Forgetting To Take A Moment To Take It In (or Lots Of Back To Back Projects)

Usually, I try to plan out what I’m going to write on here in advance. I don’t always do that, like when I’m experiencing writer’s block or something else that is making it hard for me to know what to write about. It does still shock me sometimes that I have continued to keep this up as long as I have. But there are other reasons why I end up writing some of my posts at the last minute.

This post is being written much closer to when it goes live than I would like it to be. And that’s because my life has just been a bit crazy lately. And I know that being busy is good and almost everything keeping me busy are positive things.

There have been things keeping me busy with the condo hunt/buying process. I feel like there is something new I have to review or agree to every day. And I do want to make sure I know what’s going on, but for some things, I just have to trust my parents and realtor because I don’t have as much time to read everything before needing to agree to it. I will review everything and see what I am signing, but I know I should read all the details too and I try to do that later when I have a chance.

I’ve also had a bunch of work-related projects keeping me busy. I rarely have downtime at work anymore because I’m busy doing something when I’m not focused on my primary work responsibilities. For my customer service job, I’m working on coming up with ideas on how we can take what we have to do and be more efficient. I’m looking at different procedures that we can implement and what things we do in multiple ways that can be condensed down to one way. And for my data entry job (which really isn’t data entry anymore), the work that I was done for the first part of the current contract is done and now I’m helping with more social media work and planning. Social media work can be surprising and take more time than most other things I work on. I do enjoy it, but I can easily spend hours working on something that seems simple.

And then there are the normal things that keep me busy that add to my schedule.  I don’t really do things I don’t want to do, so I try to be careful of what I have in my schedule each week. But just the things I want to do can sometimes be from 6 am-7 pm each day. That’s a lot of time each day and usually, when I’m done, I’m really done for the day. I don’t feel as motivated to do things after work because I’m tired and want to relax.

But at the same time, being this busy is also making me forget to celebrate the little wins that I have in my life. Everything with the condo has been a win so far. The things I’ve done in my workouts can be wins. The things I’ve been able to get done outside of work can be wins. But I just haven’t really had the time to sit back and reflect on those things until now. Sitting down to write this post forced me to think about what’s been happening lately. I didn’t know what to write, and I had to think back at what’s been going on. And everything I have thought about has been something really great. And I don’t know if it hit me until I wrote it out.

There have been so many benefits I’ve gotten out of writing this blog. And I guess recognizing the positives in my life is another thing I’m gaining.

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