Getting More Moving Help From My Friends (or Seeing Things Come Together)

I know I’ve seen memes about how you know you are getting old when you are willing to pay for movers to do your entire move and you don’t ask friends for help or do it yourself. For the most part, I do agree with that idea. I’ve always had movers whenever I have moved since moving big and heavy furniture isn’t something I have always wanted to do. But in a way, I have used movers less and less with each move.

This time, since I’m only moving 3 blocks, I’m doing a lot of the moving myself. I’ve been bringing a few boxes over every day and I don’t have to worry too much about packing things properly. For example, with my dishes and glassware, I put things into banker boxes and didn’t put any bubble wrap or protection around them. I didn’t fill each box that much and I used the handcart to move them from the car to my condo. I know this isn’t the way it’s normally done, but it’s worked for me so far. I did a similar thing when I moved from my last apartment to the place I’ve been in for the last 12 years, but I did let the movers move more things that time since it was a close move but not as close as this time.

I’m still leaving a lot of the heavy lifting for the movers, but there have been a few things I needed to do before the movers. The heaviest thing was getting my bed over there. I wrote about doing that before because it was pretty crazy how heavy those boxes were and I was really proud of myself for being able to do that with my workout coach. But that was only the first part of getting the bed to the condo.

Because of the overlap between my last month in my rental and when the condo was supposed to be done, I’ve had a lot of flexibility regarding when I would actually be moving in and sleeping at the condo. But I knew I wanted to have the bed ready the day I had the movers coming in case I wanted to sleep there that night. I knew I wouldn’t want to build it after a big moving day, so I asked my friends to see who might be willing to help me. I don’t like asking for help, but I knew that there were a few steps with the bed that needed an extra set of hands.

Fortunately, my friend (and birthday twin) Joanna was willing to help me out. I knew this was a big ask of a friend, and I was so grateful she could help me. I knew she was going through some renovation stuff with her place too and I wanted to hear how it was going and I knew she wanted to see my place since she hadn’t been over yet. So after work last week, she was able to come over and help me figure out how to set up my new bed.

It ended up being a little more complicated than we thought (I think most things are like that), so we had to figure out how to do some of the steps differently than how the instructions described. And we had to keep moving different pieces around the room to make space for us to do the work. It was pretty funny seeing all the weird ways we made it work, but we figured it out and I’m happy with how it looks! And then because the mattress I bought is a hybrid foam and spring mattress, we rolled it out and watched it fluff up right in front of us. And when we were done, I think we were both pretty proud of what we did!

I really didn’t think it was going to be as tough to put together as it was, so I was even more grateful that Joanna was willing to help me out. It’s tough for me to ask friends to help me with things, especially when they are tasks like putting together things or moving when I know I could hire someone. But having a friend come by did make the evening more fun and we had a chance to be silly.

And now, my room is really starting to look like a bedroom and not just a blank space. It’s another step closer to making the condo look like my condo and my home and seeing my bed there made me even more excited about living in that space soon!

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