Monthly Archives: August 2019

This Is Another Quick Post (or I’m Tired, Burned Out, And Still Blogging)

Sorry that this going to be a super quick post. I have a few things I want to write about, but I honestly don’t have the time right now to blog. I am in the middle of doing multiple election-related projects and those are taking up a lot of my time. It’s exhausting and there are a few things that have to be done in a more roundabout way than I would have liked, but it’s still awesome and I love it. Plus, I am learning so much with both union politics/policies as well as random skill sets. It’s a crash course in lots of different things and it’s a lot.

There’s no question that I’m running on empty right now. I just finished a project for the slate that ended up being a bit more time consuming than we expected but it was worth it in the end. And we learned a lot of lessons from how we got in done in how we can accomplish the same thing next time a lot easier next election cycle. A lot of it has to do with how we prepare different files or how we share things between those of us that create different social media posts or graphics. While this type of work has been done in past election cycles, we are taking things to a new level and it’s amazing to be one of the leaders taking that on.

But because of all that work, I haven’t had time to sit down and so my blogging like I normally do. Most of my blogs this week were prepped before the week started. I hadn’t planned this one out earlier and was hoping something during the week would inspire me. And there was something that did, but I never had the time to sit down and write. I am writing this very late Thursday night when I honestly should be sleeping. I debated about not having a post go out today or having one go out late, but I would rather just get something up than to miss it. This is my commitment to myself and I want to honor it.

And like I’ve said before on here, I take pride in being honest and truthful when I’m not having the best moments. While this time of stress and burnout isn’t necessarily putting me in a bad place, it is causing me to have a hard time with some of the things I want to do. I am stressing out when I try to plan how to I can fit everything into my day. I just want to sit on my couch and nap or watch tv. I will get to do that soon (hopefully tonight), but there wasn’t time for me to do that or to have the time to write the post I wanted to before this post was going to go up.

I know that my schedule will continue to be crazy throughout the month as the election season continues. I’m going to try to work on getting posts ready to go when I do have breaks in my week or over the weekend if I have some downtime. The downtime is limited, but I need to just work hard at taking advantage of it when I can. But for now, I just have to keep pushing along and know that I’m working hard for things that I care very deeply about and hope that it pays off in the end. And that will make all the exhaustion worth it.

A Birthday Month Challenge (or Education And Celebration)

While every month is exciting for me now because it’s the start of a new monthly challenge for me, this month is extra exciting because it’s the start of my birthday month! I don’t have any grand plans for my birthday this year, but that actually fits with what my monthly challenge is this month. But first, a quick recap of my monthly challenge from last month.

I did a bit of a cheat last month and used the monthly challenge to work on something I had already started but wasn’t focusing on the way I had hoped. I wanted to spend the month working on the Brain Over Binge course and following the schedule the way it was set. While I had been doing all of the lessons, listening to all the different lectures, and filling out the worksheets; I wasn’t doing them throughout the week. I had been doing them in one or two days and just fitting all the lessons back to back. My challenge was to try to spread them out the way they were intended to be done.

Well, that didn’t quite work out for me. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to do that, but my schedule just isn’t in a place right now to let me do that. I think I underestimated how much time my union election work would take and there were plenty of days where I wouldn’t have time to even watch tv to try to decompress a bit. I started to stress myself out a bit that I wasn’t able to follow the schedule and then I realized that doing the lessons in one day isn’t the worst thing. The most important thing is that I’m doing them. And since I am downloading all the work, I can do it again with the spread-out schedule when my time isn’t as crazy.

Since I know this month is going to be just as crazy with union election work, I didn’t want to set myself up for failure with a big monthly challenge. But I still wanted something fun for my birthday month. And when I was listening to a podcast last week, I was inspired by something the hosts were saying about why they didn’t like the idea of having fancy dishes that you never used. Every day should feel like a celebration and you shouldn’t fear using nice things because it doesn’t feel like a special enough day.

So for my birthday month, I want to celebrate every single day. Every day is special and deserves to be recognized. I don’t know exactly how I will celebrate every day, but I will not let myself think that I shouldn’t do something because it is not a special enough day. If someone wants to go out for a fun dinner, I won’t say no because it’s a Tuesday or that I don’t feel fancy. I’ll celebrate that we are going out. I want to be in a celebratory mindset for this month and hopefully for beyond that.

I know this isn’t the biggest challenge and it really doesn’t require much for me to accomplish it, but it seems very fitting for my birthday month and it seems like something that would be a good thing to have as a part of my life. I shouldn’t be putting things on hold or hoping for the right time to do something. If I want to do something and have the ability to do so, I should do it. And that’s what I plan on doing this month.