Another Good Workout Week (or It’s So Nice When Things Work Out Well For Me)

I was able to enjoy another good workout week this past week. I was feeling pretty good throughout the week, I was getting a bit more sleep most days, and I really was able to push myself. I couldn’t have asked for a better week with my workouts and I know I will need this as a reminder when I’m feeling awful because I know I will be down on myself. But I am just celebrating having a good week this time.

On Monday, we had an interesting challenge with cardio. It wasn’t the usual hills we have from time to time, but like rounds of different hills. For each block, we started with a flat base pace. Then we had a base pace with some added incline/resistance. Then we kept that same incline/resistance but increased the speed. And we alternated between increasing incline and increasing speed. I don’t usually do speed increases on the bike, but I did this time since that was half of the challenge.

On the rower, we started with medicine ball exercises. We had 2 rounds of squats with front presses, tricep extensions, and low rows. After completing those exercises, we rowed until the block was done. For the second block, we started with the row distance we got in the first block and then did the exercises. And in the last block, we got to pick if we wanted to start with the exercises or the row. I decided to start with the exercises and end with the row because I knew we would have an all-out row at the very end.

And on the floor, we had one longer block and one shorter block. For the longer block, we started with lunges and squats and then moved on to single-arm clean to press and sumo goblet squats. I was having a weird twinge in my elbow (I think I slept on it funny), so I wasn’t able to go too heavy with the weights. But I still did a good job with what I could. And the short block was a core blast with a bicycle crunch and a toe reach. The core blast was about 4 minutes long, and my core was dead by the time we were done!

Tuesday was a bit more of a power day, so it was a pretty high-energy class. I was grateful that I had gotten a good night’s sleep so I could maximize my time in class.

For cardio, we had 3 blocks and the first 2 blocks were the same. We had rounds of a 30-second interval followed by a 75-second interval. For the 30-second intervals, we were supposed to be between our push and all-out paces. And for the 75-second intervals, we had a regular base pace. For the last block, the intervals changed to 20 seconds and 90 seconds. For the shorter intervals, I used the resistance level between my push and all-out, so it was exactly what it was supposed to be.

We also had 3 blocks on the rower. The first block had rounds of a 200-meter row and lunges between each row. The second block had rounds of a 150-meter row with side-to-side hops. And the last block had rounds of a 100-meter row with squats between each row. It was a pretty straightforward row plan and I loved that none of the rows were that long.

On the floor, we had some Bosu work. On the Bosu, we had crunches, back extensions, and hip bridges. We also had squats, low rows on the straps, and alternating shoulder presses. It wasn’t a lot of work with weights, so I didn’t have to worry about going heavy or not and just focused on form.

Wednesday’s workout was a good mix of endurance, strength, and power. And each section of the floor had one block that focused on each one. The first block was endurance, the second block was strength, and the last block was power.

For cardio, the first block was rounds of a 45-second push pace with a 45-second or 1-minute base pace. The second block had 30-second inclines with 1-minute flat bases. And we got to choose if we wanted to go up the hill or down the hill. I picked going up since that’s more of a challenge and I wanted to challenge myself. And the last block was rounds of a 30-second all-out and a 30-second recovery.

On the rower, the first block had 250-meter rows with good mornings and low rows with a medicine ball. The second block had 250-meter rows, but we were supposed to keep the stroke rate lower to be more strength focused. And we had rainbows with a medicine ball between each row. And the last block was rounds of a 100-meter row so it was more like an all-out.

On the floor, each block kind of built upon each other. The first block had cross-back lunges and bicep curls using the straps. The second block cross-back lunges without the steps and weighted bicep curls. And the last block had lateral hops and clean to press using weights.

Thursday’s class was a benchmark day. This time it was the 12-minute cardio challenge. I do this on the bike, and I think it’s one of the hardest benchmarks because it takes the longest to get done. No matter how fast or slow you are, you are doing it for 12 minutes.

The benchmark was the main focus of the cardio block. We did have a 1-minute push to get a pace figured out before we reset the treadmills and bike to officially start the benchmark. And all we do is go for 12 minutes and see how far we can go. I knew what my last PR was for this benchmark and while I wanted to try to beat it, I also just wanted to try to match it. I hadn’t slept as much the night before so I knew I didn’t have as much energy as I could have. I set the resistance on the bike to be just above my base pace level and tried to pedal as fast as I could. And I just matched my last PR when the 12 minutes were done, so I was happy enough with that.

On the rower, we had a pretty simple row since the focus was on cardio. We started with a 400-meter row and then we had high knees. We repeated this pattern but decreased the row by 50 meters each time. I didn’t get all the way down to 50 meters, but I was able to do my rows without having to take breaks so that was a win for me.

And on the floor, we had one long block with 2 mini-blocks. The first mini-block had alligators on the straps and good mornings using weights. And the second mini-block had reciprocating rows with weights, hip bridges, and sit-ups. I did go really heavy with my weight for the hip bridges because I have noticed I’m a lot stronger than I thought for those. The hardest part is trying to get the weight onto my hips because my arms aren’t as strong.

It was a great way to end a great week, and I was really happy with each of my workouts. This week might be a tougher week for me, but I won’t know until each day. I might be starting to have some pain and nausea, and I’m going out on the picket lines so I’m walking a lot more and that can make my hips hurt. But as always, I plan on trying my best and maybe this week will surprise me!

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