Monthly Archives: May 2013

Fitting It All In (or Getting Better At Time Management)

I’m settling back into my work routine. The next few weeks are a bit odd because I’m working weird hours due to a show at my work, but I’d say about 80% of my schedule is what it should be.

I’m still not great at managing all my time (including my one day off), but I’m getting better. And I’ve finally figured out a plan that allows me to work and fit in my SoulCycle classes.

Right now, my days for spinning classes are Tuesdays and Thursdays. On those days, I don’t start work until noon (it might be pushed back to 12:30 soon which works in my favor). On those days, I get up at 7am, as I do every day. I leave my house for spin class by 7:50, take an 8:30 class, and get home by 10. Then I have enough time to shower, get dressed, and eat some late breakfast before heading out to work.

On those days, I’m at work until 8:30pm (and have to be back at work by 9am the next morning), so working out at nighttime is not an option. Also, there aren’t any spin classes that late at the studio.

I’d like to try to add in a class on the weekend as well, but the classes on Saturday don’t exactly work well with my work schedule. The class that’s closest to the time I leave work is 2 hours after my shift. I wouldn’t drive home, but I’d need to find something to do (and make sure I eat a light meal before class). And on Sundays, I’m so busy doing everything else that needs to get done that I’m not sure where to fit in spin class.

I’m glad that I figured out how to still do the workout I love while I’m working 6 days a week. It’s not the easiest thing to do, but honestly, nothing in my life is easy. It would probably freak me out if it was easy.

And knowing that I’m working at doing something that I love does make me happy. It can be a little overwhelming and depressing knowing that I’m working at a job 6 days a week (that isn’t my career). I’m glad I’ve found something good for me that makes me so happy.

A Visit From The Chocolate Fairy (or Thank You Crunch Bars!)

A while back, I attended the Nestle Crunch Birthday Party (that had some amazing cupcakes!). I guess they remembered me because I came home from work one day to see this on my doorstep.


Nestle Crunch Girl Scout Cookie Bars!

I’ve heard of them before (and a lot of people were talking about them at the cupcake event) so I was super excited to try them for myself.

I brought my mom some of the samples when I saw her at Mother’s Day (she hasn’t given me her review yet). And I brought the rest of them to work where my co-workers and I got to enjoy them.

I personally tried the Peanut Butter Creme and Thin Mint bars. I love peanut butter and thought that bar was delicious. It was nice and light. And the Thin Mint bar tasted exactly like a Thin Mint (perfect for my Girl Scout cookie withdrawal).

Two of my co-workers tried the Thin Mint as well as the Caramel and Coconut ones. Both of them love Thin Mint cookies and thought that that bar was amazing. But they both said that they were pleasantly surprised how much they liked the Caramel and Coconut ones. While it was tough for them both to pick a favorite, they both went with Caramel and Coconut.

All of the samples that I got in the mail went very quickly at my work (I think my co-workers were pretty happy that I was willing to share). The cookie bars won’t be in grocery stores until the summer (June until September). However you are able to pre-order some now through the Nestle Crunch Facebook page.

I’m planning on getting some to have as a treat over the summer. One thing that I didn’t get a chance to try is freezing the Thin Mint cookie bars. I love frozen Thin Mints (it’s the best way to eat them in my opinion). I’m curious if I can freeze the cookie bars for a similar experience. Anyone from Crunch reading this and able to answer me?

Either way, thank you Crunch for introducing me to this great treat! I only wish they weren’t going to be a limited time thing!

Mother’s Day (or Another Day Trip To San Diego)

The past few years I’ve been going to San Diego to see my grandparents for Mother’s Day. In the past, my dad did the Revlon 5K with me and then he and I would drive to San Diego together (my mom would drive while we were doing the 5K).

This year, my parents were on a trip and were already in San Diego on Mother’s Day. So on Sunday, I drove down alone to see my parents and grandparents.

My grandma has been doing really well since her hip surgery. The Friday before Mother’s Day she was able to leave the skilled nursing care and return home, so that was very exciting!

It took me exactly 2 hours to get from my house to my grandparents’ place, and it was actually a really nice drive.


Most of the day was spent visiting. My grandma got to FaceTime with my cousin’s brand new baby boy, Hudson.

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It was really cool to get to see the baby. I don’t know when I’m going to get to meet him in person, so FaceTime is a good substitute. I also got to talk with my cousin’s other two kids, who are super adorable (I didn’t get a chance to try to take screenshots then).

I gave my mom and grandma their presents. I got my mom a purse hook, but since I had to order it online, I printed a picture of it and put it in her card.

And I got my grandma some new slippers she could wear inside her house (so she doesn’t slip again).


My mom made a great brisket dinner. Seriously, I can never make brisket as good as she does. We also had homemade meringues with strawberries for dessert.

About 7 hours after I got there, I had to start my drive back home so I could go to bed at a decent hour. I’m not sure if I’m going to get to see my grandparents before Thanksgiving, but maybe when my work calms down in the fall I can do another day trip. I’ll be seeing my parents again in August when we celebrate my 30th birthday.

I’m so happy that I live close enough to my grandparents to see them a lot. I’ve now had the time to make the drive there and back 3 times in the past 3 months. That’s pretty awesome!

Being OK With Being Alone (or What I Learned From My 5K)

Hopefully you’ve all read my recap of my 3rd 5K for the year. It wasn’t very good, but I learned some things about myself while walking.

I remember last year how incredibly nervous I was to do a 5K by myself. But once I finished it, I realized that it wasn’t too bad.

For the Color Run, I walked with friends, but that wasn’t a competitive 5K, we just wanted to have fun. And for the Hollywood Half 5K, I was by myself and kept my headphones in with some fun upbeat music going the whole time.

I walked with my friend Kate at the 5K this past weekend, and between mile 1 and 2, I turned to my friend and told her how I kind of missed doing a 5K by myself. I like being in my own world and not worrying about others. Fortunately, she completely agreed with me. It seemed to take longer to do this 5K than all the others in the past (could have something to do with the heat too).

So what Kate and I have decided to do is be virtual race buddies. We will try to do as many of the same events as possible, but we will race alone and meet up at the finish line (I’m lucky that I have a friend who doesn’t mind waiting for a slow poke like me). We will try to walk one 5K together each year, but besides that, we both want to go solo.

And if we can’t do the same race (our work schedules don’t totally match up), we will cheer the other person on virtually.

I think this is the best of both worlds. I’ll have a friend to go to the race with me (and celebrate with me after), but during the race I can focus on myself and not worry that I’m making my friend walk so slowly.

I’m glad that I’ve learned this about myself. I think that it will really make a difference in how I feel about doing 5Ks and especially 5Ks where I don’t know anybody else going.

Revlon Run/Walk (or I Survived 5K #3!)

This past Saturday was the Revlon Run/Walk event. I’m calling it a 5K, but technically it was 3.5 miles (in case you didn’t know, a 5K is 3.1 miles).

This race holds a special place in my heart. The Revlon Run/Walk in 2008 was my very first 5K. My dad and I did it together.


Even though it was a very crowded event, my dad and I also decided to do the race in 2009.


I hadn’t done this race since then, but since I have a goal this year to do 5 5Ks, I figured why not add this one to the list?

My best friend, Kate, also decided to do this 5K with me. She did the Hollywood Half 5K too, but she ran that and waited for me at the finish line. This time, she was willing to walk with me (and I’m grateful that she did).

The morning of the 5K, we took the lightrail to where the start line was (much easier than driving and parking there!). The race started at 9am, and as soon as we got off the train we both noticed how warm it was. We found a water station by the start line, drank some water, and waited in the shade by the start for the race to begin.


Finally, we were off. Not moving very quickly, but we were moving. And pretty much right away, we both were feeling the heat (turns out, it was about 83 degrees when we started).

We made it to mile 1 with no problem. A little slower than I’d like, but that’s ok.

From mile 1 to mile 2, we were both starting to feel a bit cranky. It was a combination of the heat, the crowd, and I’m thinking dehydration.

After we saw the mile 2 marker, we knew we were past the halfway mark. Somehow, that last mile almost got me. We walked right past the lightrail station as we were walking. If I wasn’t so gung-ho on getting my medal at the end of the race, I might have just ended it there. I was hot, sweaty, and starting to be in pain.

Finally, we entered the coliseum, where the finish line was. We entered the tunnel to go onto the field, and was so beyond happy to literally see the light at the end of the tunnel.


We crossed the finish line, got our medals, and grabbed some water and snacks. I took a quick victory photo so I could email it to my parents.


And then we went straight to the lightrail to go home. We were both so miserable and tired. I got sunburnt (despite wearing SPF 50 that morning) and I just wanted to get home and shower.

After I was home, I reflected a bit on this race. Honestly, it was pretty awful. Kate agreed with me that this was the most unbearable race she’s ever done (and she’s done a bunch of big ones). But I did finish, and that’s important.

There’s a picture I’ve seen on Pinterest a couple of times. It’s a photo of someone walking at a race, and the caption says “You are still lapping everyone on the couch”. That’s how I have to feel about this race. My time sucked, I had a pretty bad time, but I did it and crossed the finish line. That’s more than a lot of people could say.

Hopefully, my 5K that I have in 3 more weeks goes a lot better. Oh well. Here’s to finishing #3!

The New TV Season (or Starting My Research Early This Year)

It’s upfronts time!

For those of you that don’t know what the upfronts are, it’s the time that the tv networks reveal their fall tv schedules to advertisers (and the public). This is when you know what new tv shows will be on the air in the fall and what old shows will have another season.

Sometimes, the new tv shows or old tv show renewals are announced earlier, but everything is revealed at the upfronts. All the networks will be revealing their schedules next week (here’s a schedule and guide to the networks).

Why does this matter to me? Because this is when my preparation for my fall tv research begins!

I’ve previously talked about how I watch everything on tv to know what shows might be good ones for me to target. Normally, I start doing my tv research then. The only thing I did after the upfronts was send the casting directors of the new tv shows a quick congratulations note.

But this year, I’ve decided to do things a bit different.

There are a bunch of websites with information on the new tv shows (I like TVLine for the summary and IMDb for the production information). I’m going to start my notes right away. I can figure out who the casting directors are for the new shows and which ones I have a relationship with (good information for my agents to know). I can get most of my notes done early so when the tv shows premier in the fall, I can focus on watching the shows and understanding the tone and plot points.

Also, once the networks announce the new tv shows, they typically release a 3-5 minute trailer with highlights of the show. I’m going to take notes on those so I have something in case I get an audition for a show before it premieres (it’s happened before).

I think these are all positive steps forward that I’m making with my acting career. It might seem a bit overkill when I don’t get a ton of auditions compared to some of my friends (which I don’t mind since most of my auditions are for series regulars or guest stars), but when I do get that chance with that audition, I want to go into the room the best and most prepared that I can be!

Saying Goodbye To The Old And Hello To The New (or Yes, This Post Is About An Alarm Clock)

I mentioned yesterday how I got almost all of my errands done on my one day off. The one errands that is still on my list is getting a new alarm clock.

Sounds easy, right? For me it’s not.

I’ve written in the past how my relationship with my scale is a complicated one. When I had to get a new scale, it was horrible. I trusted my old scale so much and didn’t know how I’d feel about a new one.

I’m going through something similar with my alarm clock.

And before I go on, I’m totally aware that I sound crazy and these thoughts are probably all because of my panic/anxiety disorder, but they feel real to me. And maybe if you have issues with panic and anxiety you can relate to me. And if you don’t, perhaps this will give you some understanding of what it’s like to live with this. Either way, this is something that has been bothering me for a few days and I’m hoping writing it down and putting it out there will help me (it has in the past).

When I was younger and still in high school, I had a horrible time waking up in the morning. I’d set an alarm but I’d never hear it. My dad would eventually have to wake me up so I’d get to school on time.

I remember in my senior year of high school worrying how I’d manage in college. But for my high school graduation, a family friend gave me an alarm clock as a gift. This alarm clock was super loud and annoying (one of the alarm options was a rooster).


I loved my new alarm clock! I don’t know if I ever missed a class in college due to me not hearing my alarm (not wanting to go to class is another story).

And I was happy with my alarm clock for the last (almost) 12 years. But the other day, my alarm clock sounded a lot quieter than it used to. It’s almost as if the speaker isn’t working as much (or one speaker died). So I knew it was time to find a new alarm clock.

My requirements: loud, annoying noise, battery powered (there are no power outlets where I put my alarm clock), and not horribly expensive.

I went to several stores, and none of them had a single alarm clock that matched watch I needed. The big hurdle is finding a battery powered alarm clock. And I don’t like the idea of buying one I haven’t seen before.

So while I continue my search for my new alarm clock, I’m using my current one at its reduced volume (I also set the alarm on my phone, but I need more than one to wake up on my early days).

I know that this is a crazy post to write, but I’m putting it out there in case someone knows of an alarm clock that I can buy that will work for me! So if you know of one, please comment!!

Relearning Old Habits (or Seriously, This Again?!?)

I’ve been back at my day job for a few weeks. But most of the weeks haven’t been typical ones. I was in San Francisco 2 weekends ago which involved me missing 2 days of work. The week prior to that I worked a weird shift on Thursday to work late, a split shift on Friday, and a partial shift on Saturday. And this week I’m taking Saturday off to do another 5k.

All of this has made it tough for me to get back on track with scheduling. I know, I know; I’m always complaining about scheduling. But when you go from working 6 days a week to working no days a week to working 6 days a week again it’s weird.

I’m trying to stay on top of my time off and not waste it. When I was unemployed, if I didn’t get an errand done one day, I could do it the next. That’s not really possible now. If I don’t get it done on Sunday, it’s likely that Friday will be my next chance.

So I’m making sure that I’m writing up lists for my time off. This was the one I used on Sunday.


It wasn’t everything that I need to do, but a good portion of it. And as I did my errands, when I thought of something new, I added it to the list.

I’m proud to say that at the end of the day on Sunday, my list had 13 items and I got 12 done (I didn’t get a new alarm clock, but that’s a story for another post).

I did, however, forget to include cleaning my house on the list, and sadly that didn’t get done. So my house is a little messier than I’d like, but I’m trying to do little bits of cleaning before and after work.

I’m glad that my list-making has been helping me, because it can feel a bit overwhelming trying to get everything done in a day. But when it’s written out, somehow it doesn’t seem as daunting.

Next, I need to work on scheduling my mornings better. When I don’t start work until noon, I have some time in the mornings to get things done. I don’t like doing errands then because I feel rushed, but I can do a lot more in my house those days than I’m doing now.

Chinese Broccoli Slaw (or Changing Up A Family Favorite)

I’ve been working hard at being better about bringing my lunches to work. I’m trying to use recipes that sit well in the fridge so I only have to make a batch over the weekend.

This week, I’m going to be eating a modified version of a family favorite.


Chinese Coleslaw! This recipe is such a family favorite that when my mom and I made a cookbook for the whole family last Thanksgiving, we made sure to include this one!


The original recipe is as follows:

1 head green cabbage (shredded)

4-6 green onions

2 packages of Ramen (Oriental Flavor)

almonds (optional)

And for the dressing:

1/4 cup sugar

1/2 cup rice vinegar

1/2 salad oil

1/4 cup water or chicken broth

1 tbsp sesame oil


seasoning packets from Ramen


The main modifications that I made were using broccoli slaw instead of cabbage (no shredding necessary!), using about 3/4 cup vinegar (I love things vinegary), and using 1/4 oil and 1/2 water instead of the other way around.

Seriously, this is such an easy recipe but it’s so delicious and impressive!

First, I put the broccoli slaw in a big bowl (I used about 1 1/2 packages of slaw, each package was 12oz).


Next, you break up the Ramen noodles. You can do it by hand, but I put them in a plastic zippy bag and smashed them with a mallet.

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Thanks Dad for giving me a mallet!

Pour the crushed noodles over the slaw.


Next, slice up the green onions. Tip: if you put the rubber bands on the green onions where you want to cut away, it will keep all the ends together and easier to throw away.


Green onions go on top of the slaw and noodles.


Then mix up all the dressing ingredients together. I did this in a measuring cup so it would be easy to pour. Also, this way I didn’t have to get my little measuring cups messy. I just used the measurements on the side.


Finally, pour the dressing on top of the salad and mix everything together.


Let the salad sit in the fridge for at least 6 hours, but the longer the better. I made this around 5pm on Saturday and took it out of the fridge to stir it up a bit before going to bed. I had some on Sunday and it was so delicious!

I have some pre-cooked chicken that I can add on top of it for lunch so it will be a bit more filling.

While this recipe is wonderful the original way, I have to say I think I like it more with broccoli slaw instead of cabbage! I might have to do another batch of each and do a taste test!

My Pinterest Fail (or Now What Will I Wear On Saturday?)

If you have been on Pinterest, I’m sure you’ve seen a pin about turning a t-shirt into a cute workout tank top (like this). I’ve seen it a ton of times, and have been looking for a good excuse to try it.

I was going to do it with my race shirt I got for the Hollywood Half 5K, but that ended up being a nice technical shirt, so I didn’t want to cut it up.

But next Saturday, I have the Revlon Run/Walk and I knew that the shirt would be a cotton one and perfect for trying this pin out.

I picked up my shirt after my work shift this past Saturday.


No lines when I got there, so I was in and out!

As soon as I got home, I grabbed a couple of old junky shirts and tried out the tank top instructions. My first shirt was a disaster, but the second and third one came out ok (the shirts were a bit small for me, so I don’t have pictures of them).

After testing it out, I decided I was ready to do my race shirt.

I put the shirt out on my bed.


I cut off the collar.


I cut off the first sleeve.


I took the cut off sleeve and used it as a pattern for the other sleeve (so they’d be even).


(it was way more even than the picture looks)

Next, I flipped the shirt around so the bottom was toward me and cut off the bottom hem.


I don’t have a picture of this next part, but I cut the stitching away from the bottom hem that I cut off (so all I had left was a strip of shirt with no thread). Then I stretched it out to make a long shirt string.

Next, I flipped the shirt over so I could cut a v shape out of the back.


Then I wrapped the shirt string around the v in the back to make it a racer back top.


So far so good, right? Wrong.

I try on the shirt and it looks like this.

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The sides were cut away too much and the back was cut way too low. I couldn’t figure out how I made such a mistake!

Finally, I realized it. All the shirts I used before fit me snuggly. So when I cut the sleeves off to make the arm holes, I followed the stitching on the sleeves. But since this shirt was big on me (I probably should have gotten it a size smaller), the sleeves were big and cutting around the stitching made the holes way too big.

I could still get away with wearing this shirt with a tank top underneath, but I don’t like how the back fits at all. Maybe I could sew it a bit so it doesn’t hang so low.

But I’m probably not going to wear this shirt to the event now. In the past, I always wore my race shirt on race day, but lately, I’ve been having a bit more fun with my race outfits.

I might wear the Superman shirt I wore for my last 5K, or maybe just a pink tank top. But after this crafting fail, I really don’t want to have to wear this shirt and have people who don’t read this blog see how badly I did!