Things are starting to reopen in LA slowly. First, they opened hiking trails and beaches. You had to be using them for active things (so no lounging on the beach) and they have closed down places where the people were not maintaining proper distance or wearing masks. Now, stores are able to allow customers inside instead of just having curbside pickup. And I know the city is working toward reopening hair salons and other beauty-related things, but to only do services that can be done with the client wearing a mask. The only reason this is happening is that the daily increase in cases has been getting smaller and smaller. And that is a good thing.
But honestly, the idea that the city is starting to reopen is stressing me out a bit. There is still no cure or treatment for COVID-19. Yes, fewer people are getting it and fewer people are dying. But that is likely due to people not being around others. What is going to happen when people are out and about more? I know that they will be limiting how many people can be together inside a building, but even if it’s only 2 people and one is an asymptomatic carrier that means the other person is exposed and can pass it on to others. I know we are doing a lot to try to minimize the risk, but the risk is still there.
I have no need to go out hiking or to the beach. I don’t need to go to stores to buy anything (I’ve just been taking advantage of delivery options but might also do curbside pick up if I need something). I am still planning home for at least a little while. Since we won’t know for about 2 weeks what will happen after reopening, I want to wait it out. Nothing right now is worth me risking my health. And I’m aware that I’m in a very fortunate position, but because I am fortunate I want to stay home to also keep things safer for those who cannot do that. If people start crowding stores just because they can, then the employees there are at a higher risk. If people only go if they really need to, those employees aren’t exposed to as many people and the chance they will get sick is lower. To me, it just seems right to stay home longer for the protection of others.
And when hair salons and other beauty things reopen, I do want to go but I don’t need to go. I’ve been putting things off for a while since the shutdown happened. I’m lucky that I was able to dye my hair at home to cover the grays. And I am due for some appointments, especially those that were supposed to happen during the shutdown, I feel the same way that I do with stores. I don’t want the employees there to be at a higher risk because they have to work and I don’t have to be there. There are so many things that haven’t been determined with beauty-related appointments since they have not been approved to reopen. Maybe the policies will help guide what I want to do more. But for now, I have the same uneasy feeling that I do with the stores opening and I probably will stay at home longer.
There are some things that I do need to go out to do in the near future. I was supposed to go to a dentist’s appointment last month when things were shut down. My dentist was technically open during the shutdown, but they were only seeing emergencies. They recently reopened and reached out to me to reschedule the appointment. I’m not trying to avoid the dentist, but I also don’t want to take the risk just yet until we know how the next few weeks go with appointments there. There is no way to keep a mask on when seeing the dentist, so I feel like there is jut a higher risk. When I do schedule my appointment, I’m going to try for the first appointment of the day since that will probably be when things are the cleanest.
I don’t want to live in fear because of this virus, but there are so many things that are uncertain right now. It doesn’t feel like we fixed anything just yet because there still are people getting sick. And while I understand why things are reopening, just because they are reopening doesn’t mean I have to go there. I do want to get out of my house and do things, but I also want to stay safe and healthy. Right now, I don’t know how to make that happen. But things have changed so rapidly before so maybe they will change rapidly the other direction if things get better. I just will have to wait and see.