Monthly Archives: July 2020

I Can’t Avoid Everything Right Now (or Of Course I Would Have A Dental Issue)

For the most part, I have been not scheduling appointments that I typically would have right now. I do need to schedule some things, like some annual doctor appointments, but I’m really trying to wait it out until I feel like things are safer. For my doctor appointments, I’m lucky because they are at a medical office and not the main hospital (so no COVID patients are there), but I still don’t want to go in until things feel safer since I would be around sick people.

Even with the appointments that I have that are not fun, I typically don’t avoid them or put them off. I hate blood work, but I will do it when I have to. I hate going to the dentist, but since I usually have to go 3 times a year I will do it. I don’t skip appointments. I know things will get worse if I do skip them.

I was supposed to go to the dentist in April. Everything was shut down then, so I didn’t have my appointment. I think they might have been open for real emergencies, but a cleaning isn’t an emergency. When they re-opened for normal appointments in May, I hesitated to go back. I knew I needed to, but there is obviously no way to wear a mask while at the dentist. So I said as long as it was ok with them, I wanted to wait until the summer or things felt safer. They said it would be fine. And that was my plan until last week.

I have had a lot of dental work done and I know that nothing will last forever. But I don’t want things to need to be redone and I work hard to make sure my teeth and all the work that has been done is in good shape. But sometimes you can do everything right and you still need work. Last week, I was eating dinner and one of my crowns felt loose. I don’t know how to describe the feeling, I could just tell something was not right. I bit down and it seemed to get the crown back in place. But I knew that I had to get that looked at because it could mean a lot of different things that aren’t good.

So I called to make an appointment to get my crown looked at and figured I would do my cleaning as well since I would be going in. I have had a loose crown before and they were just able to reglue it. I was hoping that would be the case, but I was prepared for something worse. And unfortunately, it was something worse.

I’m lucky that this happened because the reason my crown got loose was that I had a tiny cavity on my gumline. That cavity made my tooth not be the same shape, so the crown didn’t fit perfectly anymore. And the glue was getting a bit loose too because it was shifting. There is no way to make the original crown work, so I had to get everything done for a new one. But since I already had a crown, most of the hard work was already done. They had to do a little drilling to remove the cavity, but it was so fast that I didn’t need to be numbed for it. Then they made a mold of my tooth for the new one. And because the original crown was close to fitting correctly, they were able to clean it and reuse it to be my temporary crown. It doesn’t fit perfectly, but it’s good enough for now.

I’ll be going back in about a week for my permanent crown and for my teeth cleaning. I didn’t get the cleaning done since it’s better to do that once the new permanent crown is in. Right now, things are just too temporary and loose to do a good cleaning. But at least going in for that appointment I know that they won’t be finding anything wrong with me. I had a full exam and full x-rays while I went in for this first appointment. So the next one should be easy enough.

Just like my afternoon at urgent care, I guess this is a way to add some variety in my life. It’s not exactly something fun to do, but it was necessary. And I do feel better knowing that I’m not putting off my dentist appointment anymore. I know things will still be crazy when I’m there in a week. But maybe by the time I have my next appointment after that in 4 months, things will be a bit more normal and my only stress about going to the dentist will be the dentist and not how to stay safe from COVID.

Trying To Stay Busy (or Doing Lots Of Random Things)

It’s been hard to stay busy during isolation. For a while, I was fine doing a lot of reading and watching things on different streaming services. And I’m still ok doing that from time to time. I am always a big reader, but I feel like I’ve read what I normally would read in a year in the last 3 1/2 months. Thank goodness for the library and e-books, because I would go broke if I had to buy all these books. And there are always new things to watch, so it’s not like I have run out of things. I just have been getting tired of sitting around to pass my time.

I’ve done a lot of random little projects in my house. I have reorganized a lot. I bought new things to change up how stuff looks. I don’t think my house has ever been this clean or organized. And yes, doing some of this has cost money, but I figure it’s money well spent because it’s going toward things that are going to last a while. And I think doing these little projects is the way that I’m going to continue to try to feel busy for a while.

I will run out of things to do around my house. I know it. I thought I ran out of things before, but I found a few more to do. But at some point, there will be nothing else I can do. But I am grateful for the little projects I’ve done recently. For example, I got a new organizer for the top of my desk. It’s like a little shelving unit, but it’s perfect for putting a lot of stuff in one spot instead of all over my desk. And what I did this week was organize all the masks I have gotten.

All of the white ones are just handkerchiefs that I got before masks were easy to buy. I probably won’t use them, but they are good to have just in case. I also have one that a friend made for me and one that I ordered randomly. In the front of the box (the colorful ones) are Disney themed masks and are probably my new favorites because they are comfortable. And I have more masks coming because I ordered some that are meant for working out (so they are sweat-wicking). I feel like we are going to be using masks for a while, so I’m glad I have a few different options. And now they are nicely organized instead of just being in a pile.

Now, I’m looking around my house for other things I can do to occupy my time. It’s getting very specific and they aren’t big or obvious projects anymore. But anything that can take up some time is a good thing right now. I know at some point I will need to think of other things to do, either inside my house or safely outside (like going on driving adventures). But for now, I’m just searching for more house things for me to do.

Still Trying To Get Back To Normal (or Isolation Monthly Challenges Really Are Not Easy)

The beginning of another month brings one monthly challenge to an end and the start to another. And these challenges haven’t been my strong point lately. Figuring out challenges to do while I’m stuck at home shouldn’t be as tough as it is. But I’m also lacking some of the motivation I normally have. So even though a lot of the challenges I’ve done before could easily be done while at home, it’s not the same. I’m really trying my best, but I also know that I probably could do more.

My challenge last month was to try to get back on track with my physical and mental health. I really don’t know how to rate myself with that challenge. I think I took some great steps forward but also had some big falls back. I think my physical health had the most progress, mainly because I have figured out a few things that are helping me with food right now. Food is still a huge struggle for me, but anything that makes it a little easier is so nice. But my mental health took some serious swings. I recently had one of the lowest days I’ve had in a while. I got out of it quickly, but being in that type of funk isn’t good when I don’t have a lot of the usual things I can do to feel better.

And that inspired what my challenge will be for this month. I want to find new things that make me happy. I need to almost create a happiness checklist for isolation. What can I do to keep me happy that doesn’t require me to go out? For example, on my happiness checklist, I have going out for a meal because that does make me happy. Getting delivery food isn’t the same. So I need to figure out what else can temporarily replace that on the list. Same with the idea of going out with friends. I can’t do that right now. I need to find something that I can do in my house that gives me some happiness to replace it on the list.

Even though things are starting to reopen here, I don’t know how long that will last or if things will continue to reopen. Some things that have reopened and have needed to be closed again. So as much as I want to believe that things are getting better and I can start venturing out of my house more often, I’m trying to prepare myself for being in isolation at home for a lot longer. I don’t want to believe that it will take until there is a vaccine before that happens, but that might just be the case. If I have to stay home for a year in order to stay healthy then that’s what I’ll do. It’s not easy staying inside and as I’ve mentioned I am struggling a bit, but I have to remember that I’m doing this for a good reason. I just have to make staying home easier and more tolerable.

I wish I would gain some motivation back so I could do some better monthly challenges. But right now, I feel like I’m in survival mode and my brain really can’t take on too much. Maybe if I can find more ways to be happy, next month I can find a better challenge. But if all my challenges while in isolation are low effort like this, then that’s what will have to be. My time right now is not normal. I can’t expect to have my normal motivation either.