Monthly Archives: June 2022

It Might Be Time To Change Up My Hair A Bit (or Another Big Purchase I’ll Have)

I’ve written about getting my hair done a lot on here. And it’s something that I really do feel is not just about looking good. I see it as something routine, almost like teeth cleaning. I know I could go without getting my hair done and I had to do that at the beginning of the pandemic when I was just coloring my roots at home alone. My hair got pretty stringy while I couldn’t get it cut and I wasn’t going to cut it myself. But now, I’m back to regular appointments to get my hair done, and it really is a nice routine to have.

My hair has been the same for a while, and I am debating about doing some changes in the near future. I need to get new headshots done, so it’s best to do a change right before a shoot so my new headshots would reflect the new look. I don’t think I would change up my look too much because I do like how my hair is, but maybe I should change up some of the styling or do a slightly different color.

But there is a change I’m planning for my hair that I’m excited about. And it will serve a few different purposes. I’m looking into getting a hair topper. This isn’t exactly like getting a wig (which I have debated about before). But this will be just covering the top of my hair so I will need to make sure it matches my own hair. So if I’m changing up the cut or color, I will need to do that first and then buy it so I can match the new look. But the ones I’m looking at are real hair, so they should be able to be dyed to match.

My hair has been thinning since I was a teenager. I have alopecia, so I have a history of losing sections of my hair. In the past, it’s been concentrated in certain areas so I had bald spots. More often now, it’s just overall hair loss. I don’t know if I’ll eventually lose all of my hair, but it is a possibility. But because of how much I’m losing and since it is all over, my hair looks really thin. I know that it bothers me more than others likely notice, but having a topper will help to cover up how thin my hair is and it will look thicker without having to do something damaging like extensions. Also, this will help to cover up my gray hair as it grows in between hair appointments. Just like the thin hair, I am sure I notice my grays more than anyone else does, but I don’t like seeing them. And because I can’t always dye my hair, there are always a few weeks that they seem really noticeable to me. So if you aren’t seeing the top of my hair, you won’t see the gray growth as it comes in.

Because I want to get a human hair topper and I want to get one that is going to last, it’s not cheap. I don’t need this right now, so I am going to work on saving up for it and make sure I can pay for it in full from my credit card when I order. But I will be spending a lot instead of going cheap because I know that having human hair will be better than synthetic and it will be easier to make changes so it blends in nicely with my own hair. I also want one that will work even if my hair loss gets a bit worse. I know if it gets really bad, I would need a wig instead. But having a good topper should be able to cover any bald spots I get and thinning as it might get worse. I know this might not be a forever solution, but I’m looking for something long-term.

I know getting a topper will make my hair look different since it will look fuller, but I want to decide before my next appointment if I’m going to do a bigger change so I can be prepared to order the topper as soon as I have saved up for it. And yes, I’m aware of how superficial this might sound and how silly it is, but for me, it is a big deal. There are a lot of things that I’m self-conscious about and a lot of them can’t be changed that easily. This is one that should be simple to fix and not take a lot of time or an insane amount of money. And hopefully, not feeling self-conscious about my hair will just be one thing off of my mind so I can focus on other things.

Finding More Ways To Clean Up (or Now Doing Some Digital Organizing)

Happy June! As always, a new month brings a new monthly challenge for me. I feel like so many of my challenges so far this year have been about moving, and I have a feeling that trend may continue through this year a bit more.

Last month, I set my challenge to work on consolidating the boxes I still have left. And I think I did an ok job with this challenge. I had some setbacks with moving things out of boxes that I didn’t expect, so I do have a few more boxes than I would like. But I have gotten everything down to only a handful of boxes that are all in my office. I don’t have boxes everywhere, and that has helped me a lot. I do still want to work through the boxes I have in my office and see what can be combined. And I know that if I really worked more on it, I could probably put away a few more things. I would also like to get more boxes into my closet and off of the main room in my office, but I need to work on that still. But compared to how things were at the beginning of the month, this is a huge improvement and I know that it has made me feel more at home.

Even though consolidating boxes isn’t exactly organizing, it feels like it is. And this month, I’m working on a different type of organization. And I think that this was inspired by my move as well.

I want to work on my digital entertainment and organize that as well. And what I mean by that is to go through the podcasts I’m subscribed to and the shows I have set on my DVR and see what I really want to keep. For my DVR, this was something I had to do because of my move. Getting a new DVR means setting up all my series recordings again. So I really thought about all the shows I was recording and started to get rid of things that I know I don’t really enjoy much anymore. Most of these things were news or reality tv since I tend to finish out scripted shows that I watch. But I might want to start seeing which shows I record that I don’t really look forward to watching anymore.

And as I’ve been paying attention to what I’m entertaining myself with, I’ve noticed there are a lot of podcasts that have been piling up in my podcast app. Sometimes I have to be in a specific mood to watch something, but there are some podcasts that I’m not really enjoying anymore or I feel differently about. For example, I used to listen to true crime podcasts a lot, but I feel like those aren’t always done with the best intentions or with the permission of the families involved so I’m not listening to them anymore. And there are some interview-style podcasts that don’t have guests I want to hear from, so I’m always skipping episodes. I have so many podcasts that I’m subscribed to that I haven’t listened to in quite a while, and it’s time to just move on and unsubscribe.

I haven’t decided if this digital organizing is going to extend to going through the apps I have on my phone, but it might. I have found that as I started clearing out things I’m not interested in, it snowballs and I seem to feel more motivated to continue doing that. So I just want to see what happens this month as I work on being a bit more selective about what digital clutter I have.

And maybe, I’ll start the second half of this year in a much less cluttered setup between the physical space and the digital spaces I have.