Trying More New Beauty Routines In Quarantine (or Anything To Keep Things Interesting)

Since March, I’ve been trying to find things to do to keep me busy. I’ve organized my house more times this year than I have in all the other years I’ve lived here combined. I’ve cleaned a lot. I’ve spent time catching up on tv and books. I’ve found new virtual hangouts to do. I need to fill my time with something and I’m always looking for something to do.

I have done a few things to change my beauty routine this year, but a lot of that has come from what life is like now. I changed my face washing routine because I’m rarely wearing makeup. I haven’t been using heat on my hair because I spend almost every day with my hair pinned back and I don’t care too much about what it looks like. I’ve tried to take more time for self-care practices, including beauty routines because I have the time. Again, it’s just stuff to change up my life a bit and to keep me busy.

My hair has had a journey over my lifetime. When I was younger, I alternated between having short or long hair. It used to be pretty curly but at some point, I feel like it lost the curl. It might have been when I was about 14 and I grew my hair very long. It was so long that I could sit on it. Then I cut it to my chin for no reason. I’ve had a lot of time where there are a lot of bald spots, due to my alopecia. I’ve dyed my hair so many colors (including one time I went blonde). My hair used to be thick, but now it’s thinning. And it’s going gray. I don’t hate my hair, but it’s not as good as I remember it being in the past. And not using heat on my hair has seemed to be doing some good.

But not using heat on my hair also means it isn’t looking that great. It’s almost half straight and half curly. It’s weird how it gets like that. But seeing the curl come back a bit has made me curious about letting my hair be curly again. I know that if it’s curly, sometimes it can seem a bit fuller and not as flat. But I’ve never really had my hair curly as an adult or with longer hair.

I’ve had several friends post about how they are doing the Curly Girl Method during quarantine. Since there might be a time period where your hair is adjusting, doing this when you aren’t going to see people is a good plan. And so many of them have posted amazing photos of what their hair looked like. So I decided to try it myself.

I’m still very early into trying this. I have found a few products to test out and try, but I’m not sure if they aren’t working or if I’m just in that weird time period where my hair is adjusting. But it is much curlier than it’s ever been. I don’t know if it looks healthier yet, but it is interesting to see how much my hair can hold a curl just by changing up my hair routine a bit.

There’s a lot of new stuff I need to learn with letting my hair go curly. And I’m still learning a lot. I’m trying to not do too much at first because I need to see what works and what doesn’t. Also, I don’t want to overwhelm myself with this new process and give up. I really want to give this a chance and see what happens. And if after a while, I really don’t like how my hair looks, I don’t have to keep doing it. I can go back to my old routine at any point. But with so many people saying that it took a month or two before they really noticed a difference, I don’t want to give up before I really try.

I know there are other ways to let my hair stay curly without doing the official stuff from the Curly Girl Method. But this seems to be a good place to start since there is so much information out there from them. And I know there are different forums and groups that I can join to get advice or ask random questions. Plus, since this is how many of my friends have let their hair go curly, I know I can ask them and they are familiar with the method.

Hopefully, in a month or two, I’ll have a better idea of how this goes and if I’m on the right track for letting my hair stay curly. And if I’m hating it, at least I’m not seeing anyone in person so it’s ok if my hair looks awful.

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