Getting Through My Bad Week (or Doing Some Solo Challenges)

Going into this week of workouts, I knew it was very likely to be my bad week. I’ve said this before, but it’s both bad and good that I can predict this. I am glad that I know it’s coming up so I can be as prepared as possible. But I hate that I’m dreading the week and how I might end up feeling. It can be just a little bad or a horrible week. I never know how it will be or how it might change daily. All I can do is manage the various symptoms I have each day and take it easy when I have to.

Unfortunately, this time it was one of the horrible weeks for me. I wasn’t feeling too bad on Monday, so I did try pretty hard that day knowing I needed to take advantage of having a not-so-horrible day because that might be my only chance. I was having a lot of pain that morning, so I was still going easier than I normally would. I was just glad that I wasn’t nauseous that morning because that usually affects me more than the pain does.

On Tuesday morning, I was doing really horribly. I hadn’t slept much the night before due to my nausea and I was exhausted besides being nauseous and in pain. And that workout was a signature workout: Capture The Flag. I do love these challenges and seeing how well I could do, but I knew that it wouldn’t be fair to those I would be paired up with how I was feeling. So I asked my coach if I could work on my own instead of in a 3 person team, and he allowed me to do that. He’s known me long enough to know that when I’m having a really bad day, it’s a struggle to just show up to the workout.

The way that it normally works when you are in a 3-person team is that you have one person in each section of the room. The person on the floor is in charge of the switching and they do one round of the floor exercises before moving to the treadmill. The person on the treadmill and rower just go for distance until the person on the floor switches everyone around. And the overall goal is to see how far you can get on the rower. There are different colored flags based on how far you get, so it can be a really fun team challenge.

What I did doing the challenge alone was to do one round on the floor just like I would in a team, and I went on the bike and rower for about 3 1/2 minutes each, which is the average time it takes someone on the floor. I still got to do pretty much the same workout I would have done if I was on a team, but I didn’t have to worry about taking too long on the floor because I needed to let the nausea pass or that I wouldn’t be getting much distance on the rower. I was grateful to not have that pressure on me and I think that allowed me to do a lot better than I would have expected to do considering how I was feeling.

The worst day for me this past week was on Thursday, but it also had a funny moment in it. I was really nauseous that morning and even after taking my medications, I felt like I was going to be sick. I also didn’t have a lot of sleep the night before because I was getting sick pretty often. I just felt like everything was working against me with being able to work out, but at least I showed up so I was going to do something. But I also felt like I was barely moving while on the bike and the rower.

At one point on the rower, I felt like I was going to be sick. There is a different feeling between nausea and about to be sick, and I rarely feel like I’m going to be sick in a class. I think it’s been fewer than 5 times at this point. I am lucky it doesn’t happen more often considering how often it happens when I’m home. But this time, I knew I had to leave the workout for a minute. And when I rushed out of the room, I had a classic klutzy moment and ran right into the door frame with my shoulder. By the time the workout was done, a huge bruise was already starting to form on my upper arm. And now, as I write this a few days later, I have a really impressive splotchy bruise on my arm that I know will take a while to go away. Maybe not everyone would find this funny, but I do. Because of course, I would have a super klutzy moment while rushing out of the workout, and already having pain and nausea wasn’t enough for me to deal with.

Even with this past week being a bad week, I know it went as well as it could have. It wasn’t ideal when you compare it to my good weeks, but I’ve learned not to compare them since the situation is so different between my good and bad weeks. This week is likely going to be a bit of a mixed week, I might have a few tough days to start but it should be getting better each day. And I’m hoping I make it to all my workouts this week, but I also have jury duty so that might affect things. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it doesn’t but that’s just another thing that is out of my control and I’ll just have to work with it as it comes.

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