Another Week Of Routine Workouts (or I’ve Got My Fingers Crossed That’s About To Change)

This past week of workouts was pretty much like what the last several weeks of workouts were like. I still did the same basic weightlifting routine that I’ve been doing. I’ve been making little tweaks and changes here and there, but I’m following along pretty closely to what the plan says. I’ve said this before, but it’s basic but easy for me to accomplish. And I can make modifications when I need to or when I feel like doing a different exercise.

And like I’ve said several times before, while this isn’t necessarily the best workout plan for me it is one that I am doing. And doing something is much better than doing nothing. And I have been continuing to do 4 workouts a week, which is something that I know I should be proud of. Keeping up a regular workout routine is hard enough at times. Keeping it up when I’m doing workouts at home when nobody is holding me accountable is even harder. But I don’t want to make it seem like I’m doing anything really great. I know that I’m not pushing myself that much. I know that my workouts are a fraction of what I probably should be doing. And I know that when I get back to Orangetheory, it’s going to be a hard adjustment to get back to such tough workouts.

And I’m really hoping I’m going to be back at Orangetheory very soon!

The studio is going to be reopening at the end of this week! This is the news I’ve been waiting on and have been hoping for. When I was writing last week about how I hadn’t started the outdoor workouts, I was hoping I wouldn’t be waiting for that much longer before my studio was open again. I knew that more studios would be opening soon, but there are a lot of studios in LA and there was no way for us to know which locations were going to be the next in line to open. But last week, they announced that the Culver City studio would be opening up this week and I was so excited!

The fears I had about maybe not wanting to go back because of how hard the workouts would be didn’t happen at all. And I was waiting for the schedule to be posted to see when I could figure out the best workout times for me. As I’m writing this post, I know what times I want to work out, but there is some glitch not allowing me to sign up for classes. I’m hoping this will be fixed soon so I can get into class. And I know there is a chance that the times I would prefer to go won’t be available, but I also have some options that I can do even if they aren’t the most ideal time for me.

In a perfect world, as soon as the studio is open I would do all 4 workouts each week there. But I don’t know if that will be possible just yet. Partially due to how I’m going to feel (I might want 1 day a week at home to ease into things), but also partially due to how many others are signing up for class. Even with the flexibility that I have, there is still a possibility that there won’t be options that work for me and I’ll only get into a few classes in the studio. But I know that I can make that work if I have to.

Hopefully, everything works out and I’m able to get into the classes that I want to. And my post next week will be some home workouts (before the studio is open) and then some studio workouts! I have missed my workouts and coaches so much and I can’t believe that I might be back soon! I’ve been waiting on this for over a year now, and it’s so exciting that it’s almost here.

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