Another Normal Workout Week (or Feeling Back Into My Regular Routine)

I know that some of my workout recaps are probably a bit boring and repetitive. But honestly, boring is something I want in my life from time to time. I deal with enough issues in my workouts with various health issues, so having a normal week is something I love. And I do find myself able to push myself more when things feel normal and routine, so I see them as some of my best weeks.

Monday’s workout was a mix of endurance and strength. I think it was a bit more endurance for me, but I got some good strength work in there too.

Cardio was one long block and it was all about 90-second push paces. The base paces between each push pace ranged from 45-seconds to 90-seconds. The push paces weren’t too bad on their own, but to only have 45-seconds at a base pace after was really tough. And we ended with a 1-minute push pace and a 30-second all-out. I tried to go hard for the all-out since it was the only one, but I was feeling tired at the end of the block.

Rowing was also one long block. We started with a 600-meter row and then we had lunges. That was the workout for the entire block, but the row went down by 100-meters each time. I really want to be able to row without breaks again, but I’m just not there for the longer rows. So I was taking breaks for most of the rows I got to do in the workout.

And on the floor, we had 2 blocks that had a lot of Bosu work. The first block had weighted front squats, burpees, and reverse extensions. For the burpees and extensions, we were supposed to use the Bosu but I only did about half of the burpees with it. And the second block had lateral raises to front raises, squats, and side plank dips. The raises and plank work were supposed to be on the Bosu, but I did them on the floor without it. I usually can do the raises while kneeling on the Bosu, but I was feeling really unbalanced and didn’t want to use up too much time trying to find my balance and not have as much time to do the exercises.

Wednesday was a strength day, and I was starting to have a few more issues with my hips. I have noticed this is happening more and more often and I can’t fix things the same way I used to, so I’m a bit worried. But it might be after walking weird after my foot thing, so I’m just trying to wait it out a bit before I really get worried.

For cardio, we had 2 blocks. The first block had a 2-minute push pace, a 1-minute base pace, a 2-minute base pace on an incline, a 1-minute base pace, and a 30-second all-out on an incline. The second block was the same work, but we had the 2-minute base pace at an incline first and the 2-minute push pace second. The resistance level I used for it was what is normally my all-out level, so doing that for 2 minutes was really tough.

On the rower, we worked on stroke drills. In the first block, we had to row 100-meters and count how many strokes it took. The goal was to make the number as low as possible because after each row, we took the number of strokes it took and did that number of reps for a squat chest press with a medicine ball. The second block had us doing a 250-meter row and then using that number of strokes for a front jack with the medicine ball (which I did as an overhead press).

And on the floor, the first block had single-arm chest presses, bench tap squats with bicep curls, and single-arm hip hinge low rows. And the second block had kneeling single-arm shoulder presses and plank pull-throughs.

Friday’s workout was a mix of endurance, strength, and power but to me, it felt like it focused most on endurance and strength.

Cardio had 2 blocks and the first block was more endurance. We had rounds of push paces to 30-second base paces. The push paces started at 30-seconds and went up to 90-seconds before going back down and having a 30-second all-out at the end. 30-seconds of a base pace isn’t that long, especially when you just did a 90-second push pace. The second block had 30-second base paces with inclines and 1-minute base paces with no incline in-between. The resistance levels I used on the bike were really high, at least 2 higher than my normal all-out level, so I felt like I was barely moving for a lot of that second block.

The rower was 1 long block. We started with a 100-meter row and then we were supposed to do foot exchanges after each row. Then we had a 200-meter, 400-meter, and 800-meter row before going back down. But the foot exchanges were too tough on my hip and it was hard for me to get on and off the rower, so I just tried to row for the entire block as much as I could and took breaks when I needed them.

And the floor was 2 blocks. The first block was using the TRX straps. We had reverse lunges holding onto the straps (I tried doing as many of these as possible before doing regular lunges), Y raises, and reach and rotates. And the second block was supposed to be with a single set of weights for all exercises. We had closed grip chest presses, seated low rows, and squat to shoulder presses. I had to pick I weight I could do the shoulder presses with, so I went a little lighter for the chest presses but because I limited my breaks it still felt tough.

Saturday’s workout was a Dri-Tri prep day. There have been a few of these this month, but I have missed the first two. But they are designed to get you ready for the Dri-Tri, which is coming up! This prep day was to prepare for the cardio portion.

Cardio was one long block with timed runs/push paces followed by a 1-minute base pace. We started with a 5-minute run and each time after the base pace, the run went down by 1 minute. After a 1-minute run/push and a 1-minute base pace, we had a 4-minute progressive push pace. We were supposed to increase the speed/resistance level every minute, but my body was so tired by that point so I did it every other minute. And then we ended with a 1-minute all-out. I didn’t make it to the distance I normally would in that time for the Dri-Tri, but it was a good prep day and a nice challenge.

And the floor was also one long block. We had 5 different exercises for the block. Each exercise was done for 8, 6, 4, and 2 reps before doing a 250-meter row and then moving on to the next exercise. So essentially, we did 20 reps and then a row. But because the exercises were done per side, you switched so you had 8 reps on the right and then 8 on the left, 6 on the right and then 6 on the left, and so on. The exercises were lunges, single-arm shoulder presses, single-leg deadlifts (which I did as regular deadlifts), side plank rotations, and step-ups. Because we have the newer benches now and they can go pretty low to the ground, I was able to do step-ups instead of lunges. They were a tough challenge for me since I never really do them, but I’m glad I tried.

I really was happy how this past week went, even with the hip issues that I had and continue to have. And because I do have the Dri-Tri coming up, I’m glad I’m feeling pretty amazing now because there is a chance that the Dri-Tri will be on what will possibly be my worst day for pain and nausea.

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