More Podcast Time To Relive “Felicity” (or Great Minds Think Alike)

A few months ago I did a guest host spot on my friend Teresa’s podcast Finding Felicity. I had the best time being a guest host and loved having the opportunity to geek out about one of my favorite tv shows. I love that Teresa is watching the show for the first time because I love having more people love the shows that I love.

The only thing that I had to be careful about when I was on the podcast the first time was how much I shared about things. I appeared on the podcast after she had only seen 2 episodes of the show so characters weren’t totally developed and she still wasn’t sure about their traits and which characters she loved and didn’t love. I did express which characters I had strong feelings about, but I had to be a bit vague and generic about it because I didn’t want to spoil anything about the show for her.

When Teresa started the podcast, she let those of us who would be guest hosts which episodes we would be on so I knew I had another episode coming up this season. And I was so excited when I saw which episode it was because I had some very strong feelings about it and had the feeling that Teresa would be the same.

I actually knew she had strong feelings about it before we met up to record because I had a question I wanted to ask her before we met up, and she had just finished the episode when she called me. She was so furious about the actions of one of the characters and was still raging about it (as was I after watching it). We got a bit of our ranting out, but we realized that we had to save it for when we were recording so we ended the call so we would be discussing it on the podcast.

When we recorded again, it was during the crazy rain storm that we had earlier this week. I joked on the episode that this proves that I’m one of the craziest “Felicity” fans because I drove to the other side of LA during rush hour in the rain to discuss it. That is the trifecta of traffic, but it was completely worth it to get to share my feelings about one of my favorite shows.

Because we both had such strong feelings about what happened in the episode, I know we kind of kept going around and around about how much we hated it and how much we hated one of the characters. It was so funny to see Teresa be as passionate about the characters as I have always been because when we talked before she was still being introduced to everyone. I also loved having the opportunity to rewatch a show that I’ve seen before and seeing how it resonates with me now versus when I’ve watched it before. I definitely have stronger feelings about some things and seeing it differently from before and it’s been a nice reflection on how I’ve changed over the years.

We did have to pause at one point in recording because we wanted to make sure that we both were able to share a majority of the things we had in our notes. The first time I was on the podcast I didn’t have notes, but I realized how important it is to be organized so I could remember everything that I wanted to say. I realize now how silly and unprofessional it was to not have notes the first time, but I’ve learned and I made sure that my notes made sense to me and covered all the points I wanted to hit.

But when Teresa and I compared notes, we definitely had a similar tone with the last note we each had (my notes are the phone ones and hers are the handwritten ones).

We both were very angry with the same character at the end (which I think pretty much everyone watching the show would feel) and we laughed about how much we felt about it. I’m sure it would be fun to debate the actions of a character and if they were good or bad, but it’s really fun to also have someone who thinks the same thing that you do about a show and you can do a deep dive into why you both had that reaction.

This episode will be live today on the Finding Felicity feed (here’s the link to iTunes and Spotify) and I hope that you all will listen to it. I’m so proud of Teresa and this amazing podcast that she’s created and I’ve been so honored to get to be on 2 different episodes. I’m hoping that I will be able to be back for the 2nd and 3rd season, and I’ve already demanding that she will bring me back for the 4th season because I have a very specific episode I want to be on because I have so much to say about it.

If you’ve been a fan of “Felicity” in the past, I really highly recommend listening to the podcast. I’ve been a subscriber and listening to Teresa and the other guest hosts and it’s been so interesting to hear what everyone has been thinking and what their experiences of the show have been. And if you’ve never seen the show before, now is the perfect time to watch it and listen to the podcast episodes that go with each tv episode. It’s a really great companion piece to the show just enhances how much fun the show is to watch!

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