Seeing My New Home Come Together (or This Feels Like We Are Starting The Last Renovation Stage)

Going through my first renovation (or at least my first renovation as an adult) has been an interesting experience. It started off really great with so much happening within the first week. We were ahead of schedule at first, but then we had a few setbacks that put us back to the original timeline. Nothing horrible happened, but because of the timing of when we could do certain things, there were delays where we had some days where very little progress was made.

I think I had high expectations for seeing a lot of change all the time after the first week. Seeing all the demolition happen in a single day was a huge change. Seeing all of that removed from the condo was another huge change. But there are a lot of little changes that also needed to happen and those weren’t as obvious to me. For example, changing out some valves for water and gas needed to be done, but it didn’t seem like a lot of change when I looked at it. And even though adding lights to all the rooms is a big change, it didn’t feel as big as some of the other work I had seen happen.

I know that there were also probably some days where a lot of work wasn’t happening, but I do know they were taking steps toward completing the renovation each week. But it has felt for a bit that we were stuck at a standstill and nothing was really happening. Finally, that seemed to change this past week.

I know there are still other big things that need to happen and the renovation might not be done for a few more weeks, but I finally have new floors!

The floors are the same vinyl planks throughout the entire condo except for the 2 bathrooms. For my bathroom, we are keeping the tile that was in there already and for the guest bathroom, we are doing a basic gray tile. But everything else is now the same flooring! Before, there was carpeting in the bedrooms and 3 types of laminate around the rest of the condo. It wasn’t bad, but it needed to be repaired. And since so many sections needed to be repaired and it didn’t match, it was easier to just redo all the floors.

Seeing my floors really makes it feel like it’s becoming a home and not a construction site. There are still a lot of things to do and I know the next few big changes will make it feel even more like it’s my home. I can’t wait to see the new paint colors, which should be happening soon. I don’t hate the current color, but with the floors in now it seems even more yellow than before. I’m excited to see the colors I picked out and for it to feel like it’s the space I helped to design.

I feel like I’m starting to see the end in sight now. I still have to wait a bit longer before I can start moving things in, but I’m starting to really get ready for it. I’m slowly boxing up things in my place and I’ve started to order things I want to have with me when I move into the condo. My current place is feeling a bit cluttered and crazy, which I don’t love. But at least I see the progress in the condo happening and I can think about that when I’m getting anxious in my current place. And I’ve said this before, but I’m getting more and more excited about my move as I see this progress happening!

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