Category Archives: Fitness

Some Big Workout Wins (or I Was Expecting This To Happen So Soon)

I’m very happy with how this past week of workouts went. Not all of my workouts were great, but I had some really great moments. And I honestly thought it would take a lot longer before I felt like I had some accomplishments or that I was feeling more like my old self. There are still a lot of moments when I feel my lack of strength or endurance, but it was wonderful to also have some moments when I felt very powerful.

I was finally starting to feel a bit better for Monday’s workout. I still was dealing with some pain and nausea, but I was over the worst of it. And I’m glad I was starting to get better because this workout was a tough one! It was considered an endurance/strength/power workout, but for me, it felt like it was a lot of endurance.

For cardio and rowing, we had 4 blocks that had similar ideas but they were each a little different. For cardio, we started with a 3-minute distance challenge. I was actually impressed with myself with how far I could get in 3 minutes. I know that it’s not my best, but it’s very close! The second block was 5-minutes long and the goal was to beat our 3-minute distance. But the challenge was that we had all incline work. I think I might have set the resistance level a bit too high to start, but I lowered it a bit. And every minute of the 5 minutes, we decreased a bit more. I was able to tie my original distance. The third block was a 90-second distance challenge and the goal was to beat half of what the 3-minute distance was. And the last block was a 45-second distance challenge, and we were supposed to beat half of the 90-second challenge. I managed to beat my distance goals for both of the last distance challenges.

On the rower, we also started with a 3-minute distance challenge. This was the longest I’ve rowed since I have come back, and I wasn’t able to make it the entire time. I did make it for about half of it before I needed my first break, but once I took that first break I felt like I lost a lot of my endurance. I didn’t get as far on the rower as I hoped. The second block was 5-minutes and we were supposed to be our distance, just like we had on cardio. But this time, we rowed for 30-seconds and then had jump squats between each row. I did squats with calf raises instead. And just like with cardio, we had a 90-second and 45-second challenge. But for those last two, I was able to beat my distance goals.

On the floor, we had 1 long block that was split into 3 different mini-blocks. We were supposed to do each mini-block for 3 rounds before moving on to the next one. The first mini-block had squat jacks and push-ups to plank jacks. The second mini-block had ground to press and burpees. And the last mini-block had triceps with weights and pull-ups on the straps. I did struggle a bit with the exercises that had me face down, so I got the bench out to use so I wasn’t all the way to the ground and that helped a bit. But I think some of the struggling was also because this was a really tough workout! I loved how tough it was, but it also was a reminder of where I want to be able to get back to.

I was finally feeling better in time for Wednesday’s workout. It’s always a relief when I get past when I feel nauseous and can focus on the workout again. And for this workout, I knew I wanted to work hard because I was going to have a tough class on Friday.

Wednesday’s workout had the same timing for cardio and the rowers. Everything was in a 2-minute chunk. For cardio, we had push to all-outs that changed in length (but always equaling 2 minutes) with different inclines/resistance levels. And the rower was also the idea of a push to all-out on the rower for 2 minutes and while cardio was doing a walking recovery the rowers had medicine ball work. The medicine ball work was bicep curls, shoulder presses, and overhead triceps. I did pretty decently on the cardio. I’m noticing that I’m getting back to what I was able to do before on the bike a lot faster than everywhere else. But on the rower, I really struggled to row for 2 minutes without stopping. I know I’ll get there eventually, but it’s hard when it seems so far to be where I was.

On the floor, we had one long block that was split into 3 mini-blocks. And we were supposed to do each mini-block for 5 rounds before moving on (it was a Cinco de Mayo theme). The first mini-block had deadlifts and plank Spidermans. The second mini-block had chest presses and squats. And the last mini-block had low rows with weights and plank shoulder taps. I didn’t make it through it all and never really got to complete a round of the shoulder taps. But that was ok because for all the weight work, I was trying to go heavier than what I was using before. I sometimes could only do half the reps and then had to switch weights, but it still is progress!

Friday’s workout was my first signature workout back. And this time, we had Orange Everest! I have done this a few times and I think I’m having a better time doing it on the bike than I did on the treadmill, but it’s still a tough one. And since I only started back a few weeks ago, I wasn’t going to look at what I was able to do before and try to beat it. I only wanted to be able to finish it.

For Orange Everest, every minute the incline or resistance level goes up for the first 7 minutes. And for the last 7 minutes, we bring it back down one minute at a time. I knew the resistance levels were going to get really heavy for me on the bike and it would feel like I was biking in Jello or concrete. And it did feel that way for some of the highest resistance levels. But I managed to make it through with minimal breaks (I have to stop in order to sip water). And I did take a photo to remember what I did because we weren’t able to enter things into the tracker during class. But when I had a bit of a break, I looked at the app to see what I had done with Everest in the past and I realized that I PRed! The one below in my photo that says PR is my old PR. The distance I got done in this workout is the screen of the bike.

I wasn’t expecting this at all considering how far it seems I have to go before I’m as strong as I was. I was so shocked that I managed to do this and I asked my coach if there was a way to add it into the tracker because I want my PR there, so he was going to work on doing that for me.

On the rower, we had decreasing rows. We started with a 500-meter row and it was going to go down by 100 meters each time. And between each row, we had lunges with a medicine ball. I knew that rowing for 500-meters without stopping was a big challenge for me. I struggled to row for more than 90-seconds and I knew a 500-meter row would take at least 2 1/2 minutes. But I decided to go for it and not focus on the wattage on the rower or how long it took me. And I was able to row the entire thing without a break! This gave me a huge confidence boost because I’ve been worried a lot about the 2,000-meter row challenge coming up. I know that will still be really hard, but to know I can row for 500-meters without stopping is a great sign that I am making progress. I only got to work on the 300-meter row when the block ended, but I did also do the 400-meter row without stopping too!

And on the floor, we had a focus on upper body (since a lot of people were going to be doing the floor before Everest). We had low rows with weights, tricep extensions with weights, leg raises, chest presses, hammer curls, and bicycle crunches. I wasn’t lifting anything super heavy, but they were close to what I used to use for all the exercises. I was a little tired from Everest and my rowing to test out using heavier weights for a bit, but I figured that was ok. I was still able to do a lot of good work on the floor and I left this workout feeling so amazing!

Saturday’s workout ended up being a bit of a recovery day for me. I didn’t want to take the day off, but I was a bit sore from Friday and the work I had done in that workout. So I went a little easier on myself while still pushing a bit.

The cardio was one long block with no recovery time in it. We started with a 3-minute push pace to a 3-minute base pace. Then we had a 2-minute push and 2-minute base. And we ended with a 4-minute distance challenge. I went a bit easier for the 2 push paces than I did for the distance challenge. But for those last 4 minutes, I really tried to go hard and see how far I could bet. I set my goal based on doing a little less than I knew I was able to do before in that time. And I was able to beat that distance! I really felt like that this completed an amazing week on the bike. The bike has been the place I have felt like I have come back the quickest, and I think this workout proved me right.

On the rower, we had rowing with dumbbell exercises between each row. The first set had 300, 200, and 100-meter rows with single arm deadlifts with a weight. And the second set was also 300, 200, and 100-meter rows but we had split stance low rows with the weights. I got through all of the first set and completed the 300 and 200-meter rows for the second set before time was done with rowing.

And on the floor, we had 2 blocks. The first block had squat to reaches on the straps, squats to I-raises on the straps, and low rows with a medicine ball. And the second block was a core blast. We had crunches, plank punches, and mountain climbers. And for the last minute, we were supposed to hold a plank. I wasn’t able to hold my plank for the full minute, but I tried to stay up as long as I could before taking a bit of a break.

Even though I didn’t get amazing things done in every workout, I feel like I’m really seeing progress. I was so worried it would take a long time for me to feel like I’m getting back to the old me, and I’m glad I was wrong. I do still think it will take at least a few months to be back to where I was before the pandemic, but I’m happy to see that I will notice progress as I get there. I can still celebrate the accomplishments even if it’s not quite what I was able to do in the past.

First Full Workout Week Back (or This Was Hard, But Not As Hard As I Thought)

This past week of workouts was my first full week back at Orangetheory in the studio! After having 2 workouts in the studio the week before, I was excited to be back for all 4 workouts. I had some moments I was worried that doing 4 would be too tough (for a while in the beginning, I was only doing 3 workouts a week at Orangetheory before bumping it up), but I also knew that I had been doing 4 workouts a week at home. So I wasn’t starting over and couldn’t really compare things to how I felt before I took my first Orangetheory class ever. I did have a little bit of soreness from the week before, and I knew this week would also be the week I would be starting to deal with pain and nausea. But I was ready for it and jumped into the week full force!

Going in for my workout on Monday was such a great way to start my week. Even though I’ve been working out at home on Mondays, going into the studio is a different feeling. And this time, I also got to work out with a coach that I used to work out with before the studios shut down! There’s something awesome about having a coach I knew and having the class be even more like what I was used to before.

The workout was an endurance-based class and it was a real challenge for me. I know that building up my endurance is so important, but I’m just not where I wish I was during the workout. The cardio and rower did the same plan. We had 2 blocks and each block had 3 rounds of 90-second endurance challenges. On cardio, the last 90-second challenge of each block was actually a 60-second push and 30-second all-out. The rower didn’t have the all-outs.

I’m still getting used to being back on the bike, so I had to take breaks to stand on the bike and not have some of the pain I feel sitting on it. I did try to increase the resistance for some of the pushes, but I focused more on my cadence than the resistance. And on the rower, I really just tried to row as long as I could each time. I wasn’t always able to do the full 90-seconds each time, but that was the goal. I tried to work on my form a bit more too since I know that wasn’t something I have been able to do in a while. I think that my form was a bit better than the week before, and I expect that it will just continue to get better as I have more classes back.

And on the floor, it was also 2 blocks. Things were pretty focused on lower body work. We had a lot of lunges and deadlifts of different styles. I had to test out a bunch of different weights to see what felt right to me. I also want to make sure that I’m pushing myself too. It’s a tough balance to figure out what is heavy because it’s pushing me and what is heavy because it’s too heavy and my form will be bad. But I was better at not judging myself as much for not being able to use the weights that I’m used to.

Wednesday’s workout was interesting for a few different reasons. First, it was my first workout back where I had to deal with pain and nausea. Even though I have been dealing with it for my home workouts, it’s different dealing with it when I’m in the studio. And also, I bought some mask brackets to see if it would make working out in a mask a bit easier. It hadn’t been hard to work out in a mask, but there were plenty of times that I felt like I was eating my mask and I didn’t like that feeling.

The workout was a power day and there were 3 blocks for cardio and rowing and 2 blocks on the floor. For cardio, we had 2 blocks that started with a push to an all-out pace and then 2 more all-outs after that. And the last block was 3 all-outs that decreased in length each time. I focused mainly on cadence and pedaling fast and didn’t worry about using the resistance on the bike. I’m slowly getting more and more comfortable on the bike, so I think it won’t be that much longer before I’m back to working with the resistance more often. And overall, I felt really great about the work I did on the bike. I know I pushed myself more than I had in the past few workouts and I lucked out that my pain and nausea didn’t really affect that part of the workout too much.

On the rower, the first block was increasing rows with jumping jacks between each row. We started with a 100-meter row and increased by 50 meters each time. And my 100-meter row went really well! I wasn’t as fast as I was pre-pandemic, but I wasn’t that far off. I impressed myself quite a bit! The jumping jacks had to be modified because my nausea really was hitting me during the row. The second block was decreasing rows and I didn’t do as well as I did in the first block because I still don’t have rowing endurance. But I tried. And the last block was working with the treadmills and again, my lack of endurance on the rower affected what I could do. But I still noticed that I was doing better than I over the past week, so that was good.

And on the floor, I really struggled because my pain and nausea really kicked in. I didn’t take any medication before my workout and I really should have done that. But I still tried my best. The first block was upper body work with single-arm presses and bicep curls, which went ok for me. The second block had push-ups, bench sit-ups to squats, mountain climbers, and triceps on the straps (my first time using the TRX straps in over a year!). I had to take a lot of breaks to deal with the pain and nausea, but I still got 2 full rounds in and a bit of a 3rd round done before time was called and the workout was over.

Even though my pain and nausea were worse on Friday, I remembered to take my meds before my workout. They didn’t kick in right away, so my workout started feeling really rough but it did get a little better throughout class.

The workout was a strength workout with lots of incline work for cardio. We had no walking recovery during the entire cardio time, which also made things a bit harder. We did have some flat incline work, but that’s not the same as recovery. We had 3 rounds of hills. The first round was 1-minute at each incline, the second round was 45-seconds at each incline, and the last round was 30-seconds at each incline. So it did get a little easier each round even though the inclines went up a bit each time. And I did work with the resistance levels on the bike. It made it tough with the nausea, but I’m glad I did it because it was a good challenge for me.

On the rower, it was all about stroke drills. We always had 15 strokes every time on the rower with a medicine ball exercise between each round. The medicine ball exercises were supposed to be done while balancing on one leg, but I wasn’t able to do that so I did them with both feet down. We had tricep extensions and front presses. For the stroke drills, I was pretty good at doing these before the pandemic and I was glad to see that I’m still pretty decent at them now. It can be tough to make sure I go slow enough to fully take advantage of the exercise, and while I wasn’t as slow as I know I can go I was doing ok.

And on the floor, it was also one long block but broken into 2 sections. The first section had chest presses on the bench, chest presses on the straps, and bird dogs on the floor. And the second section had regular squats, single-leg squats on the straps, and alternating leg lifts. I did have a little bit of trouble with the bird dogs since those aren’t as easy to modify, but I was able to modify the leg lifts so I did them on the bench and they didn’t make my nausea that much worse. And while I wasn’t using the same weights I used to use before the pandemic, they are getting closer to what I used to do!

And on Saturday, we had another strength workout. And I was feeling a bit better than I was on Wednesday and Friday, so that was good. I still took meds before my workout just in case, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be that day.

For cardio, we had 2 pretty similar blocks. They both had 3 different inclines for 1-minute each. But the first block was increasing inclines and the second block was decreasing inclines. And again, just like on Friday, I did work with the resistance levels on the bike. They were getting a bit easier the more I use them, but I also am noticing more soreness as I use them. So I’m still finding the best way to get back to what I used to do on the bike. But it’s really nice that I’m seeing a lot of progress after just a week back!

The rower also had 2 similar blocks. The first block was rounds of a 300-meter row at specific stoke rates with 2 medicine ball exercises between each row. We had ground to presses and isolated squat raises. I was using a lighter medicine ball than I’m used to, but that wasn’t something I planned. I didn’t notice how light the medicine ball was until I was almost done with the second block. And the second block was just like the first except the rowing was for 1-minute instead. I’m slowly noticing my endurance on the rower getting better. I still struggle at times when I know I used to be able to row longer, but it’s getting better each class. I know we have a 2,000-meter row benchmark coming up (although I don’t know if I’ll be at class that day) and I would love to be able to do that with minimal breaks if I could.

And the floor was also 2 blocks. Both blocks were all weight work. The first block was uppercuts, chest flys, and pullovers. And the second block was bent over rows (which I modified to use the bench for my weights), scaptions, and tricep extensions. My arms were definitely sore after this workout, but I really am proud of being sore without hurting. It’s a sign that I’m working hard and pushing myself but not overdoing it. And that was something I was worried about before I was back to the studio.

For being my first week back in the studio, I think I did a great job! And considering that I spent most of the week dealing with pain and nausea, I’m even more proud of myself! I had what could have been a really tough week and I didn’t let that hold me back. I still pushed myself and I know I worked hard. And seeing my progress in such a short time is such great motivation for me. I will still possibly be dealing with some pain and nausea this week, but I’m already looking forward to what I will be able to do. Each class is making me feel more and more like my old self, and it’s a feeling that I’ve needed for so long. And I’m so grateful to be back. Every time I see my name on the heart rate board, it makes me smile because I know I’m doing something amazing for myself and it gets me ready to work hard!

Finally Back! (or 13 Months Later)

This past week of workouts can be split into 2.

The first 2 workouts of the week were at home as I’ve been doing for the last year. I did my usual weightlifting routine, but I didn’t think too much about it. And this post isn’t really going to be about those workouts.

Because last week, the Orangetheory studio by my house finally opened again!

This is the moment I’ve been waiting on for so long and it was crazy that it finally happened! The studio reopened on Thursday, but I decided to keep my normal workout schedule so I wasn’t there until Friday. The night before, I was so excited. I was a little nervous about having to get up earlier than I’m used to, but it turned out I was so excited to be back that I woke up an hour before my alarm was going to go off. But that was fine because it gave me time to relax a bit before I had to be up.

There are a few new rules at the studio. First, and the one I knew to expect, is that masks are required at all times. You can take quick sips of water if you need to, but you need to put your mask back on right away and you are supposed to stay stationary when you drink water. Also, they don’t have the lockers right now. The doors are off of all the lockers so they are cubbies instead. There are studios I’ve been to that don’t have lockers so this wasn’t too weird. But I decided to just bring less with me into the studio. I attached my keys to my water bottle and had my phone on me. The rest of my purse stayed home.

Also, you have to line up outside before class instead of waiting in the lobby. This was fine and just being lined up outside made me so excited!

People are checked in one at a time and you are told where to start instead of getting an equipment card. I was able to start on the bike, like I used to.

My first workout back was an interested experience. It felt like I hadn’t been there in forever but also like I was just there the other day at the same time. It was so familiar and I didn’t realize how much I needed that until I was in the middle of the workout. Working out in a mask was different, but not as hard as I was worried it would be. I have ordered a little brace thing to try inside my mask in the future so it stays a bit further from my mouth (but still being a mask). There were some times that I felt like I was eating the mask.

And as expected, I had lost some strength and endurance. I struggled in the workout, but it wasn’t worse than I thought it would be. My rowing form isn’t great, but it’s been 13 months since I had rowed. So I took the rowing slowly and focused on my form more than anything else. I also got pretty sore being on the bike. My butt and hips aren’t used to having to sit on the bike, but I know it’s just a matter of time before it doesn’t hurt anymore. And on the floor, I was sometimes shocked that even weights that were lower than I’m used to using still felt heavy. Even when compared to what I’ve been using at home. But I think part of that is due to the rest of the workout before I was on the floor.

And of course, I had to take a post workout selfie with my coach. I was so happy that I was back and that it felt like I was returning home. I had joked to my friends that I would cry when I finally got back to OTF, and that did happen several times that day.

And I was back again on Saturday! I thought that I might be too sore after returning, but I only had minimal soreness. I am glad I was smart enough to not push myself too hard and I was able to do another in-studio workout.

In Saturday’s workout, the rowing was much more endurance based and I really saw how much I was struggling. Even rowing for a minute without stopping was really hard for me. It’s hard for me to remember how hard rowing was when I started at OTF in 2014, but I know I had to work up to where I was a year ago. And I will need to work my way back again. But I know it won’t take as long this time. I just need to keep going and trying.

And now, my plan is to be at the studio 4 days a week for my workouts! I’ll be doing all my workouts at the studio near my house. The Brentwood studio (that I used to go to on Mondays) isn’t open yet. But also, with my new workout schedule, I don’t know if I’ll be going to that studio again. I might go back for random workouts, especially if a Monday is a holiday. But because I work on Mondays now, it will be a lot harder for me to get to that studio. And it will be impossible for me to go to the class that I went to for the past several years since that class is during work for me.

But that’s ok. I’ve made it through a lot of workout changes over the past 13 months. And changing to have all my workouts at the same studio is a very minor change and one that will still make me happy.

I still am so incredibly happy to be back at OTF. As much as I thought I’d be happy to be back, it’s even better! And I really feel like this is a big turning point for me in feeling so much more like myself again.

Another Week Of Routine Workouts (or I’ve Got My Fingers Crossed That’s About To Change)

This past week of workouts was pretty much like what the last several weeks of workouts were like. I still did the same basic weightlifting routine that I’ve been doing. I’ve been making little tweaks and changes here and there, but I’m following along pretty closely to what the plan says. I’ve said this before, but it’s basic but easy for me to accomplish. And I can make modifications when I need to or when I feel like doing a different exercise.

And like I’ve said several times before, while this isn’t necessarily the best workout plan for me it is one that I am doing. And doing something is much better than doing nothing. And I have been continuing to do 4 workouts a week, which is something that I know I should be proud of. Keeping up a regular workout routine is hard enough at times. Keeping it up when I’m doing workouts at home when nobody is holding me accountable is even harder. But I don’t want to make it seem like I’m doing anything really great. I know that I’m not pushing myself that much. I know that my workouts are a fraction of what I probably should be doing. And I know that when I get back to Orangetheory, it’s going to be a hard adjustment to get back to such tough workouts.

And I’m really hoping I’m going to be back at Orangetheory very soon!

The studio is going to be reopening at the end of this week! This is the news I’ve been waiting on and have been hoping for. When I was writing last week about how I hadn’t started the outdoor workouts, I was hoping I wouldn’t be waiting for that much longer before my studio was open again. I knew that more studios would be opening soon, but there are a lot of studios in LA and there was no way for us to know which locations were going to be the next in line to open. But last week, they announced that the Culver City studio would be opening up this week and I was so excited!

The fears I had about maybe not wanting to go back because of how hard the workouts would be didn’t happen at all. And I was waiting for the schedule to be posted to see when I could figure out the best workout times for me. As I’m writing this post, I know what times I want to work out, but there is some glitch not allowing me to sign up for classes. I’m hoping this will be fixed soon so I can get into class. And I know there is a chance that the times I would prefer to go won’t be available, but I also have some options that I can do even if they aren’t the most ideal time for me.

In a perfect world, as soon as the studio is open I would do all 4 workouts each week there. But I don’t know if that will be possible just yet. Partially due to how I’m going to feel (I might want 1 day a week at home to ease into things), but also partially due to how many others are signing up for class. Even with the flexibility that I have, there is still a possibility that there won’t be options that work for me and I’ll only get into a few classes in the studio. But I know that I can make that work if I have to.

Hopefully, everything works out and I’m able to get into the classes that I want to. And my post next week will be some home workouts (before the studio is open) and then some studio workouts! I have missed my workouts and coaches so much and I can’t believe that I might be back soon! I’ve been waiting on this for over a year now, and it’s so exciting that it’s almost here.

In A Weird Spot With My Workouts (or I Assumed I Would Be Back At OTF Now)

This past week of workouts was a weird one. I did have a little pain and nausea that I had to deal with at the beginning of the week, but that was tolerable and normal enough for me to deal with. But for a good chunk of the past year, I told myself that I would go back to the workouts at Orangetheory (whether they were in the studio or outdoors) once I was considered fully vaccinated. And as of Sunday the 4th, I’m considered fully vaccinated. Yet, I’m still working out at home.

First, a quick recap on my workouts. I’m still doing the same weightlifting/strength plan that I’ve been doing for a while now. I am making some modifications and adding different exercises from time to time. One great thing about my history with Orangetheory is that I know a lot of different exercises that I’ve done in workouts. So while I don’t have a perfect knowledge of all exercises, I have a lot that I can pull from. So if I don’t feel like doing one type of squats, I know a ton of other squats I can do instead. And I’ve been trying to get through this workout routine in about 30 minutes each time. This isn’t to get it over with, but to make sure I’m moving quickly and not taking a lot of breaks. This way, I can get my heart rate up and get a little cardio in with the weightlifting.

I’m happy enough with this workout plan. It’s not great or perfect, but it’s doable. It allows me to not have to think too much each morning. And not having to plan and think about my workout is something I love about Orangetheory. They do all the planning work and I just have to follow along. And I know that I could do different workout videos that I have saved on a playlist, but I also would have to pick which one to do. So not having to make any decisions before I start is working for me. I do feel a bit stuck, but that feeling isn’t too bad and I think it’s worth having that feeling for the ease I feel sticking with this routine.

But I am very ready to get back to Orangetheory. I miss so much about my classes. I miss feeling like I’m working hard and part of a community. I miss my workout friends (although sadly, some have moved away so they won’t be in class with me when we are all back). I miss the transformation I was feeling in my body. I miss feeling like I’m doing something great for my physical and mental health. So that’s why for so long I said that as soon as I was fully vaccinated I would be back.

Then this week happened and I still wasn’t back.

And honestly, the reasons I’m not back are excuses that I could work through. There are 2 locations that are open not too far away from me that are open. One of them is doing outdoor workouts and one is now in the studio. But they aren’t the studios near my house and the times I’d have to work out would be affected by the drive there and back. I don’t feel like I want to work out at 6am to get a workout in before work. And while I might have to accept one day that I need to do afternoon workouts again, doing an afternoon one at the open studios would mean I would have to deal with rush hour traffic going home. The drive to those locations in normal time would probably be about 15 minutes. In rush hour, it can be over an hour. I could deal with that, but I don’t want to. They haven’t announced when the studio by my house will be opening, but I’m hoping it will be later this month. If it isn’t open soon, then I know I will have to figure out a way to make those workout times work for me.

But I’m also a bit scared to go back. I’ve shared several times before that I know I’m not in the same shape that I was a year ago when things shut down. I understand that this is not the worst thing ever and that a lot of people had the same problem. But I’m still embarrassed and ashamed about this. And when I go back to the workouts, I will have to confront this feeling head-on. It’s easier for me to ignore this when I’m doing my workouts at home because they are different from Orangetheory. But when I’m doing what I used to do, I will be comparing myself to myself a year ago.

And I think I also don’t want to deal with another change right now. If my regular studio was open, I would feel like I was getting back something that I didn’t have the past year. Even though the workout is the same, going to a new studio is different and I’m worried that I might still have the feeling that I’m missing my regular studio and routine. I know this one is a bit of a stupid excuse, but there are so many things we’ve all given up this past year and are hoping to get back. I just want to have my regular studio back. I want my old routine back (even though I know it will have to change because of my new work schedule).

So for now, I’m in a bit of a holding pattern with my plan to go back. I could go back whenever I feel ready. Right now, I’m feeling like that will be when the studio near my house is open. But if that one opens and I still have excuses, then I will need to work through this a lot more. That would mean I’m avoiding things and I don’t want that to be true. But I don’t really feel like I’m avoiding Orangetheory, I just want to have things feel normal and what they were like before.

Pushing In My Home Workouts (or Still Working On My Workout Plan)

This past week of workouts was a tough one for me. I already mentioned how I got really sick last week. Because I was feeling ok the next day, I’m pretty sure it was a stomach bug or food poisoning. I’m glad it was over quickly because it was brutal. And I was lucky that it didn’t fully hit me until after I did my Monday workout. But I still had my usual pain and nausea to deal with, and that made all my workouts hard.

I did the same weightlifting routine I’ve been doing for a little bit. It’s not the best workout that I could do, but it is one of the more low-pressure workouts for me. And I didn’t want to overdo things and make myself feel worse. I was trying to push myself in the workouts, but in reality, I was really pushing through just to  do the workout and not give up. I would have loved to have pushed myself to go harder and feel stronger, but this past week was not the week for me to do that.

I also had a slightly different schedule for my workouts. I still had my usual Monday, Wednesday, Friday workouts; but I wasn’t able to work out on Saturday (more on that coming in another post). So I did a workout on Thursday afternoon after I was done with work. And having an afternoon workout in there really made me think more about my workout plan moving forward.

I’m now considered fully vaccinated. This has been a benchmark I’ve been waiting for and I had said that this would be when I went back to Orangetheory. And that technically is still my plan, but it’s not happening exactly how I thought it would.

Right now, there are 2 locations for outdoor workouts. One of them is a bit too far for me to consider going to, and the other isn’t that far but it’s further than I’m used to going. And later this week, there will be 2 studios open for in-studio classes! Just like with the outdoor locations, there is one location a bit too far for me to go to and another that is closer. But the closer studio is still not either of the studios I normally go to. So I have to figure out what is going to work for me with my schedule.

I know I could get used to afternoon workouts again if I had to, but I really don’t like them. And I really like the idea that when I’m done with work that the rest of my day is free time for me. But my new work schedule also makes morning workouts harder for me, especially if I have to drive a bit further. I was looking at the workout schedule and there is a morning workout at 6:30 am, which is much earlier than I’m used to. But even a workout that early might be tough for me to do and still drive home and be ready to log in for work on time. I would hope that there wouldn’t be too much traffic, but that’s a big risk. If it was a 6:30 am class at my normal studio, I would be a bit annoyed that it’s so early, but I wouldn’t question if I could make things work for me.

So I have to decide if it’s worth restarting my membership (which has been frozen since the pandemic started) to do afternoon workouts further from my house or if I should wait a little longer since they hopefully will be opening more studios soon. I might wait it out a week or two and try to do more home workouts in the afternoon to make sure I enjoy them enough. In a way, having a choice to go back makes it a little harder. Before, it was an easy decision for me to do the workouts at home and it was easy to work out at a time that worked for me. But now, I really have to take a look at my schedule and what my options are and see what really is the best option for me now.

I might not be going back to Orangetheory exactly as quickly as I hoped to be, but I know I’ll be there soon enough. It might be another week or two or it might be a month. But that is my big goal to work toward right now. I just have to do a little more planning and then I can make it happen!

A Lower Effort Workout Week (or Being Ok Missing A Workout)

This past week of workouts wasn’t that great for me. I have had plenty of off weeks in the past, but I feel like lately, it has mainly been a mental struggle. It’s not often a physical struggle outside of the normal physical issues I have. But this past week was almost all of a physical struggle, but I’m ok with it.

I had gotten my second vaccine last Sunday. I have had some friends have no reaction to the second vaccine and some friends have reactions that lasted a day or two. I had expected I would likely need Monday off, and I was right. I was so exhausted and couldn’t imagine trying to work out. And I started to have some swelling in my arm (a totally normal reaction). It wasn’t until a bit later on Monday that my arm started to hurt.

And the pain and swelling in my arm lasted the entire week. The pain was pretty bad through Thursday but I wasn’t out of pain until Sunday (7 days after my vaccine). While the swelling was annoying, it was the pain that really prevented me from doing the workouts I was hoping to do.

The free OTF Live classes continued this past week and I had hoped to do at least one of them. But I just wasn’t able to do that. I did do some workouts on my own on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday; and I know that is ok. But it wasn’t my plan and I had to remind myself that it’s ok if things aren’t the way I hoped them to go. I mean, the entire past year has been a lesson in things not going as planned.

I’m hoping that this week I will be able to get back to more normal workouts. I will have to switch up my workout schedule a little due to some things happening in my life, but that’s fine. And as far as I know, the free OTF Live classes have ended so I will need to do my own workout plan. And this week could potentially be the last week of all home workouts. But I think that it might go a little longer than I originally thought.

Next week, I will be considered fully vaccinated. And for a while, my plan has been to start the OTF Outdoor workouts when that happens. But there’s also the chance that the studios are going to be reopening in a week or two because of how things have been going in LA. And if I’m being honest, if it’s looking like it’s only another week or two I’d have to wait, it might be worth the wait. The Outdoor class isn’t that far from me, but it’s not super close. And I have to see what my schedule is like and how that compares to the Outdoor class schedule.

I’m grateful that I will have some options soon with my workouts. This past year has been a journey with me realizing what I crave with my workouts. And I want to find something that gives me a sense of normalcy again, and I know getting back to a regular workout routine will do that.

And in a weird way, having this off workout week that felt so odd was the biggest step I took toward getting my normal workouts back. So I guess I have to be grateful for the struggles I had.

Doing More OTF Live (or Easing Back Into More Hard Workouts)

Last week, I wrote about how I tried my first OTF Live workout. It was a bit of a shock to my system because it was so much harder than most of the workouts I’ve been doing. But I also know that it probably is easier doing one of the OTF Live workouts than it is to do a regular studio workout. That made me a bit nervous but also motivated me to start working harder. I know I won’t be back in the studio right now, but it’s getting closer and closer to being an option.

So when my Orangetheory studio said they were going to continue doing community classes through this past week, I knew I was going to do more. Community classes allow us to take classes even if we aren’t technically current members. My membership has been on hold since the studios shut down just over a year ago. If I want to do some of the OTF Outdoor classes, they have a different membership level I can join at since I won’t necessarily need my full membership. And that outdoor workout level will also include the OTF Live classes. But since I didn’t want to start up my membership just yet, having community classes was perfect!

Because of my schedule and the times the OTF Live classes were available, I was able to do 2 OTF Live classes last week and then did 2 weightlifting workouts on my own. The weightlifting workouts were good. I think it’s getting hard to be super enthusiastic about them when I am comparing them to the OTF Live workouts. But like I always say, something is better than nothing. And I think doing those workouts is less frustrating for me than trying to find another video workout. But if I could have done all 4 workouts with OTF Live, I probably would have done so.

But I also think it was for the best that I only did half my workouts with OTF Live. Because they are harder than what I’ve been doing for a while, I need to ease back into them. Even though I haven’t worked out in the studio in a year, I still remember what I was able to do there. And it’s hard not to try to go that hard at home. But I can’t do that just yet. My body needs to work back up to where I was. And I forget that while in the workout a lot. But after the workout is done and the soreness sets in, it hits me.

But I really enjoyed the Live workouts. The coaching makes it so much better than doing a video. Feeling like I’m working out with a group and not alone makes me happier. And even though I can’t push myself as much as I used to, it is still pushing me to do better and work harder. I don’t slack off when I’m doing the Live workouts. Part of it is to not let others see me slack off but I also feel pushed to do and try more in that environment.

This week, the community classes are done and if I want to do more Live workouts I need to restart my membership. And I might do that since I know soon I’ll be doing the outdoor workouts. As I’m writing this post, I haven’t gotten my second vaccine yet. But as you are reading it, I have gotten the second one. But because I’m writing this before the vaccine, I have no idea how I will feel this week. I want to hope that I will be able to do 4 workouts this week, but I might be taking Monday (today) off. It just depends on how hard the side effects hit me.

But once I’m feeling better after the vaccine, I’m going to look more into starting an OTF membership for the Live and Outdoor classes. I still don’t plan on trying an outdoor one until I’m fully vaccinated in 2 more weeks, but doing the Live ones will be worth it as long as I’m feeling ok. But if I feel off all week this week, I’m not going to push myself to do them. I have workouts I can do at home and be ok with them. And if that’s what I do this week, that’s still good.

Each week, I’m closer and closer to being back in the studio at the workouts that I have missed so much over the past year. But I’m glad I’m finding steps to bridge the difference between my home workouts and the studio ones. Hopefully, by the time I am back in the studio, I will be ready and it won’t be as much of a shock to my system.

One Step Closer To My Regular Workouts (or Trying OTF Live)

It seems like every week, there are positive steps that seem to be bringing us closer and closer to whatever normal is. The new CDC guidelines for people who are fully vaccinated are showing us more about what is safe to do. And now, more counties in California are moving into a less restrictive tier. As of today, Los Angeles County is out of the purple tier (which is the most restrictive) and we are in the red tier. This means more things can open, including gyms! Right now, there isn’t a reopening plan for Orangetheory yet, but I hope that it comes soon!

But I’m getting excited for things to maybe be opening soon and that’s also bringing up a few nerves about how I’m going to do when I am able to go back, whether that is doing an outdoor workout or an in-studio one. I’m trying to focus on the positives more than the fears or the negative, but it’s not always easy. But I also won’t let fears stop me. So I am continuing my workouts each week and not giving up.

And this past week, 3 of my 4 workouts were what I’ve been doing for the past few weeks. I did the strength-based, weightlifting workout without worrying too much about cardio. I know it’s not the best workout I can do, but it’s one of the less frustrating ones I can do on my own. And I know that this isn’t a forever thing, so I’m not worrying too much about missing cardio.

But on Friday, I got to do a really special workout. The Orangetheory studios in LA are now doing OTF Live classes! These are virtual workouts that are coached live. It’s similar to what I was doing with the Zoom workouts. But OTF Live workouts aren’t over Zoom, so they can have more on the screen than just the video. On the top of the screen was the graphic/video showing what exercise we were doing. On one side of the screen was the coach and on the other side of the screen was my heart rate information. And at the bottom of the screen, we could see the videos of other people in the class. You had the option to make your video private to just the coach or it could be seen by everyone. I made mine able to be seen by all.

The class on Friday was coached by Coach Michael, who wasn’t one of my regular coaches but who I had as a coach several times in the past. So it was awesome to get to see him again. And while the actual workout didn’t have all the elements of an in-studio class, it was much closer to a class than a lot of workouts I’ve done lately. I would say it was between an in-studio class and the videos that OTF has been putting out on the app.

There’s no doubt in my mind that one of the things I’ve been missing about my workouts has been the live coaching. I can’t do the workouts on my own. And even if I was working out with others, there’s something about being coached that is different. And even if I’m not getting any specific coaching, having some guidance and encouragement is more than feeling like I’m on my own.

And I have to say that it was a tough workout! I think I might have overdone things a bit. There were a lot of squats in the workout and I was already dealing with hip pain. I tried to push through when I could, but the next day I was feeling the soreness and had to be very careful with what I did over the weekend.

And of course, I had to take a celebratory photo after the workout was done. My last in-studio workout was 363 days before my first OTF Live workout. As of today, I’m a year past my last studio workout. But having my first OTF Live workout was something to be proud of!

My plan for what I’m going to do for the next few weeks is still a bit up in the air. I think I’m going to try to do at least a few OTF Live workouts this week. But because of the times they are available, I’m not sure which days I can do them. And if I want to continue doing them, I do need to find out about restarting my membership. I know that they are doing a membership that is good for both the Live and Outdoor workouts, I just need to find out more about them. And like I mentioned, things are starting to open up and I’ll be considered fully vaccinated in about 3 weeks. So the next few weeks might be changing often. But my goal is still going to be to continue to do 4 workouts a week.

Really Getting Ready To Get Back To My Workouts (or I’m Not Sure I’m Ready To Work That Hard Yet)

I have been saying for a while that once I am vaccinated, I will look into going to Orangetheory again for the outdoor workouts. They have been doing outdoor workouts for a long time now, and I know they are doing everything they can to keep things safe. I haven’t heard of anyone getting sick because of the outdoor workouts and the people I know who have gone to them have said they feel almost safer there than anything else they have been doing the past year. I know people in other parts of the country that have been back to indoor workouts (with restrictions) and they have also said they feel safe being there.

But even with how safe everyone feels, I have said that I wouldn’t think about it until I’m vaccinated. And honestly, even though I wanted to be vaccinated as soon as possible, I really thought it wouldn’t happen for me for a little while. So when I was able to get a vaccine a week ago, I was in shock for multiple reasons!

Now, there is a real possible end date for my home workouts. The soonest I would consider going would be next month (I have to wait 2 weeks after the second vaccine before I have full antibodies). But it’s something I’m really thinking about.

And also in the past week, there have been some changes for when gyms can reopen. It’s looking like it will be possible sooner than expected for gyms to open with restrictions and limited capacity. The Orangetheory studios I go to haven’t announced anything official yet because they are waiting on things to be announced from the state and county. We all know how things can change, so they don’t want to say anything until they are certain. But it’s exciting to think about things being opened as they are safe.

As of right now, I do still plan to try to do something through Orangetheory once I can. Whether that’s going to the outdoor workouts or the studio ones, I’m not sure. I don’t know if they will both be options in a month. I don’t know how I will feel about doing to a workout in the studio if that is an option. I also don’t know what the schedules might be like in a month because that changes things too. The outdoor workout isn’t too far from my house, but it is further than the studio in Culver City (because of my new job, I don’t know how often I’ll be going to the Brentwood studio anymore since I won’t be able to attend the Monday classes I used to go to). I don’t feel like I can make too many decisions yet with so much being up in the air. And I want to see how I feel when it’s closer to when I can start.

But I know I am getting closer and closer to the date when I will be back at some sort of coached Orangetheory class. And as I’ve said in posts over the past year, I know that I’ve lost a lot of what I gained from Orangetheory before. Having a year off has been very hard for me. I’ve still been able to keep up my workout schedule, but it’s nothing like what it was like before.

For example, this past week, I did my 4 workouts as I planned. But they were all pretty weak. I did do the strength training that I’ve been doing for a few weeks now, so that’s good. But I had both pain and nausea as I expected as well as some minor side effects from the vaccine (mainly arm pain and a headache). So I wasn’t able to push myself the way that I would want to. I know I’m not lifting as heavy as I was before. I have a ways to go before I get back there. And I feel pretty certain that I’ve lost a lot of cardio ability too. I haven’t had a substantial cardio workout in a long time. And I know it will be really rough when I’m back in an environment where I want to push myself hard and have high expectations.

I want to say that I’m going to take the next few weeks and push myself extra hard to be ready for my first coached workout. But I also know that’s not likely to happen. I’ve been trying to push myself for the past year and I know that it’s never been what I really wanted to do. As I’ve said more times than I can count, doing something is better than doing nothing. But at the same time, I hate that I’ve had to settle for just doing something instead of doing something I’m really proud of.

I don’t know if the next few weeks will have many changes to my workout plan. I might have some adjustments to make in 2 weeks when it’s after my next vaccine if I’m having more side effects. But I am going to keep going with my workouts and trying to find ways to be prepared to make the switch from home workouts to coached ones (even if I only do 1-2 coached ones a week, it’s going to be a big adjustment). I want to believe I will be ready to start next month. I know that it will do wonders for my mental and physical health.

I want to get back to what I was doing a year ago, I just don’t know if I will ever feel ready. Then again, I don’t think I really felt ready before I started with Orangetheory. I just didn’t know a difference so being unprepared didn’t seem that bad to me. Now that I do know, it’s scary. But I know that after I get back, it’s only a matter of time before I feel like I’ve never left and I’ll be back to making progress.