Monthly Archives: October 2015

Another Meeting of Mentees (Social Hour and Not Business Hour)

On Monday after my epic doctor afternoon we had another meeting of the mentees of my Women In Film mentoring group. I was really happy that the meeting was that evening because it gave me something to look forward to while nervous about all the pain from the medical stuff. And I tried to focus on that while in the middle of each thing (sometimes focus can help me not pass out with shots, but it’s not a guarantee).

This meeting ended up being a bit small. We try to figure out when a majority of the group can make it, but everyone is really busy and with all of us being creative types sometimes last-minute schedule conflicts come up. But even with a small group, we still get what we need out of the group.

We started as a more social gathering than anything else, but that’s maybe because we were waiting to see who else might be coming. Once we realized that everyone who could be there was there, we went around the group sharing what we had done over the past few weeks since our last meeting with our mentors.

Sometimes when we do that, I feel a bit pathetic. It always seems like everyone else has amazing updates while I just have my same old things to say. And I know that it’s because many of the other women in the group (and almost everyone who made it this Monday) are writers so they are able to control their work a bit more than I can. They can always start a new script while it’s not as easy for me to find a new project to act in or put together my own project.

My updates are pretty simple but even with the little things, my fellow mentees are very excited for me. They love that I won my delegate seat for the SAG-AFTRA Convention and that I’ll be there all weekend this weekend (I’ll share some posts about that next week). And I told them a bit about the blogger conference I was at recently and how I think that will improve my blog in the long run. Their excitement about my baby steps makes me feel better about what I’ve gotten done.

After we all went around and shared our updates, gave advice, and cheered each other on; we were back in social mode. I know I keep saying this, but I love that we’ve gotten to become friends and we can have a lot of fun at our gatherings. It doesn’t feel like there’s ever pressure to impress each other (even though I put that pressure on myself) and I feel more like I’m spending the evening with friends instead of a networking/goal accomplishing group. I think the best goal accomplishing groups are made of friends, and I love that we have organically become that.

It makes me wish that I had made a bit more effort with the 2 girls who showed up regularly with my original mentoring group. I think that if I had tried a bit more, we could have created something great among ourselves even if our fellow mentees didn’t come to meetings or we didn’t have regular meetings with our mentors. But knowing that I can do this now motivates me to continue doing this in the future.

I know that my current mentee group is going to continue meeting after the official mentoring time is done. At our next mentee meeting, I think we are going to set up the plans for how we want to keep this going for the long run. I’m glad that everyone else seems to be on the same page as me, because every time I meet with these women I feel more and more grateful that I was placed in a group with such like-minded women and that they have encouraged me to better myself without pushing me or making me feel less than.

A Full Doctor Afternoon (or Pain and More Pain)

I’m trying to be a good health advocate for myself. I take the medicines I need to take on a regular schedule (I have an app that helps me with that), I go to all of my annual doctors appointments, and I follow all of the recommendations that I can that my doctors make.

Sometimes, these recommendations aren’t fun, but I still try to do them anyway. And this past Monday, I did a bunch of not so fun doctor things all in one day.

First up was my mammogram. While my mom’s geneticist recommended a baseline mammogram (which I did last year) and then start annual ones when I’m 40, my hospital had the recommendation to do annual ones starting now. The one I did last year was pretty painful, so this year I took a painkiller before going in.

Because of a patient issue, the hospital was running about an hour behind, so I had a long wait in the waiting room. There were a lot of other women waiting too, and we all started talking. We had a pretty nice chat and soon enough it was my turn to go in.

Mammogram Time

The mammogram was still painful (the technician told me that it’s likely that it will always be this painful for me or possibly get worse in the future), but it was over pretty quickly. And fortunately, I’ve already gotten an email from my doctor that I had normal results.

After the mammogram, I moved over to the medical offices next door for my next painful doctor recommendation.


I knew I needed a flu shot since I get them each year. But I usually can get the nasal spray vaccine from either the medical offices or one of my jobs. I hate needles, so the nasal spray vaccine is a great option for me. But this year, nobody seems to have the nasa spray. So if I wanted to get a vaccine, it would have to be one with a needle.

I also needed my tetanus booster. My last tetanus shot was less than 10 years ago, but there are some discrepancies in my medical record on what shot I got (with whooping cough or without) so it was recommended that I get a booster shot earlier than necessary to make sure I’m covered.

I’m happy to announce that I didn’t faint with the shots. I did start to black out, but I never completely passed out. The shots weren’t fun, but I got them done quickly.

Double Shots

The only bad thing that happened was it turns out that I’m the rare case who gets pretty significant flu-like symptoms after the flu shot. The night I got my flu shot, I woke up in the middle of the night sweating like crazy and with a really high fever. The entire day after the flu shot I was like a zombie. I barely could stay awake during work.

But I was able to nap after work from 3-7pm and then went to bed at 9pm and slept until 7am the next morning. All that sleep did help, but I’m still feeling a bit off. I’m sure in a day or two I’ll be totally better, but it still wasn’t fun to feel so out of it for a few days.

Even with the flu shot making me sick, it’s totally worth getting the vaccination. What I dealt with is way less severe than the real flu.

And at least I don’t have to do any more shots or mammograms (hopefully) for another year.