Tag Archives: shoes

Customer Service After The Fact (or An Update to My Experience At Performance Bike)

I had previously written how poorly my friend and I were treated at Performance Bike. I was so shocked by the behavior of that employee, and I was not afraid to share it.

After writing that post, I tweeted at Performance Bike again. They asked me to email them explaining what happened, and I just sent them the link to that blog post.

Well, they clearly weren’t happy that I put that out there. The next morning, I had an email from the retail marketing coordinator asking if someone could call me to talk to me about what happened. I was fine with that so I emailed back my phone number.

Within about an hour, the district manager called me. His name is Chris, and he was extremely nice and wanted to hear the entire story of what happened. So I spared no details.

Chris explained to me that he has worked for Performance Bike for years and was shocked to hear what happened to me and my friend. He asked for a description of the employee helping us and the date and time we were there.

And finally, he offered me a gift card that would pretty much cover the cost of cycling shoes for me! I was super grateful, but I wanted to make sure my friend could get shoes too. So he split the gift card (and added a little extra) so we would each have over half of the cost of our shoes covered by the gift card!

As soon as I got off the phone with Chris, I called my friend and made sure she didn’t get her shoes already. She was so surprised that Performance Bike was doing something so nice for us!

And last week, I got 2 of these in the mail.



Just as I was about to buy my shoes online (and have them shipped to the store for free), my dad emailed me. He got an email from Performance Bike with a promo code for $20 off of $100. So between the promo code and my gift card, I paid about 1/3 of what I was expecting to pay for both my shoes and cleats!

Unfortunately, the shoes are backordered for about a month, so I’ll have to continue to rent shoes at SoulCycle for a while. But I’m super excited to have my own cycling shoes very soon!

Thank you again to Performance Bike and Chris for going above and beyond to make sure that they didn’t lose me, my friend, or my dad as customers. It was not expected at all, but much appreciated!

Hitting A Dead End In A Maze (or Maybe I Should Have Had My Dad With Me)

Yesterday I had a half day at work (because I’m working Friday night this week), so my friend who has been going to spinning classes with me and I decided that we were going to each make the investment and buy cycling shoes.

To rent shoes at SoulCycle costs $3 a class. Not too bad, but when I want to try to go every week, that $3 adds up quickly.

I had decided to go to Performance Bike to get shoes. I like that store, my dad likes it, and that’s where my mom and dad bought this really cute bike for my birthday.


So my friend and I met there after I got off of work. When we walked in, we were greeted by a very nice salesman but he was busy helping someone check out. He pointed us in the direction of the cycling shoes and we figured someone would be over there soon to help us.

We got to the shoe area, and saw a lot of empty spaces.


Those three empty slots on the wall? Those were the three types of shoes that I had picked out online that fit my criteria (velcro closures, road shoes not mountain shoes, and under $100). I was pretty frustrated, but was hoping a helpful salesperson would be along soon and would tell me they had more in the back or something.


The salesman who came to help us didn’t help at all. He didn’t seem to care that we wanted to try on those three types of shoes that they didn’t have. He said that if we found them online, we wouldn’t find them in the store. When I asked if I could have those shoes shipped to me, his response was “if you want to pay for shipping”. I asked if they did free shipping to the store and he said they did. Why wasn’t that offered to me? Also, the salesman offered no help when I asked what the European size equivalent to an American shoe size 8 was (I ended up looking it up on my phone).

I wondered if it was a mistake coming without my dad. He pretty much knows anything about bikes. He was with me when I got my cute bike and knew all the questions that I wouldn’t have thought of asking (and got them to add a kickstand for me). But I had spoken with my dad before this shopping trip and got all my dumb questions answered before I went. Now I wish he was there because I feel like he would have gotten something out of that salesman that my friend and I couldn’t because we didn’t know all the right things to say.

We both ended up walking out of the store with nothing. I didn’t want to give them my business. I’ve tweeted at the store, and I’m thinking of linking this post to them in an email.

This just reminded me so much of something Blake Robbins said on Inside Acting Podcast (I got to hear this twice, once at the recording and again on the episode). Life is like a maze. You know that somewhere in it, there is a place that the ball drops through. So if you hit a dead-end, you don’t give up. You aren’t in a maze where the ball doesn’t drop through. You just have to back up, take a different turn, and keep trying to find where the ball drops.

So maybe I hit a dead-end in this maze for my spinning adventure. It doesn’t mean that I’m going to give up. I just need to back up, look another way, and maybe order my cycling shoes from Zappos (I love them!).

Shoes! (or The Most Fabulous Items in My Wardrobe)

I love shoes! I don’t know many girls who don’t (although my friend Emily might love them more than most).

One of the best things about shoes is no matter what size you are, your shoes will almost always fit. So those are the one fancy item I can have in my closet like everyone else.

But I do still try to get my shoes on the cheap. I love websites like Zappos because they have a nice selection and good deals. But there’s something about going to a shoe store and seeing all the shoes lined up and waiting to be taken home (I know, I make it sound like puppies waiting to be adopted). As much as I would love to have an unlimited budget for shoes, that isn’t my reality (yet).

Near me in LA, I love Off Broadway Shoes and DSW. Those seem to have the nicest selections with the best deals. And I love that whenever you shop at Off Broadway, at the bottom of your receipt, there is a coupon for 10% of what you just spent to use the next time you go.

I realize that writing an entire blog post dedicated to shoes might show how obsessed I am, but that’s ok. I think every girl, no matter what size she happens to be, needs to have a category of clothing or accessories that makes them happy all the time. And for me, that’s my collection of shoes.