Having A Mid-Year Review (or Getting A New Job Title)

Since I started at my social media job, I’ve pretty much had the same title and responsibilities. Things have changed a bit, but I’ve been focused on the same work for the most part and I have been focused on the customer care/customer service side. But for the past few months, I have been slowly transitioning into doing more of an administrative role, focusing on workflow and systems. This isn’t necessarily something I have a background in doing, but I have seen where things needed to be done and that there wasn’t a dedicated person in that role.

The transition to doing the admin role has been slow, and things have changed due to the needs of the company. I was supposed to be almost fully in the new work this month, but due to some changes in the company, I’m needed in customer care for a bit longer. But I’m only doing that work for a few hours a day, so I am able to start focusing more on my new work. Things haven’t officially transitioned, but I know things are in process.

So when I had my mid-year review with my manager, I knew we would be discussing my new role and the transition that will be coming. I still always fear that I’m going to hear bad news such as I’m going to be fired, and I don’t think I will ever get over that. But I also knew that would be extremely unlikely based on the communication I’ve had with my manager and the executive team.

And I’m glad I was right that it was all good news. There are things that I’m able to get done now that I’m not in the customer care role as much during the day. There are things that I’ve been working on that will make things for the entire company much better, and I will be taking over a few more things in the near future. There isn’t an exact timeline for when I will be doing only the new work because that is based on hiring a few more people. But I know things are in the works and that it will be coming up.

But even though I still do some customer care work, I was told that I got a promotion during my meeting. Instead of being a customer care specialist, I’m now going to be a senior growth administrator and be a member of the senior team at the company. And while most raises are discussed during the reviews in January for the start of the new year, I also did get a small raise which will be nice. Any additional money I bring in is so helpful for getting me back on track with my budget and working toward saving more and being able to spend money to do fun things. Also with my promotion, I will also be eligible for paid time off, which is something I haven’t had yet. It would be so nice to take a random weekday off to go to Disneyland, which I still haven’t done since they reopened. Or eventually, take a few days off and go on a trip. I’m not planning for time off just yet, but knowing that I will have that is something I am looking forward to.

I know I have talked a lot about my work and not that much about acting, so it might seem like I’m not focused on acting anymore. But that’s not accurate. I am focusing on acting still, but I have focused on other things for a bit and I need to get back into the acting world more. I want to get some new headshots and maybe get into class again, but I have focused so much on moving and getting things stabilized lately. And I do write about my work a lot because I feel pretty lucky to have a job that understands that I am focusing on another career as well and that I have the ability to be a bit flexible with my schedule. And with my promotion, I hopefully will have some more time and money to put toward the things I need to do for my acting career to get back into things in full swing again.

I have always been grateful when I have gotten day jobs that allow me to focus on what I love and don’t require me to only focus on that particular job. And I’m lucky that I have not only found a job that lets me do that but has allowed me to grow with the company and find the perfect role for me.

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