More Like My Normal Workouts (or Finally Getting Over Some Things)

I’ve been having struggles with my workouts for a while now. Some of it is due to the pain and nausea I get each month, but I’ve also had a random collection of other injuries or issues. The biggest one I have been dealing with lately is what I suspect to be tennis elbow. I’ve been doing a lot to try to make it better. I have a brace for my arm, I am taking supplements that are supposed to help, and I use a foam roller ball to massage my arm.

And while I’m not completely better, I am doing so much better. Between my pain and nausea reducing every day this past week and having less pain in my arm, things are looking up for me. I was able to do so much more this past week than I could do for the past few weeks. There were exercises that I haven’t been able to do without pain for a while that didn’t hurt me that much. I know that it will take more time before I’m out of pain, but this was the first week that I really felt the progress in pain reduction.

I also felt a bit more motivated to do my workouts this past week. I’m still not as motivated as I was a few months ago, but I always seem to be more motivated when I’m not feeling as awful. I’m sure that seems to be obvious, but sometimes when I’m feeling my worst I do forget that. When I’m upset about not being motivated, a new week might be just what I need.

Overall, this past week of workouts went the way they seem to go these days. The days I did the video workout were good. I didn’t feel like I was slacking off too much, but I know that being coached that way doesn’t push me as much. I try to push myself as much as I can, but there are limits to that. One of those limits will hopefully end because my new weights just arrived! I didn’t get them in time for my workouts last week, but I’ll be using them this week!

And the highlight of my workout week was my Zoom workout on Friday. Being coached live and seeing my friends on the screen really make this workout significantly better than the other ones. This workout as also the one hardest on me because of pain issues, but I know that’s just because it was the toughest workout. My coach knows about what I’m dealing with, but there’s no way to avoid all upper body stuff. And I know that I do need to work my arms out to make things get better. So I do what I can, I eliminate weights when I need to, and when I really hurt I take a break. It’s something I’ve done a lot and doesn’t seem that weird to me.

There is one thing that I haven’t gotten back to and that’s using my jump rope. I want to do it again and I’m planning on trying this week. But I can’t use it when I’m nauseous and I noticed it was aggravating my arm. So I took a break from it recently. I haven’t been using it for that long, so I haven’t made a lot of progress with it. But I still don’t want to feel like I’m starting over when I get back to it. I’ll just have to see what happens.

I’m just so glad that I’m feeling much better. I know it’s only a matter of time before I feel off again so I’m going to appreciate my good weeks when they are here.

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