The Motivation Struggle Is Real (or Nausea Really Kicked My Butt)

I knew going into this past week of workouts that it was likely to be a tough week. I knew I’d be dealing with pain and nausea, but I never know exactly how it will hit me. Sometimes I have a few really horrendous days and sometimes I spend the entire week with minimal but constant nausea. It’s usually a mystery until the nausea ends and I can reflect back on the week.

As I’ve said every time I’ve dealt with a bad week while working out at home, I really am struggling with my workouts. It’s one thing to go to the studio to work out and to try my best. It’s another to be home when I’m struggling and it’s much easier to slack off. And I’m almost embarrassed how much I slacked off this past week.

Monday and Saturday were the worst days for me. I know I didn’t really do the workouts. I tried and I did little bits and pieces of it, but I wasn’t doing most of it. And I wasn’t being good about figuring out modifications or other exercises I could do. I ended up spending a lot of time laying on my workout mat and waiting to feel better. If I was thinking more about it, I would have paused the workout when I needed to do that and continue when I was feeling better. But I didn’t have that thought at the time.

Wednesday was slightly better and I was able to feel like I at least tried to do the workout. It still was not the full workout or doing what I feel like I should be able to, but it was better. Again, pushing myself to work out when I feel so awful is such a struggle. But I can’t go easy on myself because it would be too easy to just start skipping workouts or not trying when I am feeling ok.

Friday was my Zoom workout. This is always my toughest workout of the week. And this past week was no different. It was the toughest workout and I tried my best. I had to take several breaks during the workout to let the nausea pass. Fortunately, the coach that does our Zoom workouts knows me and understands what I deal with each month, so she wasn’t freaked out when I started to look off. She knows that sometimes I just need to let the nausea pass and she doesn’t make a big deal out of it (because I have told her I am used to it). It was nice to have my workout with my friends as a nice distraction for when I was feeling so sick.

I’m hoping this week will be a bit better. I’m still not completely over the nausea, but it should be ending within a day or two. Then hopefully I will find my motivation a bit so I can feel strong when I write my recap next week.

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