When I was at the dentist recently, I left knowing I’d be back soon to finish the work that was started. I left with my old crown being used as a temporary one and my new permanent one would be done in about a week. But due to shipping delays, my second appointment had to be pushed back by a week. I was fine with that because I couldn’t really change anything. But I also knew that the new date would fall when I might be nauseous.
And of course, that’s exactly what ended up happening to me. Fortunately, my dentist was very understanding that I was feeling awful and tried to make everything as easy on me as possible. She was able to work quickly and my new permanent crown was on with very little effort. There was a little concern about how it was feeling on one side, but I think that was mainly due to my gums being a bit swollen from having work done.
And after that was done, I finally got my teeth cleaned. I typically go in every 4 months. This time, it had been more like 6 months since I was in for a cleaning. So things weren’t as easy as normal. Combine that with my gums being a bit swollen from getting the permanent crown put on and the fact that your gums tend to bleed easily when you are about to have your period, and it wasn’t my best cleaning. I got through it and everything that needed to be done was done, but it wasn’t my best.
And because of how tough things were and how waiting much longer than normal showed on my teeth, I am going to start going back every 3 months for a little while. Hopefully, I’ll be able to go back every 4 months after a year or so, but I need to get back to a good baseline before doing that. I knew this was possibly going to happen, but at the same time, there wasn’t much I could have changed about it. When I was supposed to go in, everything was closed. I only waited a few weeks after they reopened before I had to go in. I did the best I could considering the circumstances. And I guess I should be happy my crown needed to be replaced because I would have waited longer without that issue.
I’m not too happy that things were worse for me, but I’m glad that it was taken care of. And I’m also glad that I have discovered that there is a union-related program I can sign up for that would get me a discount on all my dental work. I’m still working on getting things set up and it wouldn’t have been able to help me with the costs from these last 2 appointments. But going forward it should help quite a bit. In a normal year when I just have my regular cleanings, I should break even with the cost of the discount program. But if I need major work like I did this time, it should save me hundreds. That’s pretty awesome. And I was able to confirm that my dentist does accept this program.
At least for now, I’m done with dental work. I’ll be back in 3 months for what should hopefully be just a cleaning. And hopefully, I won’t be feeling as bad as I did this time.