting a call. I dressed the way I would need to dress if I was going in instead of my usual yoga pants in case that call happened and I had to get into my car immediately.

But I didn’t get a call. And when I called in that afternoon to find out about the next day, I finally got through to someone. They confirmed that I wasn’t needed that day, but I was still on hold for the next day and had to continue to check in every day until I was told otherwise. Fortunately, I only had to call in another day after that before I was told the trial was done and the case was settled. I was told what the driver had as a penalty (I don’t know if I can share it, but it’s basically what the standard punishment is for a DUI) and I was told that I no longer needed to call in.

I was glad that I did do all the correct things and I didn’t find out that I was supposed to be there when I was at home. It was a little nerve-wracking because so many of the forms I had to sign said that I agreed I would be arrested if I didn’t do what I was supposed to do. But even though I’m glad that everything turned out fine and the trial ended, I was a little disappointed I didn’t get to go and testify. I listen to a lot of true crime podcasts and I was curious to see what court would be like. I’ve never been to court and it’s a big mystery to me. I was excited to see how things work. But I know that it’s probably for the best that I didn’t have to miss work to go in. But it was an exciting idea that I was possibly going to go to court. I’m just glad that this is now all done and hopefully everything was resolved properly for everyone.

A Bit Of A Brain Dump (or Not Much To Write About)

I usually have some really fun things to write about each week. It’s not necessarily every day, but I usually get some inspiration for the days I don’t have something awesome to write about. This week has been one that was pretty much figured out since last week with the exception of today’s post. That’s not unusual and I was expecting to have something figured out to write about. But that inspiration never came to me before I needed to get this done so I’m doing a bit of a brain dump.

I’m wondering if I haven’t been inspired because the political situation going on has been taking up too much brain power. I know that I’m probably paying attention to too much between podcasts, news online, and tv; but I also don’t want to be uninformed. I’ve said before how I’ve never been as politically involved as I am now and I do feel a bit of pride in that fact. But I also know that it has been overwhelming and affecting my mood a bit. I have been trying to add more frivolous podcasts in-between the political ones so my mind isn’t on politics 100%. And I’m doing the same thing with my reading. I have gotten some books from the library that are about politics but skipped reading them because I wanted to read chick-lit. I’ll eventually get back to those books, but I knew I needed to read something else at that time.

Another thing that I have been thinking about a lot is traveling. It’s been quite a while since I’ve traveled. And most of my traveling recently has been for family things. And I know that it counts as traveling, but it’s not the same as planning a trip and exploring a new place. The last time I was on a plane was 2 years ago to see my parents. I’ll be on a plane again next month to travel to Thanksgiving. And I know that not everyone gets to take a plane on a trip and that it is still a bit of a luxury, but it’s weird to think about for me. When I was growing up I traveled a lot with my family. I want to travel more and my list of places I want to go keeps growing. But I don’t have the money to travel (or the savings so I can take time off of work unpaid to travel), but there are some ideas I have that won’t be too expensive that might be able to happen next year. But I still wish I had the funds to do more exotic travel and to go to places I’ve been dreaming about going to.

It’s the fall tv season and I’m back into watching all the new shows. I don’t know if it’s because of all the time I’ve been spending on paying attention to politics, but I haven’t really been connecting to many of the new shows. I am trying to not make a decision if a show is going to be one that I watch regularly or not right now because I know that in a month I might feel differently about it. But it’s still something that is so weird to me because it seems like every other year I am overwhelmed by how many new shows I’m loving!

Since it seems like the previous 3 things in this brain dump aren’t the most positive things, I’ll end on a high note. I’ve been getting more and more comfortable with prioritizing my needs lately. I’ve been working on more self-care things even if I know they are silly. I have been using sheet masks regularly because they make me happy. I have no clue if they are helping my skin and I know they don’t benefit anyone but me, but they bring me joy so I do them. I’m also not worrying about attending every event or pleasing other people if it makes me stress too much. I don’t get mad if a friend can’t do something and I know that they feel the same if I can’t do something. But I still have always stressed on myself that I need to be more available to my friends and I know that it’s not the truth. I’ve been doing more nights at home reading or watching some tv and not feeling guilty or that I’m missing out. It’s nice to be comfortable with putting myself first, especially since that was a recent challenge of mine.

So that’s a bit of a brain dump for me of things that are taking up my thoughts. Sorry if this post wasn’t the most interesting one, but I hope to have some more fun posts about awesome things next week!