Monthly Archives: July 2013

A Moment Of Self-Consciousness (or Did I Look Like A Newbie?)

Yesterday I went to my spin class. I hadn’t been to this particular class time in about a week or two (I’ve had a bit of a crazy schedule).

The class was great and I really felt the workout this time. I pushed myself a lot harder than I’m comfortable doing (that’s the point of class) and I know that I was sweating like crazy.

I felt amazing after class. I knew I worked really hard and I’m feeling a lot stronger (I still have to do the entire class sitting down due to my hip, but I’m working on it).

I was sitting on a bench outside of class changing out of my bike shoes into my flip-flops when a guy who was in class with me came up to me. He congratulated me on getting through class. I said thank you and continued to get ready to head home. Then two more people came up to me and said that I did a good job in class.

It was kind of weird. Did they think that I was having a tough time in class and needed the encouragement? Did they think that this was my first class? Did I look like I didn’t belong?

I hate having these doubting thoughts in my head, but I can’t help it. I’ve had a tough time finding a place where I’m comfortable working out and not feeling like a freak. Even though I’m probably the heaviest person in the spin class, the employees there make me feel incredibly welcome (even giving me ideas of restaurants near my work that does take-out). And most of the time, I feel like everyone else there.

But with all those people coming up to me after class, I felt like an outsider. I know that there is a chance that they were just being polite and friendly to me, but it almost felt patronizing.

I’m not going to let this get to me. It’s taken me a long time to find a workout that I actually love (and not just tolerate). Maybe next time that someone comes up to me and says something like that, I’ll try to engage them in a conversation and not just say thank you. I should congratulate them for kicking butt in class too. It is an accomplishment that not everybody can do.

And I really should be proud of myself for doing it no matter how hard it is or how much of the class I have to do sitting down.

Ms In The Biz Picnic (or Spending My Day Off With Some Awesome Women)

This past Sunday, there was a picnic at Griffith Park for the writers of Ms In The Biz. Even though it was my only day off and I had a bunch of errands to run, I didn’t want to miss this. I’m trying to be more social in life (it’s easy to be a hermit outside of work when I’m working so many days a week), and this was a perfect opportunity for me to get out and enjoy the outside and great company.

This picnic was held at the same area as the Blognic, so I knew where I was going (which is nice is a huge park). It was pretty hot outside, but we had a nice shady spot in the grass so it wasn’t as bad as I thought it might be.

I didn’t take a ton of pictures because all of us were having such a nice chat about lots of random subjects, but I did get a picture of me with Ms In The Biz founder, Helenna.


Please excuse my giant hair. With it being so hot, I’m trying to not use any heat tools in my hair. Not only is it damaging, but I feel no need to make my house hotter than it already is.

Some people brought their lunches with them (as we were instructed to do in the invite), but for me, it was too hot to eat. So I brought a giant bottle of ice water and some pita chips to share with the other ladies.

After being there a few hours, sadly I had to leave. I knew that I had a lot of errands to get done before my work week started and I didn’t want to be up all night trying to get it all done.

Thank you Helenna for organizing the picnic! I had a blast and it was the perfect thing for me to do on my day off!

I’ll end this post with this random photo that I took at the picnic while I was showing one of the other girls my camera. I love when I take a candid photo and it comes out looking so cool. And I feel like this picture really represents the vibe of Ms In The Biz. We are women in the entertainment industry trying to help each other out and having fun while doing it.


Another Disney Day (or Making Disneyland A Book Nerd’s Dream)

Despite the crazy heat wave that LA is going through right now, this past Friday I had another outing at Disneyland. But this time was pretty special for a few reasons. First of all, this was pretty much the last time I could go until the summer was over due to my pass having so many blackout days. But the second (and more important) reason why this trip to Disneyland was so special was because of who came with me.


Do you recognize this person who is over the moon excited to be on It’s A Small World? It’s Lindsey Kelk!! When we had our lunch a while back, we discussed our mutual love of Disneyland. So when she knew she was coming back to LA, we made plans to go down to Anaheim and have an awesome day!

I wore a new Disney shirt to the park that day. I found this one while getting some workout clothes from Old Navy, and it was perfect for a hot day.


We went on a ton of rides while we were there. Inside the rides was one of the few places that were air-conditioned, so that was pretty nice. The only ride that Lindsey insisted that we go on was It’s A Small World. She had always wanted to go on it, and the only other time she was at Disneyland it was closed. Since I normally don’t go on that ride, the song wasn’t as annoying as you’d think it would be. And again, I was enjoying the air conditioning too much to mind (I actually wouldn’t have hated it if we got stuck inside just to stay cool).

I didn’t bring a hat with me to the park because I really wanted to buy a Disneyland hat. I don’t have one, and even though I don’t wear hats all the time, it’s nice to have a couple of options. At the same hat store, Lindsey bought a few gifts and got herself these really cute Minnie Mouse ear hair clips!


We also had to get a character picture. Lindsey has a new book coming out this week and her publishers wanted her to take some photos of her book traveling the country. We looked for Mickey, but he was hiding, so we stalked Pluto to get some photos.


And then I jumped in for one.


We did make it into California Adventure for a few rides, but only stayed there for about an hour before heading back to LA.

I had an amazing time! Not only was it Disneyland (which I pretty much always love), but I got to hang out with a pretty awesome person as well! And since it was so hot, Lindsey and I have already made plans to go to Disneyland in the winter. It will be a lot cooler then, plus the Haunted Mansion and It’s A Small World will have their holiday overlays on the rides.

I know that I’m totally getting my money’s worth out of my Disneyland pass. It was a good investment for me this year. And I know that I’ll be going a few more times after the summer is over.

Seriously, mixing Disneyland and one of my favorite authors really did make things amazingly awesome! Sometimes I have to pinch myself because I’m so lucky!