Trying To Find More Fun (or Being More Ok With Spending Some Money)

For a good portion of last year, I really hesitated to spend money on things because I was not working much. There weren’t a lot of things I could spend my money on that I wanted either. I didn’t need new clothes for going out. There weren’t events that I was getting tickets for. Even though I was getting some delivery food, I wasn’t going out to dinners with friends. I guess in a way, it was good that while I was out of work I didn’t find things I needed to splurge on.

And now, even though I am working much more, I still am very cautious of spending money. I’m not making as much as I did a year ago and I don’t want my spending to get out of control. But at the same time, I’m finding myself getting bored so often. I think I’ve done pretty well with staying home and not doing things. I’ve dealt with boredom before and gotten past it. But it is happening more and more frequently. And I’m not happy just watching more tv or reading more. I want to have new experiences and adventures. It’s just not that easy to do that these days.

But I’m trying to be better about finding things to do. There are online events I can get tickets for and some other events where you watch from your car. For the car ones, I have to either go alone or go with a friend who I can trust is being as safe and cautious as I am (like I did when I went to the drive-in screening over the summer). And if I’m in the car with someone else, wearing masks and keeping the windows open is pretty much a must to try to keep things as safe as we can. I am trying to not do too many of these car events because they are a bit riskier than I’d like, but doing them occasionally isn’t bad.

But with the virtual events, I finally am starting to look into more of them and seeing what I want to sign up for. I’ve got one coming up that is a lecture event that my parents had an extra ticket for. I think that will be really fun to watch and learn from. And I’m looking at some of the plays that are being done over Zoom and other live stream things and might be buying some tickets for those. Again, I do have to be cautious of my budget and not spending more than I should, but I also need to allow myself to have some fun.

I still feel pretty certain that we are past the halfway point of us all having to stay at home. I’m hoping that by the end of summer or the beginning of fall that things will be safer and we can all start going out and being social again. But even though we should be past the halfway point, it doesn’t make this time any easier. I need to find ways to stay entertained and ok with being home. I want to have more fun in my life and the ways that I’m used to doing that aren’t really options for me. I hope I can find more online events that I can attend so I have more going on in my life. I’d love to have less time where I’m just sitting and looking at the walls in my house.

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