Monthly Archives: February 2020

I Do Enjoy Valentine’s Day (or Celebrating All Love In My Life)

I know that Valentine’s Day is a love or hate holiday. Some people love being able to acknowledge love in their life or showing how much they love another person. Some people hate it, and I seem to be more familiar with the reasons people hate it. I’ve heard how it’s a holiday that is made up and only to sell things. I know some people think it’s an excuse to have a bad and overpriced date. And others say that it leaves out single people and they aren’t able to celebrate since they aren’t in a relationship.

I’m not going to debate that going out on Valentine’s Day might be overpriced and I have no clue if it’s really a made-up holiday. But I will dispute the idea that it’s only a holiday for people in relationships. I believe that any love can be celebrated on Valentine’s Day. And I’ve written a post about how I celebrate love in my life before explaining this. Things haven’t changed much for me. If anything, I believe even stronger now that everyone should be celebrating all love in their life and not just romantic love.

I’m incredibly lucky that I have as much love in my life as I do. Of course, I do want romantic love and am still searching for it, but my life isn’t less than because I don’t have that just yet. I have amazing friends and family that I love and that I know love me. They support me in all my craziness and I know I could turn to anyone if I needed help. If something happened to me, I wouldn’t feel alone because I didn’t have a boyfriend or husband. When I thought I needed liver surgery, I had friends that said they could come over to help me do the things I couldn’t do for a few weeks. I know that having someone I was in a relationship might mean I automatically have someone who could do that for me, but I have friends who can fill in and I’m fine with that.

For several years, I have celebrated the idea of all the love in my life on Valentine’s Day. But this year I feel that even more. I think that’s due to a realization I had after having a talk with a guy that I was trying to get closure with. In that talk, I realized there is a difference between wanting to be with someone and needing to be with someone. That realization actually gave me the closure I was searching for with that guy. And it made me understand why he and I never could have worked even if he hadn’t done the things he did that hurt me.

But it’s gone far beyond just that closure. I have realized that while I do want a relationship, I do not need it. I am living an awesome life without having a significant other. I am not looking for my missing piece. I am looking for someone who can add amazing things to my life and not someone who needs to fill what is missing. And I think having that thought in my head has helped me remember that my life is full of love even if I don’t have a boyfriend or a husband. And it’s important to remember that love and to celebrate it.

I do try to celebrate the love in my life throughout the year and not just for Valentine’s Day. Life is short and I don’t want to miss the chance to tell someone that I love them or how much they mean to me. I thought about doing something for Valentine’s Day for the people I love, but I just didn’t get it together in time. I did send out holiday cards just about 2 months ago to the people I would have sent Valentine’s cards to, so I do know they know how much they mean to me. I would have loved to have sent out cards again, but it just didn’t happen. Hopefully, next year I can do that.

And as far as my Valentine’s Day plans go, I don’t really have anything planned yet. I have my normal Friday routine with my workout and work, but nothing is planned after that. I might see if a friend wants to meet up and do something. I might stay home and be lazy on my couch. I might end up having a random date (which has happened on Valentine’s Day before). I’m not worried about making plans and whatever I do tonight is going to be the right thing to do. The only thing I know I will do is that I will celebrate the love in my life no matter what because I am so lucky to have what I do have.

Making Some Good Guesses (or I Am Not A Cat)

This past weekend was the Oscars, and as always I went to the Oscar party that my friends throw every year. It’s really the best party because I can watch the Oscars the way I want and I can still celebrate with friends. And I love that it is a costume party because that’s always fun. I’m not the best with costumes, but I love seeing what my friends come up with. But this year, I figured out my costume a few months ahead of time.

I have no clue why I thought of this, but I realized I could make a Fox News costume by having some newsprint on my clothes and wearing some fox ears. It was an easy and clever costume so I knew that was the perfect thing to do. And even though Fox News isn’t technically a character in the movie “Bombshell”, it kind of is. Plus, the costume doesn’t have to be an actual character. A costume that represents a movie from the past year is pretty much the only requirement.

I found a newsprint scarf online and some fox ears that also came with a tail. And even though I’m not good at doing makeup, I really wanted to try and see if I could do something. So I looked up a lot of videos on how to do fox makeup and did a very simple version of what I found online. And I have to say I think I did a really great job considering my lack of makeup ability!

It wasn’t super elaborate or fancy, but I felt like it represented a fox. And I was happy with the final result which is what mattered the most to me.

I got to the party earlier than I normally do, but that allowed me to hang out with my friends before the show started. I always watch the Oscars in the quiet room, where we aren’t supposed to talk except during commercials. So while the show is on, I’m not being social. And I knew I wasn’t going to stay super late, so I wanted to get my socializing time in before things got started. And it was nice that I was early and there weren’t a lot of people there because I could get a photo of my full costume plus a photo with my friend Marie.

But one thing I noticed as soon as I got to the party was that everyone thought I was a cat. I totally forgot that “Cats” came out last year and I guess in a way I did look like a cat. Plus, there were a few friends who did come dressed as cats. But I just kept saying “I am not a cat!” whenever that was the guess for my costume. I just wish now that I had thought of this being an issue so I could have worn a shirt that said that.

Once the show started, things were pretty normal in the quiet room. We did have a few moments that were really shocking where we were all yelling, but those were rare. We were quiet for most of the show and that allowed us to really enjoy it and hear every moment of the speeches.

It also helped us track who was winning because there is a contest to be the person who guesses the most winners correctly. I don’t always do great with the guessing, but I was making a real effort. And I was doing amazingly well from the start! I kept guessing them correctly, even the categories where the guesses were complete guesses and I had no reason why I picked one over the others. In the end, I only missed 4 out of 24 awards, which may have been my best one ever.

After the awards were done, we had the costume parade to pick the costume winners. And before we voted on the costumes, we also got a big group photo of everyone there. I don’t think we have gotten a group photo before, but I love that we got one this year.

I knew I wasn’t going to win the costume contest, but I wanted to at least be on the honorable mention list (which means that you got at least one vote). And I did get on that list (and I promise I didn’t vote for myself). The winners were all really amazing costumes that were clever and the ones I expected to win. I don’t mind not winning since my costume was good but not nearly as good as what I knew everyone else would come up with. But I was hoping I might place with guessing the winners.

I knew I’d be in the top few, but it’s the top 2 that win prizes. And it turned out that 2 people did 1 guess better than I did. So I did get 3rd place, but no prize. But I was still proud of myself for how well I did with my guessing!

After all the prizes were given out, I started making my rounds of goodbyes since I wanted to start heading home. I wish I could have stayed longer, but I had an early morning the next day and about a 30-minute drive home. But I was glad I got to spend so much time with my friends and I’m sure the next party will be here before we know it!

And Another Year Of Disney (or I Need To Get Back To The Parks)

For quite a while now, I’ve had a Disney pass. This has been something that is a bit of a splurge for me, but it’s a worthwhile splurge. Going to Disneyland isn’t cheap and getting an annual pass makes it much more affordable for me. And pretty much every year that I’ve had my pass, I have added up every time I went during the year to confirm that I got more than my money’s worth.

I have both my annual pass for the parks as well as a parking pass (I don’t think the parking pass is available anymore, but I was grandfathered into being able to add it on). Getting my money’s worth on the pass is easy because I think I only need to go 3 or 4 times. The parking pass ends up usually being the equivalent of having to pay for parking 10 or 11 times, so that’s a bit harder. Sometimes, I just look at the overall cost and not split it up, which means I need to go about 6 times to make it worth it. But being worth it is also a subjective thing.

If I had to pay for parking every time, I might not go as often. So while I might spend more over the year by pre-paying for a parking pass, I go more knowing I don’t have to pay $20 or $25 each time to go. So for me, it’s worth it no matter what.

But as you might have been able to tell by my lack of Disney posts on here, I haven’t been to the parks in a while. I actually haven’t been there since before the summer pass blackout. I haven’t seen the new Star Wars land at all. Obviously I haven’t been on either of the new Star Wars rides either. I think this may be the longest time I’ve gone without going to the parks since I started getting my pass again. And I do miss Disneyland a lot. My schedule just hasn’t necessarily allowed me to go. I’ve been busy with work and other things. Plus, my friends that I normally go with haven’t been able to go and I don’t necessarily want to go by myself. Even though I used to do that all the time, I do really prefer going with a friend.

But even though I might not have gotten my money’s worth on my last annual pass, there is no question to me that the pass was worth it. The few times I did go were awesome and I had a great time. And I don’t feel like I wasted money or anything because I got more than my money’s worth several years in a row. So I guess I’m just balancing things out.

And I’m extra grateful this time for renewing my pass because a day after I did it, the prices went up! There have been a few times that the price increase happened right before my pass was up for renewal or I knew I needed to renew it and didn’t do it before they had a price increase. Since they don’t announce when the prices are going up and it just happens overnight, it’s a matter of luck to get the renewal done before it happens. And this time, I guess I was lucky! I didn’t save a ton of money, but it went up about $50 which is something. And I’m glad I saved that money because I know it will go to use for something else.

Now that I’ve got another year of Disney ahead of me, I just need to figure out when I can get there! I still have no clue when I’ll be able to go, but I’m hoping soon because I need my Disney fix! I’ve been trying to find some more friends that have Disney passes so I can have more people to go to the parks with. I also love having fun adventures with new people in the parks because you discover new things that they know about or love in the parks that might be something I haven’t noticed before. Hopefully, I’ll have another Disney day coming up soon and I can do another park recap post on here!

Looking Back At My Old Self (or I Guess I Did Gain What I Wanted)

I’ve written almost 2,000 blog posts. I actually didn’t realize the number was that high until I looked it up. 2,000 posts is a huge number. And I don’t really look back at old posts that often. Sometimes I look back at an old post to see what date it happened. Sometimes I look over an old post when I’m linking to it on a new post and I wanted to double-check that it’s the post I want to link to. But there are so many posts that I haven’t really looked back at since I wrote it.

Last week, I was trying to find a post where I talked about my exercise bike. I really thought there was one where I wrote about getting it, but I couldn’t find what I was looking for. But I did end up looking over several old posts. And one that I had to read completely was one I wrote in November 2012 titled “Trying to Gain The Fitness Bug (or I Wish I Was More Motivated).

It was a short post as many of my posts in the first year of blogging were. This post was about how I was doing ok with my eating (which thinking back on it, I question a bit but at the time I felt like I was doing good) but that my biggest struggle was working out. At that time, I didn’t have something that hooked me and got me to go on a regular basis.

And I ended the post with this: “I know plenty of people who are essentially addicted to exercise. They crave it every day. I want to be one of them.”

I think it’s pretty clear now that I’m exactly the person I wanted to be! I don’t know if I’d go as far as to say I’m addicted to exercise, but there’s no doubt that I crave it. If I don’t get my 4 workouts in during the week, I feel like something is off. Even doing 3 workouts in a week doesn’t feel normal. I want my 4 workouts and I will go out of my way to make that happen if I can.

I do remember how I was feeling in 2012 wishing I could find some form of exercise that I would connect with. But for some reason, I haven’t thought about that old version of me in a long time. And I haven’t reflected back on that idea and that I’m exactly who I dreamed of being back then. And thinking about that has given me hope about so many things. There are a lot of things now that I dream of being or gaining in my life. They seem so far away from me now and I don’t know how I will get to that point. But that’s exactly how I felt about exercise back then. I never could have imagined that I’d be the person that I am now. I wanted to be this way, but I didn’t know how to get there. And then I found the workout that clicked with me and I never looked back.

I have no idea what I need to find that will help me gain the things I want in my life now, but knowing that I could go from being clueless in how I will achieve a goal to easily accomplishing that goal makes me optimistic. I won’t know what thing will get me to my goal until it happens, and being clueless about that doesn’t prevent me from getting there. I don’t need to know the way I will get to the answer now. Hopefully, the answer will come to me in some way. And then when that happens, I can look back at this time when I was struggling to get to my goal and be so grateful that I made it.

I’m sure if I didn’t have this blog that I eventually would have come to this realization, but it was nice to almost be forced into seeing what I wanted back then and how I have it now. I was having a bit of a low day when I was writing the post and I needed that boost. When I read what I was thinking in 2012, I had to think about how far I have come and how I really did become what I wanted. And that was a nice feeling and moment of reflection for me when I was really down on myself.

I really hope that I have this type of moment again soon because it really was a nice way to look back at the old me and see that I have become the me that person was dreaming of being.

Challenging Myself When I Could (or Just Working Out)

I knew this past week of workouts would be a mix of good days and not so good days. I was prepared for that this time and went into my workouts expecting that. Even though I’ve had a few tough weeks recently, I always do so much better when I am prepared for them. And this past week was one of those weeks that I did better because I went into the workout expecting it.

Monday’s workout was a strength-based class and we were supposed to be challenging ourselves by using a new base pace. I wasn’t quite ready to add to my base resistance level on the bike (and this entire month is going to be about adding to base so I have plenty of opportunities), but I did want to make sure I did the hill work the way we were supposed to.

We had 3 cardio blocks with the same pattern. We had 2 rounds of 90-second hills with base paces after them and we ended with an all out. The base paces got shorter and the all out got longer each block. And we also had higher hills each block for the hill work. Doing the hills was definitely challenging because I don’t use the resistance levels as often as I used to and this was a lot of hill work. But it was a good challenge and I’m glad I went for it.

We also had 3 floor blocks and each floor block started with a rowing challenge. The rowing challenge was to see how far we could get in just 15 strokes. Stroke challenges are tough because you have to go slowly and take your time, which seems to be the opposite of what you feel like you should do on the rower. After each stroke challenge, we had regular floor work for the rest of each block. The first block had squats with calf raises and plank leg raises. The second block had goblet squats and Y raises on the straps. And the last block had sumo squats, hip raises, and plank punches. For the squats to calf raises, goblet squats, sumo squats, and hip raises; I tried to go heavy with the weights I used. I didn’t go as heavy as I could for the hip raises, but for everything else, I feel like I was using heavier weights than I normally would grab.

Wednesday’s workout was a mix of endurance, strength, and power and it was also supposed to help us get ready for the 12-minute run benchmark later this month. I was feeling fine when I got to class, but unfortunately, my nausea kicked in during the warmup. I wasn’t feeling too horrible, but it still affected things and forced me to take it a bit easier than I was hoping to.

For cardio, the entire focus was preparing for the benchmark. We had 2 rounds of 5.5-minute runs/bikes for distance with a 90-second recovery between them. This is a bit longer than the benchmark will be, but it also had the recovery time which the benchmark won’t. There were no intervals or specific paces to do during those 5.5 minutes, but the goal was to push ourselves. I tried my best to push myself and take a break when nausea kicked in. I know I didn’t do nearly as well as I could, but I did my best and I’m hoping that when we have the benchmark that I will feel better and can really go for it.

The rowing started with a 90-second row for distance. Then we had rotation presses with a medicine ball. We continued the rowing and medicine ball work for the rest of the block, doing 50 meters less each time on the rower. I did that for the first few rounds, but then the rotation presses were making me more nauseous so I just rowed until the block was done. I had to take a lot of breaks, so even though I didn’t stop rowing to do the other work, I didn’t get a lot of rowing done.

On the floor, we had a lot of core focus. We started with 3 rounds of lateral crunches and toe touches. Then we moved on to the other exercises which all had weights. We had suitcase squats, plank pull-throughs, hollow hold chest presses, and single-leg bicep curls. I didn’t go too heavy with the weights and actually went a bit lighter than normal for the bicep curls. But I was able to do the plank work normally instead of using the bench, which surprised me considering how I was feeling. But plank pull-throughs are tough to do on the bench so I’m glad I could do them on the floor.

Friday’s workout was a strength day. And even though I wasn’t feeling nauseous when I went to class, I knew that there was a good chance I would feel that way during the workout so I took some anti-nausea medications that morning. It did help, but I still struggled with feeling off.

We had 2 cardio blocks. Both blocks had a mix of push paces and base paces at inclines. I was using the resistance levels on the bike for the incline work, but I kept them a bit lower than I would have if I was feeling ok. I didn’t have a lot of nausea on the bike, but it was still affecting me from time to time and I had to take some breaks to let it pass.

And unfortunately, the rower at my station broke so I wasn’t able to row. Thinking about it later, it might have been better for me to use the bike instead of the rower. So I did the rowing work on the bike. It was all distance rows so I used the time it would take me to row that distance if I was averaging 200 meters every minute. The first block had a 400, 200, and 100-meter row (so 2-minute, 1-minute, and 30-second bike). And the second block had a 300, 200, and 100-meter row (90-second, 1-minute, and 30-second row). Between each row, we had front raises with the mini-band. And one bonus I found on the bike was that I could do the front raises without having to get off the bike.

And on the floor, every round started with a cluster set. This cluster set was 15 shoulder presses split into 3 rounds of 5 with 10 seconds between each round. After the cluster set, the rest of the exercises were done normally. We had bicep curls, front squats with dumbells, bird dogs, and low rows on the straps. I struggled a bit with the bird dogs because I did them normally even though I felt nauseous, but besides those, I did pretty decently on the floor.

Saturday’s workout was a mix of endurance, strength, and power. I was feeling a bit worse than I was on Friday, but still not as bad as I know I could feel. Everything was done in 4-minute blocks and the floor and the rower switched every 4 minutes.

For cardio, every 4-minute block had a push pace, a base pace, a push pace, a base pace, and an all out. The first push pace got shorter each block and the second push pace and the second base pace got longer each block. The blocks were short but some of the intervals felt long. I’m glad they were only 4 minutes long because I don’t know how I would have done if it was longer.

Because we switched back and forth between the floor and the rower, we had a total of 3 blocks on each. Every block on the rower was the same every time and every block on the floor was the same every time. We just picked up where we left off.

I was using the bike for the rower since the rower was still down. Every row was supposed to be a 200-meter row, so I biked for 1-minute. Then we were supposed to do lunges with overhead triceps using the medicine ball after each row. We started with 12 reps and every time we went down 2 reps. And on the floor, we had hip hinge low rows with weights, plank work, pull-ups on the straps (I modified these to be rows on the straps), hip hinge triceps, hip hinge fly, and plank punches. I was able to get through one round on the floor every time I was there so it was easy to pick up each time I was back there.

Overall, considering how I thought I might feel this week I did pretty great. I was worried I’d feel a lot worse, but it wasn’t as bad as expected. Of course, I’m aware that this week might be miserable, but at least I’m ready for that. And hopefully, I can still push myself when I can even if I feel like I am struggling a lot.

More Empty Space In My House (The Cleaning And Organizing Continues)

I didn’t intend to do a lot of work around my house this week, but it looks like things just lined up that way. But I will say, it’s been nice to get a lot of things done this week that I haven’t been able to do before and I finally have them off my list. Maybe it’s because next week will mark 10 years since I moved into my house, but it’s nice that I’m doing things that feel like they are refreshing my space.

There are still so many things I’d love to do to my house if I had the money to do so, but doing little things is nice. I am also restricted with what I can do because I rent my house, but I’ve found lots of things that don’t require damaging walls (or doing minimal damage) that adds a lot to my space. But most of the things I’ve been doing lately to my house involve removing things and not adding them.

For a long time, I’ve had an exercise bike in my house. I thought I might have written a post about it on here, but I think I might have gotten the bike before I started the blog! I also thought I had a photo when my parents helped me put it together, but after searching my photos a dozen times, I can’t find it. The only photo I could find of my bike was from when I posted about it on Facebook trying to sell it.

The bike actually fit nicely into my house and I had the perfect spot to have it. When my living room was set up a bit differently, it faced the tv. After I moved things around, I had to move the bike a bit to see the tv if I wanted to watch while I was on it. Sometimes I would just listen to music and sometimes I would do something else, but usually, I was watching tv when I was on it.

And I did use that bike a lot. I have no clue how often I was using it, but it was something I tried to use pretty regularly before I discovered Orangetheory. After I started going to OTF, I would still use the bike from time to time. I would say maybe once a week or every other week, I’d use it for a low impact workout. I wouldn’t bike as hard as I knew I probably should, but it was still getting used.

But my parents brought it up to me last year that if I wasn’t using it a ton, maybe I should think about getting rid of it. My parents were the ones who bought it for me as a gift, so I never thought of getting rid of it because I was so grateful that they got it for me. But hearing them say that made me realize that there wasn’t much of a point for me to keep it for the minimal use I was getting out of it. When you live in a 400 square foot home, every bit of space is necessary. And I could use the space that it was in for something better.

Once I felt like getting rid of the bike was a reasonable option (before, it also felt like I was rejecting the idea of working out at home even though I was going to OTF 4 days a week), I decided to see if I could find someone who would want it. I have no idea how much it cost when it was bought because it was a gift and it was bought 7 or 8 years ago, but I wasn’t worried about selling it for a profit or anything. I got a lot of use out of it and I only wanted to put a price on it so that I wouldn’t get a ton of people trying to get a free bike. So I posted it for sale for $20 and thought that was a reasonable price.

I was surprised that it took a few months for me to find someone who wanted it, but I finally was connected to a friend of a friend who was looking for a cheap exercise bike. And mine was cheap plus it was in really good condition considering the age. So the other day, I had to find a way to get the bike out of my house (it was in pieces and in boxes when we brought it into my house) and off it went to its new home. And now, there is a big empty space in my house.

Just like I don’t want to waste space with stuff in my house, having so much empty space in my house isn’t what I want either. I have some ideas for what I would like to put there because I do need some more storage. But just like with my bookcase, I’m not going to just go out and buy something to have it. I want to find the right thing for the space and for what I need.

My bike has been almost like a room divider between my living room and dining room for so long, and it feels weird not to have it there. But it is nice knowing that someone who needs it has it and I have a lot of space to put something there that I know I will need more.

There isn’t much else I can get rid of in my house, but I will say these back to back projects/cleanings have inspired me to see what else I can do with moving things around in my house. I have a feeling there will be a few more posts like this one coming up soon as I continue to renovate my space to fit my life even better!

A Bookcase Makeover (or A Free Upgrade To My Space)

I’ve had said for a long time that I want to work on organizing my house more and making my space feel more like me. There are a lot of projects that I could do to accomplish that, but it’s overwhelming to think about everything I could do. I think because of that, I have avoided doing any of them. But I have had a feeling of needing to change things up for a long time.

I’ve slowly been making changing in my house to have nicer things or to make what I have work better for me. A lot of the changes are about getting rid of things that I might not need anymore. I’ve been selling things that I don’t use anymore to have a little extra money, but it’s not about raising money. But making $10 or $20 off of something I would just get rid of is nice. And there are a few things that I’d like to buy to add to the organization of my house that I could put that money toward.

But it’s always nice when I find something that costs nothing that makes my house feel so much more like me.

The bookcase I have in my room isn’t anything special. I think I bought it at Target or Staples and I know I bought it when I got my first apartment. So I’ve had it for over 16 years. It’s been with me in 3 different homes and it’s been in a few different places in my current house. I don’t love the bookcase, but it does the job and I haven’t felt motivated to get something new nor have I found one that I really want to get. I don’t want to replace it until I find something that I know will add to my space.

But the bookcase serves its purpose. I don’t have a ton of books, but I need to be able to store them and keep things organized. And for as long as I can remember, my books were organized in the same way. The very top shelf had my etiquette books and other types of self-improvement type books (more about style than improving my life, but still self-improvement). The very bottom shelf had all of my acting books. And the middle shelves had my other books. And each section was organized in alphabetical order. I figured that made sense and just went with it.

I couldn’t find a good picture of what my bookcase looked like before, but I did find this photo where you can see it a bit and it gives an idea of how I had things set up.

But even though this organizational method made sense, I didn’t like the look of it. I would love to have a library of beautiful books and have my bookcase look fancy. And the way that I had my books just looked too functional when it didn’t need to be that way. So from time to time, I would look at things online about how to organize a bookcase. I never really thought any of those ideas would work, but I still wanted to make a change.

For some reason, this past Monday I was struck with the need to change my bookcase. I figured I could try different organizational ideas and see which ones I liked. I didn’t think I would just work on it and be done with it, but I knew I needed to just start and go from there. So the first thing I did was take every single book off of my bookcase. And when doing that, I found a few books that I realized I don’t need anymore. I don’t think I got rid of any of my fiction books, but there were several acting and self-improvement books that were either outdated or that I hadn’t looked at once since I moved into my current house. All of those books went into a bad to donate (I didn’t want to sell them since donating them to the library or other places is better).

Once I got rid of some books, I started working on the first idea about how to organize a bookcase: organizing the books by color. I picked this first because I was so sure that I would hate it. Organizing books by color didn’t keep books together in a way that made sense. I still wanted to have some separation between my fiction and non-fiction books and if I just did all of the books of the same color together, that wouldn’t accomplish that. But I started to make piles around my room and found that I could still keep those 2 types of books separate even when I split them up by color.

I worked on putting the books back after making the piles, and I didn’t put them all upright. I did some of the books on the side which ended up making more room on my bookcase. And once I had the books in a place that worked, I added a few other things from around my house to fill in the empty space. And once I did that, I took a step back and realized that the idea that I thought I would hate ended up being exactly what I wanted to do.

It’s silly how my room feels so much more complete somehow just by moving around a few books. I didn’t make a huge change and almost everything is still in about the same place as they were before. But that small change put things into exactly where they should be and created the look that I didn’t know I wanted to find.

So many organizational projects require supplies or buying something to complete it. It’s nice when I can find something that is completely free and still makes me feel like I splurged on something!

Another Union Working Evening (or Doubling Up On Live Streams)

It’s been my job to do the live streams for the Union Working meetings for quite a while now. It’s an easy job to do and I know that a lot of people are grateful that I am able to do it. Many people either cannot make our meetings or they don’t live in LA, so having the videos posted allows so many more people to learn from what happens. Sometimes there are a few things we can’t have public, but I try to live stream as much of the meeting as I can.

But for the meeting that we had this past week, I got to run 2 different live streams. We had a guest at our meeting this time, which was a nice treat. Our guest was Chaim Magnum, who is an agent/owner of the LemonLime Agency. He was there to discuss his experience with submitting actors for commercial breakdowns and what he sees with union versus non-union work. And he wanted to have a live stream of the meeting for his Instagram, so I helped him with that. I had my iPad on a tripod running our usual live stream and his iPad being propped up with water bottles running his Instagram live. Fortunately, there weren’t many issues with running both, but it did make things a bit interesting for me.

Chaim first talked about his experiences as an agent, and then we had a Q&A where anyone could ask him questions. There were a lot of good questions about understanding how he sees the current state of the industry. There were questions about some of the new contracts we have and commissions that agents can take. And for some of the questions, we also had some staff from the union at the meeting to help answer things. It really was a great informational session and I’m so glad that I was there for it and could record it so others can watch.

Besides having our guest, we had some of the usual discussions that we have at our meetings. We discussed some current issues regarding unions and some of the battles that they are fighting. There are a few new tax policies that people were concerned about would affect them but our union was able to make sure that we would be protected. And we wanted to discuss some upcoming things and deadlines our union has.

Then we had a new thing that will hopefully be happening at the next several meetings. Being on a committee in our union is something that many people are confused about. They don’t know how to get on a committee or how to be involved even if they aren’t an official committee member. So the hope is that for the next several meetings, there will be a representative from a few different local committees so they could explain what their committee does and what opportunities there are to be involved now that the committee members have been selected. There were 3 committees at this past meeting and I think the plan is to cover 3 committees each time.

I love this idea and I wish this had been around years ago! I am getting more involved in committees now, but for a long time, I had no idea what I could do if I wasn’t a committee member or how I could try to become one. Now, I understand it significantly better, but there are still committees that I’m not completely sure what they do or if they have public events that everyone can attend. I’m excited to learn more about our local committees so when I have a chance to request to be on one the next time that I can be better about which ones I select. When you request to be on a committee, there is also space for you to write why you want to be on it. And by understanding the committees more, I can write a better pitch for why I should be selected. Having these little explanations of the committees is only going to benefit all members, whether or not they want to be a party of committee service.

After going over the committee information, there were a few more small updates about Union Working such as when our next meeting will be and some of the things we have for sale that help off-set the cost of renting the rooms that we have our meetings it. Even though we had a lot of information being covered in the meeting, we somehow ended exactly on time!

But before anyone could leave, we did want to take a big group photo of everyone at the meeting. We had a really good turnout and there were several people there that I haven’t seen before. I love that we have new people coming to our meetings and I hope they come back and bring some friends with them next time!

I didn’t stay too late after the meeting because I had an early morning the next day, but I did make sure I said hi to all of my friends who were there before I had to say goodbye and head home.

Overall, this was another successful Union Working meeting and I am so glad that I was able to be there. Not just because I got a lot of good information out of the meeting, but because I was able to help out with my live stream and doing a second live stream. The more people who can see what we are discussing, the better!

Adjusting Monthly Challenges (or Books And Happiness)

Last month, I set a monthly challenge to only read self-help/improvement books. I really was excited about this challenge because I had so many books on my library list that I wanted to read. I thought I’d be able to go through a big chunk of that list and I started the challenge assuming it would be easy to do and I’d get it done.

Then, only a week into the month, I realized that this challenge might not be the right one for me. It was actually stressing me out to not have reading as an escape and I had to read something that wouldn’t make me have to think too much. I wasn’t sure what a new version of the challenge would be, but I was open to exploring other options. But this was before I started to feel horrible so I think my ideas just weren’t realistic for me. All the ideas that I was thinking about trying just didn’t happen.

What I did end up doing was spending one or two days reading a self-help/improvement book after completing a fun book. This ended up being once or twice a week so I did get quite a bit of reading done in the book I started working on. I think part of the struggle was how close to home the book I was reading was hitting me and it was tough to get through. I was taking everything in that I was reading and I had to take some time to let it sit. I didn’t want to start reading another chapter when I was still thinking about what I just read. So only reading a little bit at a time and then taking a break did end up working for me. That just wasn’t what I was planning on doing. But this routine is working for me right now and I plan on continuing it as I work through this book and hopefully as I read a few more books I have on my list.

I’m not declaring last month’s challenge a total fail because I did adjust things as I need them. That’s not something I normally do, but I am proud of myself for realizing I did need to do that in order to have a bit of success.

This month, I’m doing a challenge that I’ve told myself I needed to do for a while. It’s been a long time since my old therapist had me work on a happiness checklist. I’ve made some minor changes to the list, but for the most part, I have the same things on it that I’ve had since the beginning. And that’s just not working for me anymore. I need to take some time to find what makes me happy and what doesn’t and adjust the checklist accordingly. And in the past, when I’ve tried to change up what’s on the checklist, I don’t think I’ve taken enough time.

There are a few things on the list that are easy for me to decide that I want to remove. Either they aren’t important to me anymore or they are things that I don’t feel add to my happiness in life. For example, getting 10,000 steps is currently on my list, but I don’t really care as much about this anymore. I would love to be able to get 10,000 steps a day done, but that’s not always possible. When I’m extremely busy with work or I’m feeling nauseous, I know I won’t get my steps in. And I don’t want to stress about not getting that done just so it can be checked off when I don’t care.

But when it comes to what I want to add to the list, that’s a bit harder for me. There are some things that I think would be good on the list, but I don’t know if I want to have it as something I worry about getting done. So this month, I want to test out a few different ideas to see how doing them regularly affects me (or stresses me) and I also want to take notes on other things that make me happy or bring me joy. I might discover something I didn’t think about having on the list because doing it randomly made me so happy.

I’m not going to rush into making any final decisions about what I want on the list until closer to the end of the month, but I will play around with different list ideas and probably make some mock-up checklists to see if they feel right to me. Right now, I have 10 things on my list, but I don’t know if that is going to stay the same. I don’t know if I want to have way more than 10 or how low I want to go below 10. 10 seems like a good number, but it doesn’t have to stay there if I discover having 9 or 11 on the list works better for me.

Hopefully, at the end of this month, I will have a better idea of what I want my checklist to be. I might not have the final checklist idea, but I want to have at least some adjustments to it to reflect what makes me happy a bit more. And by having a better checklist, I hope that I can find ways to be happier more often and I will find the checklist as useful to me as it was when I started using it.

A Week Of Getting Back To My Normal (or It Doesn’t Take Long To Lose Strength)

I had 2 weeks in a row that were pretty tough workout weeks for me. First, was a week dealing with pain and nausea. Then it was a week dealing with the same issues that were caused by antibiotics. I usually don’t have 2 bad workout weeks in a row like that, so I wasn’t sure what to expect from my workouts last week. I knew I was going to be a bit weaker than normal, but I honestly didn’t realize it was going to be as bad as it was.

Monday’s workout was a power day. While I was finally feeling better after taking antibiotics, I also was still feeling a bit weak. I know that having so many days where I couldn’t push myself caused that, but having a power day was helpful with working back to my normal self.

For cardio, the first part was all about 2-minute blocks. These 2 minutes were split between push pace and all out. We started with a 90-second push and 30-second all out. Then it was a 75-second push and 45-second all out. Then it was a 1-minute push and 1-minute all out. Then we repeated that again but worked in reverse. We did have recovery time after every all out, but I did have to take a few little breaks during some of the push paces. Then we finished the cardio workout with a 1-minute, 45-second, and 30-second all out. We had 9 all outs during the entire cardio time, which is a lot.

On the floor, we had 3 blocks that mainly focused on upper body. The first block had pull-ups on the straps (I modified these to be high rows on the straps), single-arm low rows on the straps (I modified these to not be single-arm), and side plank rotations. The second block had pullovers with a dumbbell, bench plank reverse flys, and plank pull-throughs (which I modified to be bench plank pull-throughs).

And the final block was a core blast. This workout was the day after Kobe Bryant passed away, and most of the people in class were affected by his death. So the core blast was themed around 8 and 24 (Kobe’s jersey numbers). We had 3 exercises that had 8 reps each (so a total of 24 reps). We had hip bridge toe touches (I modified these to be regular toe touches), sit-ups with rotations, and atomic plank work. While I wasn’t a basketball fan, I know how much Kobe meant to the city of LA. And I could feel the mood in the room being different from a normal workout day. I think dedicating the core blast block was a good choice and the mood of the room was much closer to normal when the workout was done.

Wednesday’s workout was a mix of endurance and power. I was continuing to feel a bit more like myself, but I still could tell I wasn’t 100% back. But I was almost there so I was able to push myself more and worked a lot closer to what I normally do.

Cardio had 2 blocks. The first block started with a 2-minute push pace, then a 90-second base pace, a 90-second push pace, a 30-second base pace, and a 30-second all out. The 2-minute push pace was a bit long but everything else felt like it went by really quickly, especially with having such a short base pace at the end to recover. The second block was a similar pattern but in reverse. So we started with a 30-second push pace and ended with a 2-minute distance challenge.

On the rower, we started with a 600-meter row. Then we had 12 ground to presses with a medicine ball. Each round the row went down by 100 meters and we did 2 fewer squats. I didn’t get that far in the rowing, but I was also using a different rower than I normally do and there was a difference with how that rower felt. It’s weird how I’ve gotten so used to the rower I usually use, but I guess it was an added challenge for me to try a different rower and see how I could do on that one.

On the floor, we had 2 blocks. The first block had a lower body focus and the second block had an upper body focus. And for both blocks, we were supposed to do all the exercises on one side first and then switch to the other. But for the lower body side, I did each exercise on both sides first since my hips would hurt too much otherwise. The first block had single-leg squats (which I did as regular squats), toe taps on the bench, power step-ups on the bench, and plank kicks. For the benchwork, I did use the bench but held on to the straps to keep my balance. And the second block had hip hinge low rows, low rows with a split stance, low rows on the bench, and plank punches. For all the low rows, we used the same weights and I did use my normal weight even though my arms were so fatigued by the time I switched arms.

Friday’s workout was a power day and it was also a switch day. Both of those things helped me get much closer to my normal workout ability and I was finally feeling like I might not be as weak as I was earlier in the week. It was crazy how quickly I felt weak, but I’m glad that it was almost as quick for me feeling back to my normal strength again.

The first cardio block started with push pace to base pace intervals. The push and base paces were the same amounts of time. We had a 1-minute, 45-second, and 30-second round. Then we did similar intervals but with all outs and recoveries. Again, we had a 1-minute, 45-second, and 30-second round. The second cardio block was just all outs with 30-seconds of recovery between them. We had a 1-minute, 45-second, and 30-second all out.

On the rower, the first block started with a 300-meter row. After the row, we were supposed to do lunges, but I did squats instead. Then it was a 200-meter and 100-meter row, both that were supposed to have lunges. Then we repeated all 3 rows but did squats between each row instead of the lunges. And the second block was the same pattern as cardio with all outs and recoveries.

On the floor, the first block had burpees to reverse lunges (I did the burpees on the bench and did the lunges separately), neutral full thrusters with weights, and sit-ups. And the second block had hip hinge swings with weights and skater lunges. I thought that we should have had another exercise in that second block because I felt like I did a million rounds of those 2 exercises, but at least I was able to get them done!

Saturday’s workout was a mix of endurance, strength, and power and it was also a switch day. And just like with Friday’s workout, the combination of workout type and it being a switch day worked for me and I felt the best I had felt in a long time in class.

The first cardio block was a 2-minute push, 1-minute base, 1-minute push, 1-minute base, and 30-second all out. Nothing fancy, but it gave me a lot of time to work on getting back to my normal push pace pedaling speed. I know I haven’t been doing that for a little bit and it felt good to get back to what I usually do. The second cardio block was all all outs, but no matter how long the all out was we only had 30 seconds to recover. We had 1 round of a 1-minute all out, 2 rounds of a 45-second all out, and 3 rounds of a 30-second all out. This second block was much harder because of the limited recovery time, but I loved having so many all outs to work on my pedaling speed.

The rower had the same workout for both blocks, we just picked up where we left off when we went back to the rower the second time. The rowing started with 1 round of a 300-meter row with frogger squats. Then it was 2 rounds of a 250-meter row with frogger squats. 3 rounds of a 200-meter row with frogger squats. And I only did the first round of the 150-meter row when the second block ended.

On the floor, it was a lot of upper body and core work. The first block had pullovers with weights, side plank rotations, and single-arm snatches with weights. And the second block had pull-ups on the straps (I modified this to be high and low rows on the straps), plank pull-throughs, and squats. I thought I’d feel a bit more tired at the end of the workout, but I was feeling good. So I think that was a sign that I was finally better and I might have gone a bit easy on myself.

I want to say that I’m back to my normal self and normal strength now, but I also know that this week is the week that my nausea may be coming back. I’m hoping that doesn’t affect too many of my workouts. And I’m really hoping that I won’t lose as much momentum as I did this last time. I really want to be moving things forward, and it’s hard to do that when I take 1 step forward and 2 steps back.