Tag Archives: blogging

Ms In The Biz Picnic (or Spending My Day Off With Some Awesome Women)

This past Sunday, there was a picnic at Griffith Park for the writers of Ms In The Biz. Even though it was my only day off and I had a bunch of errands to run, I didn’t want to miss this. I’m trying to be more social in life (it’s easy to be a hermit outside of work when I’m working so many days a week), and this was a perfect opportunity for me to get out and enjoy the outside and great company.

This picnic was held at the same area as the Blognic, so I knew where I was going (which is nice is a huge park). It was pretty hot outside, but we had a nice shady spot in the grass so it wasn’t as bad as I thought it might be.

I didn’t take a ton of pictures because all of us were having such a nice chat about lots of random subjects, but I did get a picture of me with Ms In The Biz founder, Helenna.


Please excuse my giant hair. With it being so hot, I’m trying to not use any heat tools in my hair. Not only is it damaging, but I feel no need to make my house hotter than it already is.

Some people brought their lunches with them (as we were instructed to do in the invite), but for me, it was too hot to eat. So I brought a giant bottle of ice water and some pita chips to share with the other ladies.

After being there a few hours, sadly I had to leave. I knew that I had a lot of errands to get done before my work week started and I didn’t want to be up all night trying to get it all done.

Thank you Helenna for organizing the picnic! I had a blast and it was the perfect thing for me to do on my day off!

I’ll end this post with this random photo that I took at the picnic while I was showing one of the other girls my camera. I love when I take a candid photo and it comes out looking so cool. And I feel like this picture really represents the vibe of Ms In The Biz. We are women in the entertainment industry trying to help each other out and having fun while doing it.


Hollywood Mixer (or Ms. In The Biz Is Almost Here!)

This week, Ms. In The Biz launched the sneak peek of the site. As I mentioned before, I’m a writer for the site (in fact, 2 of my articles are on there right now!).

To celebrate the sneak peek (and the official launch which is coming up soon), Ms. In The Biz partnered up with Film Break for a really great mixer event.

It was held at the Tropicana Bar at the Roosevelt in Hollywood. I’ve lived in LA for almost 12 years (my LA-nniversary is in August), and this was the very first time that I’ve been to the Roosevelt.

I got a bit lost in there, but I realized I entered from the back entrance (the one on Hollywood Blvd). But once I got out to the pool area, it was gorgeous!


We were right next to the pool, which was all lit up.


I got there on the early side (because I didn’t want to stay out late), and immediately ran into some friends and fellow Ms. In The Biz writers.

But it quickly got very crowded there, and I tried to keep finding places to mingle that weren’t full of people (I had a fear that somehow I’d get pushed into the pool in the crowd!).

Even with that set back, I met so many amazing creative people. And for the first time at a mixer event, I think being an actor was in the minority. I’m used to the LA Actors Tweetup where it seems like everyone is an actor (and that’s awesome). But at this event, I met directors, film critics, make up artists, sound mixers, and writers. It’s nice being around all these creative types that do different things than you!

Thank goodness for business cards because with all the noise, I didn’t quite get everyone’s name.

After being there about 2 hours, I decided it was time to head home so I could be up early the next morning to get errands done before work. Based on tweets and FB posts I’ve seen, the party went on quite a bit more! I’m a little sad I didn’t stay longer, but I know that I’d be miserable at work the next day if I didn’t get sleep!

If you haven’t already checked out the Ms. In The Biz site, please do! It’s an amazing project that I’m so proud to be a part of! Make sure to sure to sign up for the newsletter so you know when the new posts are up.

I believe there will be an official launch party for the site in the next month or so, and if it’s open to everyone, I’ll make sure to post the info on here!

Ms. in The Biz (or I’m Cheating On This Blog With Another Blog)

Since I started writing this blog, I’ve discovered a love for writing that I did not know that I had before. I almost always look forward to writing my posts on here (although I do get the occasional writer’s block). And I’ve decided to expand my blogging reach.

A few weeks ago, I saw that a friend of mine, Helenna, was starting a new online magazine written by women in the entertainment industry.

Of course I wanted to be a part of it!

So I’m excited to announce that I am going to be a contributing blogger for Ms. In The Biz! I will be writing about my adventures in LA as an actress and my day-to-day life trying to live my dream.

The blog will be launching soon (you can sign up on the website to get an email when it’s up), but this past weekend we had the LA contributor get together and Cinco in Westchester.

It was a really great little party. We all got one drink for free.


I’ll give you one hint about what I got to drink.


I had such a nice time connecting with old friends and meeting a bunch of new ones. I was so busy chatting that I only got a few pictures with friends.

The lovely Lizza, who is also in the same WIF mentoring circle as me (and loves the same books that I do!).


The awesome Carolina, who I chat with a bunch online, but we realized that night that it had been exactly one year to the day since the last time we saw each other in person (time totally flies by).


And the founder of Ms. In The Biz, Helenna!


I hope that at least some of you readers will sign up to check out the new blog. I’ll still be blogging on here every day like usual, but I’ll probably go into a bit more detail about what my life is like as an actress on Ms. In The Biz.

Scheduling Without A Schedule (or Hoping To Make The Most of My Unemployment)

Less than a week to go before my unemployment starts. I’m preparing to get to do some really fun things while I’m not working 6 days a week like go to San Diego to visit my grandparents, take advantage of my Disneyland pass, and of course focus on my acting career as much of the day as possible.

But I really want to make sure I keep a schedule even on days where I have nothing planned. Right now, I get up at the same time 7 days a week (that’s supposed to be good for your sleep) and I know that if I’m not doing something by a certain time I’ll be running late. I know when I wash my hair before work, if I don’t start to blow dry it by 10:30 I won’t have enough time to do everything I want to do before leaving for work.

Having that sort of schedule really helps to keep my day moving. I don’t have time to sit on my butt and read or watch tv as long as I’d like. And I don’t want to be doing that while I’m unemployed either. I need to maximize those hours of the day.

I’m not exactly sure how I will do this, so I’m open to suggestions. I know that I’ll keep my alarm schedule the same so I won’t be sleeping away the day. I’m trying to plan at least 1 time sensitive activity every day that I’m unemployed. It might be something like going to Disneyland, seeing a speaker at The Actors’ Network or Women in Film, or even just meeting a friend for lunch or dinner.

That way, I’ll have something to use as a finish line so I can work backwards and schedule all the other things I want to do (like maybe take more than 1 class a week at SoulCycle).

I’m also looking into seeing if I can get some writing jobs. I’m currently contributing to The Pet Matchmaker (it doesn’t pay but it’s great experience), and I’ve just found another blog that I want to be a contributor for as well. Maybe I can find a way to get some paid writing gigs and I could use that money to help pay down my credit card debit.

Anything is possible, I just have to make sure I don’t get lazy with all the free time.

Changes (or I’m Sorry If You Had Trouble Finding The Blog)

This past weekend, I spent quite a bit of time working on this blog.

I know you might not see it, but I took a huge step. I went from being hosted on WordPress to being self-hosted (technically hosted by BlueHost).

I know not everything is exactly what it used to be, and I’m working on getting all you email subscribers subscribed on here without you having to do anything, but over the next few days hopefully this blog will look just like my old one!

I have to give a huge thank you to Brian Janes who sat with with while I worked on the transfer and answered my million dumb questions.

But the main thing for all you readers to know is now when you want to come to my blog, all you have to type is www.findingmyinnerbombshell.com (I’m working on getting the old WordPress site to transfer, but it seems a little glitchy at times).

I’m really excited for this change. Mainly because I can start customizing things on here a lot more than I could before. As soon as the music video I was in is released, I can hopefully imbed it in here so you won’t have to click on a link.

Sorry for the short post today. I spent so much time sitting at my computer that I need a bit of a break today. I have an unexpected day off from work (which I wasn’t happy about because I could use the money), so I’m hoping to go on some sort of adventure outdoors.

I might just end up at the beach and read in the sand for a while. Something fun to help me recharge my batteries and get ready to kick some butt in the next few days!

Blogger Brunch (or My Adventure at Bottega Louie)

This past Sunday, I had a brunch with a bunch of fellow bloggers. This was the same group of ladies who did the Blognic and the cookie exchange.

This time, we met at Bottega Louie in downtown LA. I had never been there before, but from the reviews I read online and got from my friends, I was excited.

My original plan was to take the lightrail there. The last lightrail stop is a few blocks from my house and it ends a few blocks from the restaurant. But I was still feeling a bit sore from the 5K and didn’t want to risk getting lost and having to walk around a lot.

I managed to find free parking a block away (yay for not having to pay for meters on Sundays!), and went inside to meet the girls.

As I was checking out the menu, I was trying to find something that wouldn’t be too unhealthy to eat, so I went with the mushroom and pancetta scramble.



While we waited for our food, I was checking out the restaurant. It’s really nice and open, and even though it was crowded, it didn’t feel packed.

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One of the girls ordered beignets for the table. I tried a half of one, and it was really good!



Finally my food came, and it was good, but nothing special.



About half of our table ordered Eggs Benedict and loved them, so maybe I’ll try that next time.

I loved that I got to enjoy some good food and good company. And two of the other bloggers were also at the Color Run so we exchanged stories and advice on how to get clean.

Besides having a fun brunch, the point of this gathering was to plan out some fun workshops and classes that we could do as a group over the next year. We all want to advance our blogs to be the best that they can be (I have a way to go to catch up to their blogs), and we came up with some really fun ideas for 2013. If you blog in LA and want to join us, let me know.

Blogger Cookie Exchange (or Why I’ll Have A Sugar High For Weeks)

After all the sadness on Friday, I was glad that I had something fun to look forward to this past weekend. I had previously attended the Blognic, and the same group of bloggers decided to organize a blogger cookie exchange!

The deal was that we would all make 6 dozen of our favorite cookies, bring them to the event, and we’d leave with lots of different types of cookies to enjoy over the holidays! I had never been to a cookie exchange before, but I was in.

I searched Pinterest for easy to make holiday cookies, and I found a recipe for Red Velvet White Chocolate Chip cookies (recipe to come tomorrow!). The recipe involves cake mix, so I figured it couldn’t be too bad.

I made my (almost) 6 dozen and brought them to the event on Sunday.

The cookie exchange was held at Amanda from LoveCreative‘s house. And I have to say that she has a gorgeous house and did an amazing job decorating it! The cookies looked pretty amazing too.



Amanda even set up a hot chocolate bar (I added marshmallows but skipped the candy cane and Bailey’s)!


I enjoyed getting to spend some time with all the bloggers and getting advice from them all. I also enjoyed having some fun back in my life.

I had to leave the cookie exchange a bit early because I had my final night of Porter Kelly’s commercial acting class, so I filled up my to-go box and headed out the door.



Also, Amanda had collected all the recipes for the cookies ahead of time, so we all got to take home a super cute recipe book!



Thank you so much fellow bloggers for welcoming a blogging newbie! I’m really looking forward to fellow blogging events! And if you are a blogger and want to be invited, let me know!

And just so you can learn more about all the fabulous ladies who attended, here are all of their blogs:

Rachel (Lupa & Pepi)

Jennie (Garlic My Soul)

Kelly (Studio DIY)

Sarah (Very Sarie)

Amanda (LoveCreative)

Irene (Design Stiles)

Mindy (Budget Fairytale)

Jessie (You & Me Events)

Amanda Jean (Jean & Gene Creative)

Trying to Not Be Defensive (or Accepting Myself)

I made some cute new actor business cards. On the front, I’ve got two of my favorite headshots.


On the back I’ve got thumbnails or two other headshots and my contact information. I put my phone number, email, twitter handle, website, and I included this blog as well.

I normally give out these cards to actors or other industry people who I meet. When they find out that I have a blog, they are pretty excited about it and want to hear more. And I’m usually really excited to talk about it because they are creative people and this is one of my creative sides.

Occasionally I’ll give a card out to someone random. I had a friend of a friend ask for it because she might use me as a babysitter in the future. These are the only cards I carry with me, so I gave her one.

She was commenting on my photo and flipped the card over. She noticed the URL for the blog, and asked me what it is. I was instantly embarrassed and apologized for not having another card with me. But my friend who was right there spoke up and talked about my blog and how she likes to read it (which I still find hard to believe sometimes). And her friend then started talking about how much she loves blogs.

I don’t know what I was defensive and not being as open about the blog to a non-industry person as I am to an industry person. It didn’t have to do with her being a stranger, because I’ve talked about my blog with complete strangers I’ve met at Women In Film.

I’m trying to have more pride in what I’ve accomplished with this blog. I don’t know what made me be so embarrassed at that moment.

This blog is as much a part of me as my acting career or anything else. When I talk about how awesome other aspects of my life are, I need to remember to start including this.

Happy 100th! (or Guess I Might Be A Writer)

It’s my 100th blog post! I’m kind of in shock. When I started writing this, I hoped that I would love doing it and it would become a part of my day that I looked forward to, but I was not sure. Fortunately, I’m loving this!

I never really thought of myself as a writer. But I’ve always thought of a writer as a screenwriter or someone who writes books. I’m not very good at either of those. I wish I could write scripts, but there is a disconnect in my brain for writing something for visual media.

But ever since I started writing this blog, people have commented to me in person that I’m a good writer. I’ve even had a few people ask me why I’m not writing this as a book instead of a blog. Whenever I got those comments, I blew them off. I always said that I’m not a writer.

But maybe I am.

When I was at the Women in Film mentoring event this week, everyone else was introducing themselves as a hybrid (actor-writer, writer-director, producer-makeup artist). I’ve always said that I’m an actor. That’s it. Even though I produced a documentary, I don’t think of myself as a producer. That was a passion project and I’m not seeking another producing job.

But I started introducing myself as an actor-blogger at the event this week. And to my surprise, everyone seemed impressed that I write a blog. Maybe I’ve been underestimating this, but I was surprised how much people wanted to know about the blog. But I was so excited to be able to introduce myself as a hybrid that I’m proud of.

In the first 100 posts, I feel like I’ve gotten so much off my chest that I’ve been keeping secretive. Now that I don’t have to focus on hiding those parts of my life, I’ve been able to focus on moving forward and growing as a person. I feel like I am a much better me than I was 100 posts ago.

Can’t wait to see where I am after the next 100!

It’s a Blognic! (or My First Blogger Event)

Yesterday, I was invited to a Blognic (or blogger picnic). The invite came from the fabulous Lynn of The Actor’s Diet, who I finally got to meet in real life.

The girls who organized the event  (Kelly, Amanda, and Sarah) were super crafty and the picnic area was super cute.



It was a potluck so I brought my mom’s super rich gluten-free brownies (I’ll share the recipe in tomorrow’s post). I made both double chocolate and peanut butter chocolate brownies. But, since I’m still waiting to have my permanent crown put on, I didn’t get to eat anything. But all the girls loved the brownies, so I’m happy.

We enjoyed the shade at Griffith Park and chatting about life and blogging.


And there was a girl there who was also named Jennie (which if you didn’t know, that’s my full legal first name), so she and I talked about how frustrating it is for people to think our names are Jennifer or Jenny. And how much trouble we have with government things that want our full legal names and don’t believe that it’s Jennie (even when it’s on our drivers license).

All in all, it was an awesome event and I feel so grateful to have been invited. I was definitely the newbie blogger there, and it was great to hear the advice that the other ladies had for me.

I was only able to stay for about 2 hours since it was my day off of work and I had lots of laundry and cleaning to do. I’m getting my house ready for this weekend when my dad flies down to stay with me so we can go to a concert at my work together.

I’ve got a busy busy week coming up, but I’m so excited about everything! Even going back to the dentist tomorrow to finally finish up my dental work!