The First Part Of My Workout Week (or Getting Better From One Thing And Having A New Medical Thing Happen)

I’m going to be sharing just the first part of my workout week from this past week in this post. I’ll be sharing about my Saturday workout in tomorrow’s post because this past Saturday I did the Dri-Tri! For the other workouts this week, I was trying to mentally prepare for the Dri-Tri but also not overthink things too much. I was also getting over being nauseous and that affects my workouts quite a bit, so it did help me from going too hard and being sore on Saturday.

Monday’s workout was a strength-based class, and it was the day I was feeling the worst this past week. I wasn’t doing as bad as I had at the end of the week before, but it was still a struggle in class to get through a lot of it.

For cardio, we had 3 blocks. The first block started with a progressive hill with the incline/resistance level increasing every 30 seconds before having a base pace and then a flat all-out. The second block had 1-minute intervals with push paces at increasing inclines/resistance levels with flat base paces in-between with a 30-second all-out at the end. And the last block had rounds of push paces at an incline followed by an all-out at the same incline and then a flat recovery between each one. Because I normally use the resistance levels to be for my push and all-out paces, I went lower on those this time so that the incline work was not at the same level.

On the floor, we also had 3 blocks. The first block was a mini-band block and we had monster walks and squats to side leg raises. For the other two blocks we were supposed to do 2 rounds and then we had 200-meter rows after. The second block had sumo deadlifts, lunges, and plank reaches. And the last block had sumo squats, lunge jumps (which I did as regular lunges), and plank jacks. The plank work was hard for me to do with the nausea, but not unbearable. So I just did them using the bench and took a lot of breaks when I was feeling really nauseous.

Wednesday’s workout was an endurance/strength/power day and the first day I wasn’t nauseous since it hit this time. So I was ready to work hard, but I was still taking it a bit easy as I was still dealing with some cramps.

On the treadmill, the first block was all about 3-minute challenges. We had a 3-minute push pace, 90-second base pace, 3-minute push pace, 90-second base pace, and 3-minute run for distance (which was basically like a 2-minute push with a 1-minute all-out after). I kept my push pace at my normal resistance level and challenged myself to keep it there the entire time. It wasn’t easy, but the base pace after helped me get ready for each round. The second block was all about all-outs. We had an all-out at an incline, recovery, all-out on flat incline, recovery, and so on for a total of 6 rounds. So we had 3 all-outs at the incline and 3 without. They did get shorter each round, which helped (2 all-outs for 1-minute, 2 for 45-seconds, and 2 for 30-seconds).

The first block on the floor had hip hinge swings, single-arm low rows, deadlifts, and single-arm high rows. And the second block had single-leg deadlifts (which I did as regular deadlifts), single-arm bicep curls, and uppercuts. And for that second block, we were supposed to use the same weights the entire time and try to not stop during the reps until we finished all 3 exercises. So I had to go a little lighter on the weights because it was based on my uppercuts plus we had a lot of reps to do for each exercise.

Friday’s workout was a strength-based class, but knowing I had the Dri-Tri the next day I knew I had to go easy. I also wasn’t feeling super confident that day. On Thursday, I noticed a burst blood vessel in my eye. It’s harmless, but it looks weird. And on Friday, it was looking even worse (as I write this post on Sunday, it has continued to spread but I know that’s a part of the healing process). So I was feeling a little down and self-conscious, even though I don’t think anyone in class noticed it. The theme for the class was about doing drop sets, and even the cardio had that theme.

We had 3 blocks for cardio and they all had the same pattern. Long push pace, base pace, base pace at incline, push pace without incline, base pace without incline, push pace at incline, and an all-out. Each block, the incline/resistance level went up high and the first long push pace got shorter. But the idea was to have the base pace at an incline feel similar to what the push pace without the incline felt like. Just like earlier in the week, because I use the resistance levels for my push pace on a normal day, I had to adjust those levels so that the incline work felt different to me. But I tried to keep the levels a bit lower because of the Dri-Tri the next day.

For the floor, the first 2 blocks had rowing to start the block. We had a 300-meter row in the first block and a 200-meter row in the second. We were supposed to keep the stroke rate super low for the first half of each row and then sprint for the second half. I know some people struggle with the low stroke rate, but I naturally row pretty slow so that part is easier for me. Getting the sprint done was a lot harder. And all 3 blocks had 1 drop set exercise (where you go heavy for 4 reps and then you use a lighter weight for 12 reps) and 1 regular exercise. We had drop set chest presses and bridge rows on the straps, drop set reverse grip low rows and triceps on the straps, and drop set bicep curls and chest presses on the straps.

After my weekday workouts this past week, I was hoping I was ready for the Dri-Tri. I felt like I had pretty good workouts and didn’t push too hard so I wasn’t tired or sore. But I wouldn’t know until the next day. And that’s coming in tomorrow’s post!

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