Another Round Of Thanksgiving Workouts (or Still Keeping Up With My Regular Schedule)

I had a very mixed week of workouts this past week. I’m still dealing with the cold that I caught and I started the week also dealing with the end of having nausea. I’m glad that I know I’m getting better with the cold, but I think getting over it will probably be a longer process than I would like. I seem to take 2 steps forward and 1 step back. So my mornings were hit or miss with how I would feel. But that never stopped me before so I wasn’t going to let it stop me this past week.

Monday’s workout was a good mix of endurance, strength, and power. It was the workout I felt most nauseous, but it was much better than it had been the week before.

For cardio, we had 3 blocks and each block was focused on one type of workout. The first block was more endurance and we had longer push paces and base paces with an all-out at the end. The second block was more strength and we had a mix of base paces with or without inclines. And the last block was power and we had 30-second all-outs with 45-second recoveries.

On the rower, each block focused on one distance on the rower and we had lunges between each row. The first block had 600-meter rows, the second block had 400-meter rows, and the last block had 200-meter rows. Even though I wasn’t feeling my best, I did pretty well with the rows. I was worried about how I would do with the 600-meter rows with my nausea, but I was able to keep doing all my rowing without taking breaks, which is the goal I always have for myself.

And on the floor, each block had 2 exercises. The first block had high rows and curtsy lunges on the straps. The second block had shoulder presses and sumo squats. And the last block had push-ups and bench tap squats. Even though each block only had those 2 exercises, since the blocks were short it went by quickly and I didn’t get to do too many rounds of each exercise.

Tuesday’s workout was an unexpected 2 group class. I rarely have a 2 group class, so I’m much more used to having equal time in each section of the room. But it’s always good to have a bit of a change, so I knew this would be a good class.

For cardio, we had the same thing for all 3 blocks but each block had a different goal. In each block, we had 3 rounds of a 30-second base pace, a 30-second push pace, a 30-second all-out, and a 1-minute recovery. In the first block, the goal was to increase the base pace each round. In the second block, the goal was to increase the push pace each round. And in the last block, the goal was to increase the all-out each round. I stuck with my normal resistance levels on the bike, but I tried to increase how fast I was pedaling as we were supposed to increase each round.

And on the floor, we had part of the time on the floor and part of the time on the rower for each block. Each floor block had 4 minutes of exercises and then we were on the rower for the last round of base, push, and all-out that cardio had and we did that on the rower. In the first block, the exercises were single-arm marches with overhead weights and rollouts on the straps. The second block had front squats and squat holds with a calf raise. And the last block had clean presses and y-raises on the straps. Since we only had about 90 seconds of rowing in each block, it was a lot less rowing than I’m used to. But I did get more time with cardio than normal so it balanced out.

On Wednesday, I know there was still a mix of endurance, strength, and power but it felt a lot more like an endurance day. I was finally over being nauseous, but I was dealing with the cold that I had so it balanced out a bit to where I was still having some of the same struggles I’m used to.

For cardio, we started with a 90-second push pace and a 90-second base pace. We continued to alternate between a push and base pace, but the push paces increased by 30 seconds each round while the base pace stayed the same. And we ended with a 1-minute all-out at the end of the cardio block.

On the rower, we started with 3 rounds of a 200-meter row. We were supposed to try to maintain the same wattage and speed on the rower each time. After 3 rows, we had standing knees to elbows. Then we repeated the pattern but with a 150-meter row for 3 rounds and ended with a 100-meter row for 3 rounds. For the 200-meter rows, I was pretty steady from round to round. But for the other rows, I actually was able to improve each time which I wasn’t expecting.

And on the floor, we had 1 long block with thrusters, single-arm chest presses, lunges, hip hinge swings, and hop-overs. It wasn’t the best floor block I’ve had recently, but it wasn’t too bad.

And even though I did my family workout for Fake Thanksgiving, I still did a Thanksgiving Day workout. I did take a later class than I normally take since I wanted to try to sleep in a little bit. Last year, I did a Lift 45 class for Thanksgiving Day, but they didn’t offer that this time. But the regular workout was still a tough one and I know I worked hard!

We had 3 blocks for cardio and each block had the same pattern. We had a push pace, base pace, all-0ut, recovery, push pace, and all-out. In the first block, every interval was 30 seconds. In the second block, the base pace and recovery were both still 30 seconds but the push and all-outs were 45 seconds. And in the last block, the base pace and recovery still were 30 seconds and the push pace and all-out were 1 minute.

On the rower, we also had 3 blocks. In each block, we went back and forth between a timed row and an exercise. In the first block, we had 30-second rows and shoulder presses with a medicine ball. In the second block, we had 45-second rows and a front press with a medicine ball. And in the last block, we had 1-minute rows and calf raises.

And on the floor, we had one long block that was focused on super sets. We had 3 mini-blocks and 2 exercises in each mini-block. And we did each mini-block 4 times before moving on to the next one. Each round went down in reps, so we had 8, 6, 4, and 2 reps for each exercise. We had chest presses to reaches and tricep extensions, sumo deadlifts and sumo squats, and high rows and bicep curls. It was a good mix of upper and lower body and I was ready to rest after I was done with class!

Next month, my workouts might be moved around a bit to fit in with different challenges that are going on and to work with the holidays. But I think I got myself off to a great start with my Thanksgiving week workouts!

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