More Selling And Donating (or It Really Doesn’t Feel Like My Old Place Anymore)

I’ve been working on clearing out my old place for what seems like forever now. I started trying to sell things online as soon as I knew I was going to be moving. Some things were easy to sell and other things felt like they took forever to get people to say they wanted them. And I wasn’t selling things to necessarily make a profit. I was offering things for crazy low prices and didn’t always take the money because I wanted things to go to a good home. But for some reason, I struggled to get some of the things sold that I thought would go quickly.

And as my time with my old place got closer to the end, I knew I needed to pick up the pace on getting things out of my home. I started listing them for free to friends (or friends of friends) to get things out. Again, I wasn’t trying to make a profit, I just needed things gone because I didn’t have another way to get them out of my place. And I couldn’t leave them because my landlord would charge me an extremely high disposal price (or at least I’m assuming he would). I finally found homes for most of the things and for everything else I was able to coordinate with Habitat for Humanity to pick them up as a donation.

And by some crazy luck, I was able to arrange for all of the pickups of these last few big items to all be on Saturday within a 4-hour timeframe. It worked out really well for me because I could work on cleaning up more as I was waiting for people to arrive. I also have some things that still need to be thrown out and are supposed to be picked up by bulk trash, but since that pickup isn’t until the end of the week I’ve been keeping things in one area of my house until it’s closer to the pickup day. So I won’t fully clean the old place until one of the last days I have the keys, but I was able to get a lot of cleaning done as things were being picked up and rooms were starting to clear out.

I am happy that I found some people who could really use what I needed to get rid of. Everything was in pretty good condition but they were things I just didn’t need anymore. For example, my fridge isn’t new but it’s never had any issues. But it wouldn’t fit in the correct space in my new place so I needed to sell it. A friend of mine just had a fridge break on them so this worked out perfectly! Another friend has a friend who is a single mom and needed some new storage solutions. They took my bookcase, pantry storage, and a few other things that will work out perfectly for their kids. Seeing things leave and my home clear out is sad, but it’s less sad when I know that everyone who took them is really excited about having these things.

Almost everything left in my old place is now in one spot in my living room and most of them are things that are bulky and will just be a specific car trip to get them (such as my vacuum and ladder). But it really looks empty in my old place now.

It’s so weird how the space looks nothing like the home I lived in for 12 years anymore. The rooms don’t feel the same size or shape and things just don’t feel like it’s what I’m used to. I guess this shows how much art, furniture, and other decor can really make or break a space.

I’ve only got a few more days before I give my keys to my landlord and I say my final goodbye to this place. But I feel like I already said goodbye to it being my home when my things were moved. Now, it’s just a shell of the home I lived in.

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