Back To A Regular Workout Week (or Still Being Careful, But Trying To Get Back To Normal)

After getting back to my workouts the week before, I was so happy to have a normal workout week this past week. I still am recovering and my foot is still healing, but the healing process is coming along. It’s just tough for me sometimes to be patient when it seems like I’m doing better and then realize after the fact that I might have pushed too much. So finding that balance was my big focus this past week.

Monday’s workout was a power day, but because it was a 2 group class it also felt like a bit of an endurance day for me. My foot was doing better, but there were still lots of moments I was dealing with pain. But the pain has been changing each day. This past week, it was mainly a dull pain (something I’m pretty used to with my hip) with occasional weird pulling sensations in my heel. I think that pulling feeling is just the skin being a bit tight still, so when I feel that I try to stop so I don’t pull at a scab or something like that.

For cardio, we had 3 blocks. The first and second blocks were rounds of push pace to a base pace with an all-out at the end. And the last block was all rounds of 30-second all-outs with recoveries after. The recovery started at 30-seconds and increased every round so in the last round we had 2-minutes of recovery before the last 30-second all-out. My heel was doing ok for most of the cardio work, but there were times I needed to just stretch my foot out a bit so I could feel more comfortable.

On the floor, we also had 3 blocks. The first 2 blocks were both on the floor and had 2 exercises each. The first block had squats to an upright row and tricep extensions on the straps. And the second block had single-arm clean to press and bicep curls on the straps. I didn’t have to make a ton of modifications to the exercises, I just had to try to not put as much weight as normal on my heel. And the last block was timed with cardio. When cardio had an all-out, we had an all-out on the rower. And when cardio had their recovery, we had jump squats and then any leftover time could be recovery. I did regular squats instead of jump squats and my rowing was pretty slow, but I think I did ok with this block.

Wednesday’s workout was an endurance day, and again my heel was doing a bit better but still feeling some pain and odd sensations. But I tried to push myself a bit more in this class.

For cardio, we had one long block. It started with a 3-minute push pace and then a 1-minute base pace. Each push pace went down by 30-seconds and the base pace stayed the same. And we ended with a 1-minute all-out. I tried to limit my breaks to just when we were in base pace, but for the longer push paces I ended up having to take a little break in the middle. But that was still better than what I had been able to do the past few classes.

On the rower, it was also one long block. We started with a 400-meter row and then we had bicep curls with a medicine ball. We repeated that with decreasing the row by 100-meters each time and keeping the same exercise in-between. After doing 100-meters and the bicep curls, we went back to 400-meters and were supposed to do good mornings with the medicine ball between each row. But because of how slow my rowing is and because I needed to take breaks during the longer rows, I only made it through the 4 rounds of rowing with the bicep curls and was starting the next 400-meter row when the block ended.

On the floor, we had 2 blocks. The longer block was all with the Bosu. We had pullovers, hip bridges, reverse extensions, and mountain climbers. I went lighter than normal for the weights for the pullovers and hip bridges and I had to rest during each set because I could feel that pulling sensation in my heel. And I tried to do the mountain climbers, but it was causing some real pain in my heel so I just had to skip those. And in the second block, we were supposed to do lateral lunges, regular lunges, and hammer curls. I tried the lunges, but again it was causing a lot of pain. I think I probably overdid it for the workout and that’s why things were hurting so much at the end. So instead of the lunges, I did squats. And when the workout was done, I was limping a bit but I knew I could rest the rest of the day.

Friday’s workout was a power day and it was also a 2 group workout. And because it was a 2 group workout, we had a run/row type workout. Those are pretty rare for me since most of my workouts are 3 group classes, so this was different. But rowing was still tough for me with trying to have some power in my rows while being careful with my heel.

For cardio, we had 3 blocks. The first and last blocks were on the rower and the middle block was on the treadmill (or bike for me). In blocks 1 and 3, we had the same workout. We had 5 rounds of a 30-second push row with 15 seconds of recovery rowing after. 30 seconds of rowing isn’t a long time, so that was helpful for me to not go too hard with pushing down on my heel, but I still had to take breaks in some of the last rounds because I was starting to hurt. And when we were on the treadmills and bike, we had 3 rounds of a 3-minute distance challenge with 2 minutes to walk and recovery in-between. Those were a bit harder than the rowing for me because I could feel weird pain again in my heel. But I think this is just the tight skin feeling when things are healing and it might feel strange because of how my foot flexes during the workout.

And on the floor, we also had 3 blocks. Blocks 1 and 3 were timed exercises and block 2 was on our own timing. For blocks 1 and 3, we were timed with the rowers and we had an exercise for 30 seconds and then rest for 15 seconds. In the first block, the exercises were squats to shoulder presses and skater lunges. I did curtsy lunges instead of skater lunges because I couldn’t do the jumping with the skater ones. And in the third block, the exercises were neutral full thrusters and high knees. I did slow high knees without the jumping, but I was happy to see I could still do them. And in the second block, we had pull-ups on the straps (I did high rows), rollouts on the straps, push-ups, bench tap squats, sit-ups, and bear planks.

And on Saturday, the workout was a mix of endurance, strength, and power and it was another 2 group class. I was also trying a new way to bandage my heel since I need it less as a bandage and more as padding as my heel continues to heal and I’m having some odd soreness. Hopefully, it’s fully healed soon so I can stop worrying about this.

For cardio, we had 1 long block. We had a push pace to an all-out and then had a walking recovery. The all-outs were always 1-minute and the recovery was always 2-minutes. And the push pace started at 3-minutes and went down by 30-seconds each time. But the first push pace was at no incline and each one after went up by 1% as they went down in time. Because I didn’t want too much resistance on the bike as it’s still tough to put that much weight on my heel, I didn’t always increase the resistance by 1% each time. I did end up going up to 1% higher than my normal all-out, but nothing above that.

For the floor, we had 2 blocks. The first block started with a 2-minute row and I surprised myself by being able to row for the first minute without needing to take a break. I think it was because I was definitely not going that hard on the rower, so I wasn’t feeling the same soreness in my heel. After the row, we had lateral hops (which I did as lateral lunges), sumo deadlifts, sumo squats, and toe reaches. In the second block, we had pop squats (which I did as regular squats), weighted squats, skier swings, and crunches with over unders. And at the end of that block, we had another 2-minute row. This row was a bit harder for me, my heel was starting to really hurt after all the lower body work. But I still tried to go as long as I could before taking a break.

Considering I’m still healing, I think I did a pretty great job this past week. I know I might still have to take it easy for another week or two, but I’m almost done recovering and then I can focus more on finding ways to improve in my workouts. But for now, I’m just glad to be back again because taking that one week off really didn’t make me happy. t

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