Escaping My House For A Bit (or Enjoying Some Time In My Car)

Between the regular isolation we are supposed to be doing and avoiding going to the grocery store on my own since I’m sick, I’m not seeing anything other than the inside of my house much. I did walk my trash can to the curb and bring it back, but that’s about it. I’m not going for walks in my neighborhood because I don’t have a mask right now and I know that I’m a higher risk of getting sick. I am doing this for my own protection, but it’s not easy.

I’m not used to only being inside my house. And this past weekend I was going a bit antsy and stir crazy. I needed to get out of my house but I didn’t know what to do. I wasn’t going to go to get supplies and there aren’t many other places to go. But I needed to not be home and I realized that I probably also needed to drive my car. I hadn’t driven it in a few weeks and I didn’t want the battery to die. So I decided on Sunday that I was going to go out for a drive.

I didn’t have a place in mind to drive to when I got into my car, but I decided to head toward the beach and see where I decided to go. I knew the beaches were closed and that the parking lots were likely closed too, but I figured if I couldn’t find a place to go I would just drive around for a bit and then drive home. No matter what, it would be something different than being home.

And when I got to the beach, I started to drive up PCH and thought I wouldn’t find anywhere that I could park unless I went much further north where I could park on the side of the road, and I didn’t feel like driving that much. So I drove toward Malibu and then found a place to turn around and head back. But on the drive back, right before turning away from the beach I saw a side street and decided to take a chance on finding some random street parking. After driving up and down a few streets, I found a parking meter and pulled over. And it was a parking spot with an amazing view!

There were a few people on the beach path, but there weren’t many people out (which is a good thing). I don’t know if I’ve ever seen the beach this empty before. Even on a rainy day, I would see people out there. It was so eerie seeing it like that, but it was also a bit nice because I had a really pretty view of the sand and water. I sat in my car for a while just looking out at the water and feeling lucky that I had the option to drive there and have a good view. And then I headed back home.

Even when I can start going to the grocery store again, I might have to do these random car adventures from time to time. It really helped me feel better just getting out and going somewhere different. I needed something to get me out of the feeling of every day being a repeat of the day before. I wish I could have done more, but for now, just driving somewhere might be my only option. But at least I have an option to do something and I need to make sure I plan to do more things like this to keep myself sane.

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