2021 Check-In (or The Year Is Halfway Over)

It’s crazy to think that 2021 is half over already! And this first half of the year feels like it was split in half as well since I got my vaccines in the first quarter of the year and in the second quarter I was finally able to relax a bit more and not have so much fear every day. But I’m still not back to my full and normal life since things are not over. But I’m hopeful that maybe the second half of the year might have just as many changes as the first half of the year did!

And just like I have done for the past several years, I set some goals for 2021. It was tough setting goals this time since I had no clue when things would normalize a bit. I knew that I might spend the majority of the year isolated as I did in 2020. So I had to set some goals that could be accomplished isolated in my house or living my life again. And with the year half done, I figure this is the perfect time to check in with myself and see how I’m doing.

My first goal was to do at least 200 workouts. And I’m doing great on that goal! I passed my 100th workout for 2021 last week, so I’m on the perfect pace to get it done. And while I was keeping things going at home when I had to, I’m so glad I’m back in the studio. I know I have better and harder workouts in the studio. And while working out at home did help my mental health a bit, I know working out in the studio helps my mental health even more. It’s crazy to think that I think this is the easiest goal for me to get done every year, but it really is. I’m in a great routine with my workouts and there is very little that can stop me.

My next goal is to work on my budget. This is still a bit of a struggle for me. I’m trying to get my budgeting app in a good place, but I’m also starting to wonder if maybe I need to find a different app to use. Even though I’m not doing great at creating a budget and tracking everything, I am much more aware of my money than I used to be and I’m doing better each month with my spending and making sure I don’t go overboard. I haven’t had a month where I couldn’t pay off my credit card in full since I paid off my debt, and that’s a huge thing for me. I would like to find more ways to be better with my spending and to work on saving more money, but just being this aware of my money is a good step in the right direction. And hopefully, the second half of the year will help me get to where I want to be with budgeting.

The next goal was to organize my house more.  This one is connected to a lot of the monthly challenges I’ve been doing. And I think the idea I had for this goal isn’t exactly what I’ve been doing, but I have been working on it. I’ve been much more aware and cautious about when I buy new things for my house. I make sure that I find really want I want and not just something that will work for now. There are things in my house that need to be replaced for one reason or another, but I’m waiting until I find what I want. And I am working on finding storage solutions so my house doesn’t look as cluttered. Even the small change of putting all my workout stuff into a storage bench did wonders! I don’t just want to hide everything to have the appearance of being organized, I want to actually be organized. That takes a bit more time, but I have been seeing progress.

My next goal was to try more and take more risks. And along with that, being better at accepting failure. I haven’t had as many chances to work on this as I would have liked, but I am taking more chances. There are some things I can’t share just yet, but I am working on getting out of my comfort zone with things that do scare me. I’m also not playing the cool girl in my social life and in dating. As long as it doesn’t hurt anyone, I’m not hiding my feelings. If I am dating someone and really am starting to like them, I tell them. And that does sometimes lead to being ghosted, but I’m working on being ok with that. I would rather be ghosted now when they know what I think than to let something drag on for a long time and not be getting what I want out of a relationship.

And my last goal was to be better about asking for help and support. And this one is one that I feel I have been doing much better about. I struggled to ask for help last year because so many people seemed to downplay how tough things might be for me. I stayed quiet because I didn’t want to correct my friends and let them know I was struggling. But now that I’ve been more open about it, I am getting the support I really could have used last year. And I haven’t had anyone talk down to me or judge me for asking for help and support just because my struggles are different. And that has helped to make this year much easier for me to get through some of the rough times.

Overall, I think I’m doing pretty great with my 2021 goals. I’m not doing perfectly, but I couldn’t expect that from myself. I’m seeing progress in my life and I’m adjusting my goals when I see that I need to do that. And I’m hoping in 6 months when I’m doing my end of the year recap, I will have a lot to share about how I was able to complete my goals!

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