Getting More Settled In (or Really Feeling Home)

I’ve been living in the condo for a few weeks now. Even though it was only a week ago that I turned in my keys for my old place, I was sleeping and working from the condo for the last 2 weeks I had my lease. And most of the things I needed to move were moved by that point as well. I did have some things I needed to move in those last 2 weeks, but most of it was stuff that needed to be sold so I have felt that most of my things have been with me since I started living here.

Because it had been so long since my last move, I wasn’t sure how long it would take me to feel settled. I also knew going into this move that things wouldn’t be totally done and set up right away. There are quite a few things I want or need to get to complete my space. But I’m working on being more mindful and not buying things until I find something I really want to get. And I did feel pretty out of sorts for a bit after starting to sleep at the condo. Things have been all over the place for me and I didn’t know where everything I wanted to find was. I was still going over to the old place to work on things so I felt like I was living between 2 places. And I have had to adjust to different things living here versus living in the old place. For example, I haven’t had to worry about anyone living above me for 12 years. Now, I do and I’m adjusting to the noise from my neighbors. But the noise I hear is a lot quieter than the noise I dealt with at the old place. It’s a different type of noise, so I’m sure that soon enough I won’t even notice it anymore.

I have hated feeling in transition and how it was affecting my life. So I have been working on feeling more at home and more settled. That’s a big part of the reason why I picked my monthly challenge this month. I still have to work on getting things out of boxes, but I’ve been making an effort at finding where I want to put things away too. Some of the setups I had before worked perfectly for the new place so that was easy. I think my desk might have been one of the easier things to get settled since almost everything just went back to where it was before. It’s not exactly the same and I still have to do some organizing, but I made my desk very usable for me quickly. And I needed to do that since I had to have everything I need to work ready to go right away.

I know that when I put things away I can change my mind later so I don’t need to stress too much about where I’m putting things for now. But I also want to pay attention to what I have and what things I might need for organization. I know I will need to do some things to create more usable storage space for me, but that also takes planning. Since I will be creating a little pantry-type storage inside of a closet from pieces from The Container Store (or somewhere like there), I have to do measurements and decide exactly how I want it to look. So I’ve been putting things on the ground and trying to imagine what I want to create.

But even with the things I don’t have settled yet and the fact that I’m living with a lot of boxes still, I do feel home. And I’m so glad that I feel that way already and I’m not having any anxiety about being in a new space. I don’t wake up confused or accidentally walk into a wall thinking I’m walking into my bathroom or anything like that. I didn’t think I would necessarily do that, but I did think about it. I also thought I might accidentally drive into my old driveway when coming home from things since I pass by my old place all the time. But that hasn’t happened once. In fact, when I was driving over to the old place to get more things or to clean, there were times I almost missed the driveway. The landlord drastically changed what the front of the driveway looks like, so it doesn’t look like the place I lived in for so long. Like I said before, in a way I don’t miss the old place since it hasn’t felt like my old place for the last few months I was living there.

I know that it will take some time before I feel like I’m fully moved in and settled here. I have so much I still want to do with getting some new furniture and really customizing my space. And there is so much more space I get to plan out, so it will not be done super quickly. But I’m in no rush. I do want to be out of boxes (or almost out of boxes) soon, but there is no deadline for feeling like I have finished turning this into my home. It will happen, and I know that because I’m not doing anything just to get it done, it will be worth it when I can sit back and admire where I am lucky enough to get to live.

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