Always Wondering About The Future Of This Blog (or Not Sure If It’s Time For A Change)

Every so often, I wonder if I should continue writing here or write as frequently as I have been. Sometimes I question it because my life just doesn’t seem that interesting anymore. Sometimes it’s because I know I’m not writing here for the same reasons I did before. And when it was the start of the pandemic, I wondered what I could write about when I was going to be isolated at home. Every time I’ve wondered if I should change things, I usually just decide that I will see how things go and allow myself to change them up if I feel like it’s necessary. But in the end, I never change anything and have continued to write every weekday for almost 11 years now.

I know that these feelings will recur since I will always run into issues like writer’s block or wondering if there is a point to doing what I’m doing. And I’m experiencing those feelings again now. But this time, I can’t exactly pinpoint what’s causing them.

Some of the feelings are probably due to writer’s block since there are so many times that I honestly have to think for a while about what I could possibly write about. I don’t necessarily want to write something just to make sure I don’t miss a day here, but there are plenty of posts that have been written exactly for that reason. I also think I’m feeling very removed from the blogging world compared to how I used to be. I never was super involved, but I used to get invitations to random events or have things that I could potentially go to because I write. I don’t know if all that ended because of the pandemic or if I’m just not famous or popular enough to be included anymore. And I used to love reading other blogs, and I just haven’t been interested in reading them as much anymore. I still read blogs that are written by friends, but I’m rarely reading blogs that are written by people I don’t know personally.

Of the blogs that I still read, I’ve noticed that a lot of people have reduced the frequency of their posts. So many of them used to post every weekday like I do and now post maybe twice a week. But they aren’t on a regular schedule. They just post when they have something to say, which is something that I’ve really considered. I think most of them like not having the pressure on themselves to get something posted 5 days a week and struggling to find content. And while I don’t struggle every week, it’s often enough that I’m thinking if I should make a change as I have considered multiple times.

I also wonder how interesting my life really is. I have a pretty routine and boring life with some random fun things happening from time to time. I write about the same issues with my eating disorder, dating, being in a rut, and health issues all the time. I know these posts are getting repetitive to read because they also feel repetitive to write. But I struggle with the idea of not having a routine with writing since I don’t want to be out of the habit and never write here again.

So I’m back to the same questions I’ve had multiple times over the years. Should I just try to write twice a week and have that as my new schedule? Maybe one post about fitness and one post about something else that happened in my life. And if I have a lot of things happening in my life, it’s not a horrible thing to write about something a few weeks after it actually happened. When I started this blog, I never expected to be writing this long. I’ve written over 2800 posts, which seems crazy that I’ve had so much to say when it feels like so little has happened in my life in the last decade at times. I know I’ve had a few big changes, but overall it doesn’t seem like things are that different from when I wrote my first post.

I’m not going to make any rushed decisions. I have struggled with the idea of changing how often I write several times and I don’t want to make a decision that doesn’t necessarily feel right for me. But the more I have these thoughts, the more I think I need to get out of what is essentially a comfort zone and push myself to do something that scares me. Maybe a change would be good for me. And if I don’t like it, I can always change things back to how they are now. It’s just tough to consider making a change that has been a regular part of my life for over a decade now.

One response to “Always Wondering About The Future Of This Blog (or Not Sure If It’s Time For A Change)

  1. Pingback: Next Month Will Be A Bit Of A Fresh Start (or What Is Coming For This Blog) - Finding My Inner Bombshell